
RWBY: Grimm Fall

Zephyr Clasmen finds himself in a forest one day in a body that is not his, with no memory of how he got there, only that he is in the world of a show he watched online, he pursues a peaceful life in the forest, slaying Grimm and surviving. But when his actions to the local Grimm population causes him to be noticed by a silver haired man with a scarf (*cough cough* Ozpin *cough cough*) he is captured and given a chance to live the life of a Huntsman in training. Now in the middle of the plot of RWBY, he must survive his harsh training at the hands of Ozpin and the other teachers at Beacon, and also try to get along with his new team. This is the story of a young boy with a talent for killing and how the Grimm fell at his knees.

Wizard_Of_Oz · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The worlds shortest interrogation

I breathed in and out.

Each breath, taking in air that filled my lungs.

But with each breath, came exhaustion.

The battle was hard and long.

These Creatures of Grimm were a lot more powerful than expected, and I had made an oversight in my initial inspection.

They were a lot older than I had originally thought and were a lot smarter as well.

I was too confident and had paid the price.

But now I had another problem.

The Huntsman and Huntresses.




For several long seconds, I was frozen in confusion at what to do, I wanted to run, but that also meant having them chase me, and because there already seen me it wouldn't be hard to assume that they would send more Huntsman to find out what I was.

I didn't really understand what I was, but I had a few theories on the matter.

At first thought I was some kind of Faunus, but after my first few encounters with humans, I figured I was some kind of Grimm Human hybrid. This theory was further proven when I was hunting deer and rabbits, and I could feel the fear coming of them, it was like a smell, I couldn't describe it, but it was nasty.

It was then I remembered that Grimm could sense negative emotions and from here, I connected the dots and just lived under the assumption that I was some sort of half Grimm.

"W-w-what are y-you" said one of the trainee Huntsman, he had short dirty blond hair and slightly tanned skin.

Before I made the mistake of answering him, tried to dash away, but I had no luck.

With a under like crack I stopped in my tracks as a small crater appeared in front of my feat.

*Gulp* I gulpped as I tried to suppress the fearfulness in my heart before it took form on my face.

"Aswer him" said a brown heard girl hat held a rifle in her hands, aiming it at my head with laser focus.

"I... I am Zephyr, w-what do you want from me?" I said, still struggling to suppress my fear.

some of the other trainees began to whisper to themselves, although I couldn't hear them over the sound of my hear beating in my ears.

"We want answers, now put your hands up or well shoot... Amber go and tie him up" ordered the dirty blond-haired Huntsman.

As I slowly raised my hands as the Huntress named Amber, slowly but surely, tired my hands together and then proceeded to tie me to a tree.

(Time Skip)

It's been a few hours since they tied me up and my scenery has changed slightly.

Around me, soldiers were stationed and had there guns trained on me, and in front of me were several people.

Four of them were the ones that I had saved and he other three were very new to me, but also very familiar.

One was a woman, her name was Glynda Goodwitch, Glynda appears to be a middle-aged woman that has very light-blonde hair tied back in a bun with a curl hanging down the right side of her face. Her eyes are bright green and she wears thin ovular glasses.

She wears a white long-sleeved, pleated top that has a wide keyhole neckline and gauntlet cuffs that flare in pleats at the wrist. Her lower body is covered by a black high-waisted pencil skirt with bronze buttons and black-brown stockings.

The other person was a man by the name of Ozpin, Ozpin looked like a middle-aged man with tousled silver hair and thin brown eyes. He has a light complexion and sharp facial features. Interestingly, Ozpin has black eyebrows, suggesting that he may have had black hair when he was younger.

He wears shaded glass spectacles and a small, purple, cross-shaped pin on the cowl around his neck. His outfit mainly consists of an unzipped black suit over a dark green, buttoned vest and green shirt. He also wears black trouser shoes and long, dark-green pants.

The last person was also a man, he was named James Ironwood, Ironwood is a well dressed and clean individual, much like Ozpin. He wears a white overcoat, with a gray undercoat, black sweater, a red necktie and a white glove on his right hand. His suit pants share the same color as his overcoat and are tucked into silver boots accented in gray.

These were some very dangerous people to be around, especially if my theory about being a half Grimm was correct.

Ozpin was the first to talk "so, you say your name is Zephyr... That's a very interesting name, who gave it to you?" he asked while sitting down in one of the tree chairs in front of me, Ironwood and Goodwitch cat in the others.

"..." I looked around at the guns that were pointed at me "Lower the guns, then I'll answer you" I said with a calm expression.

Ozpin looked towards the soldiers and nodded, all the soldiers then lower their guns slowly and very hesitantly.

"Now, who gave you the name?" Ozpin asked again.

"... No one, I just know it's my name... What about you three, what's yours?" I asked, looking at the displeased face of Ironwood and the sceptical look of miss Glynda.

"My name is professor Ozpin, I am the Headmaster of Beacon academy, a place where Huntsman and Huntresses train and learn to fight the Creatires of Grimm, these are my good friends Glynda Goodwitch, the Deputy Headmistress of Beacon Academy, and this is General Ironwood, head on the Atlas Military." he said adjusting his glasses "we are here because these Huntsman and Huntresses, which are students of mine, were here to investigate stories of a monster that kills Grimm" he explained.

"Well Im not a monster, I'm... Something, just not a monster, as far as I know I could be a Faunus of some kind or a..." as I tried to explain the other possibility, the words vanished from my mind, as if trying to save me from what could happen if I said it.

"Or a what?" asked Ozpin, taking a sip out of a mug of coffee that seemed to come out of nowhere.

"*sigh* Or... I'm a creature of Grimm"