
Initiation - Part 2

Now, all the first-year students were standing the cliff, which is overlooking emerald forest. Next to them, Glynda and Ozpin were standing with them holding a tablet and a mug respectively.

" For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest. " Ozpin informed the students

" Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the teams' assignments. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... today. " Glynda said

Ozpin followed Glynda words " These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well. That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years."

When Ozpin finished talking, Many students starting talking to each or fussing like Ruby. Ozpin didn't care and proceeded to take a sip of his Mug. When the mug approached his lips, a sudden invisible force pushed the mug. The coffee now covered ozpin clothes and hair.

All the students looked weirdly at Ozpin. Mesa started laughing loudly and said " Sir, even if you like coffee too much, You shouldn't drink too fast. If I didn't know better i would have said you want to shower in coffee."

After hearing Mesa's words, the students forgot about the teams assignment and were focused on the awkward standing Ozpin. Glynda was visibly angry as she had a good idea how Ozpin ended like that. As for Mesa's Victim, only his eye twitched a little before talked like nothing happened " I shall pay more attention in the future Mr Uchiha. Cough!! Cough!! After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... or you will die. You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. Now, take your positions."

Everyone took different poses with the exception of Mesa and Jaune. Mesa simply had the same easy going look on his face as if he didn't care. While Jaune said " Umm… S-Sir .. I have a question". Ozpin looked at Jaune.

On the other hand, Glynda was starting at Mesa. She didn't like him, his atitude so far and disrespectful behaviour of his angered her to no end. When she saw him standing and paying attention at all. Her anger exploded. She activated the jump pad below the students and sent them flying. Jaune couldn't ask Ozpin what he wanted as he was sent flying with the others.

Unlike the show, All the students were launched at once instead of 1 by 1. Ozpin looked at Glynda, who in return looked at him and said " I couldn't take it. Someday, I might attempt to kill that demon "

" He is just a child " Ozpin said,

Glynda retorted " Just a child ? That guy is a killer Ozpin. How many time do I have to tell you that letting him in is a stupid decision? He killed students, he killed huntsmen, and even though we don't know how many, i know it is not a small number. He is extremely dangerous". Glynda couldn't understand what is Ozpin thinking. They know they so called child a cold blooded killer and he is very dangerous. But ignored that.

Ozpin could only sigh and prey Mesa will fix his atitude around her. Her opinion of him is getting worse with the passing time.

Ozpin decided to forget about Glynda and watch the students. The students had started finding their partners already. Some still searching. In general, everything is ok.

He then noticed Jaune sitting next to a tree groaning while Pyrrha standing next to him. Jaune had his shoulder dislocated because of the impact. Since everyone were launched together, Pyrrha couldn't save him in time like the show.

Glynda frowned and asked Ozpin " I wonder how mr Ark managed to reach this stage. His self-esteem and behaviour don't belong to a huntsman in training. And his skills seem is not any better "

Ozpin didn't say anything. He continued to change the view and observ the students. Then he realised something important. He said " Glynda, mr Uchiha is missing. I'm unable to find him on any camera"

" I told you letting him here is bad idea" Glynda said with a frown.

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While all the students busying themselves in the test and the two monitors trying to find Mesa. Mesa was in Vale, He was currently at a sweets shop eating ice cream.

[ They are probably looking for me now. I wonder what will be there reaction if they know what I'm doing ….. Hahaha. Let the teams and partners finalize. I will join them later. ]

While Mesa was enjoying his time. He saw a familiar figure leaving the shop. It was Neo, Roman's partner in crime. She was currently using her semblance to hide her identity, but unlucky for her, Mesa eyes could easily see through the illusions. Mesa stood up and followed Neo with An evil smile on his face.

Neo didn't notice anyone following her, she continued walking to her destination. After few minutes, Neo stood in front of an old warehouse. Mesa from the shadows could tell the warehouse filled with people. Neo disappeared from the view as she entered the warehouse. Mesa just continue following.

Inside the warehouse, Roman was ordering his goons around. They were moving the stolen dust to huge container.

" Work faster, we have a lot of dust to steel and little time on our hands. Oh Neo, welcome back. Hope you enjoyed your off time. We will have another operation tonight " Roman said.

" What do we have here? A lot of dust, few cockroaches, a rat and a cute little beauty. Did I miss anything?" Mesa words were heard louds and clear.

When Roman looked at the voice owner, to become instantly angry, he said " It's you again brat! "

" Roman my friend!! How is it going? I feel like i didn't see you in ages!!! You have no idea how much i missed you !!" Mesa looked like he found an old lost friend

" Who's your friend?! How did find this place? " Roman asked angrily

" So cold! You broke my heart. Hey, cutie, my heart is bleeding. Why don't you comfort me?" Mesa faked his tears as he looked at Roman and Neo.

" You know what ?! nevermind, GET HIM!!!" as Roman said that, all his goon pulled out their weapons and ran toward Mesa.

Mesa in return simply raised his hand and spoke softly " Shinra Tensei ". All the goons sent flying hitting the walls and drop out cold.

Roman started to have a bad feeling when saw the sight. While Neo was immediately wary of Mesa. She took a fighting stance and prepared for the battle. Roman followed her example and prepared to fight.

Mesa didn't bother with Roman to much as he directed his hand at Roman intending to repeat the same move again. Roman realised that and tried to protect himself, the result was; his efforts were in vain. Roman was pushed toward the container, the impact knocked him out and left a dent in the container.

Neo looked angrily at Mesa and dashed at him. When she was 3 foot away from him, she attacked with her parasol vertically. Mesa simply stepped to the side while smiling. Neo seeing how Mesa dodged her, she followed him with a horizontal kick. Mesa caught her foot and throw her toward the wooden boxes. Neo used her hands to do an acrobatic backward flip. However before her legs could touch the ground, two hands extended, one catching her from thigh while the other surrounded her waist. Then she was pulled back.

When Neo's body stopped moving, she was now in sitting position. Mesa had her sitting on his lap while he was sitting on a wooden box. He had one of his hands around her waist while the other holding Neo's. He then leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.

Neo froze not understanding what was going on. Mesa separated his lips from hers and said " little cutie, your lips tasted better than my original expectation. And yes, This is a sexual harassment … hehehe"

Neo blushed then became angry, She started to struggling. But, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't escape Mesa's clutches.

Mesa smiled wider and said " Well dear, you don't have to get angry. And don't worry, I won't hand you to the police now. You see, I still want to have fun with you. But luckily for you, I'm short on time here. So, I will let you leave now, and will collect you later"

Once Mesa finished talking he knocked Neo out and threw her on the ground. He stood while laughing [ That was a good entertainment. I believe it has been an hour since the beginning of the initiation. Time to Head back ]

He then disappeared into a spiral.