
Rwby:A Sembalance of Enchantment (Archived version)

------Being completely rewritten, this is the Archived version------

ZeOwl · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Initiation pt2

Grabbing the gold Bishop, and finding the other already missing. We found Emerald waiting by a wall with the other one. "So you finally decided to show up, slowing Cinder down I see."

"What if she was the one slowing me down."

"Shut up both of you."

Cinder walked off, Neo followed leaving me and Emerald behind for a second.

"So did you see anyone else?"

"Nope, I think everyone else got either lost or attacked by Grim."

"Sucks...to be them."

After that we left, getting back to the start to wrap things up. Having no action kind of sucked, I wanted to test a few enchantments on the grim. Best to try them now than later kind of deal.

"Cinder seems more off than normal. Did you do something?"

"Pfft! Why are you worried? Cinder is a big girl. If she has a problem she can handle it herself. Unless! Gasp! Are you perhaps jealous, wishing I Grabbed you by the ass and twirled you around in a overly dramatic dance number?"

"What? I..What?"

"Exactly, I didn't actually do anything we just talked."


"Me mostly. Had to keep the narcissism alive and all that."

She looked at me with concern in her eyes. I just sped up, her look had made me a little nervous. Like she was both doubting my words, but also completely believing them. It was an odd feeling. Catching up with Cinder and Neo was a simple enough task.

I found the two standing by a very large feather. A grim feather, which was weird. "I have a question, how do Grim shed hair or feathers, but disappear into ash when killed. Does the Shed body parts also disappear or do they stay around?"

Neo shrugged, Cinder gave me a response. However it wasn't a very useful one. "You would have to ask Salem, or keep the feather as a souvenir and kill the Nevermore it came from to see if it does disappear."

I frowned, and Neo giggled. Finding enjoyment in my annoyance. Not much I could do to hunt down the Nevermore to test what Cinder said. I wasn't even sure if I could kill a Nevermore without my instant kill enchants. leaving the large feather behind we made it back to the cliff side easily.

Unfortunately waiting for the everyone else had taken some time. Some idiot seemed to finish before us. He kept making jokes about faunus to his friends at one point mimicking my horns and making retard face. I would remember him and break his legs later. When he looked over I just smiled. At least that lasted until he called out to me.

"What do you think you are looking at."

"Just watching some insecure pups make themselves look like a bunch of morons giving themselves congratulatory hand jobs for their absolutely stunning performance of a faunus."

The main guy just sputter closing his hand into a fist slightly. I smiled, "Don't grip you dick too hard. Well unless your a masochist that is? I respect your kinks man, we all need a load off with all these grim around."

I didn't actually encounter any grim, but with the fact he had beaten us here. I could only expect he also didn't see any grim.

"Fuck you! You are gonna get your teeth kick in..."

"OoOoO! What a comeback! I feel scathed by the very idea."

Emerald tapped my shoulder, joining in my remarks only briefly. "Stop antagonizing the wildlife. They may be animals, but they aren't smart enough to have personalities besides prejudiced."

"Fine, its just so boring!"

I followed Emerald away. I wasn't gonna bother with insulting the group of idiots anymore. I figured it was getting close to hypnotize Emerald again. Her coming over to talk to me made it clear she was growing to trust me and like me a little more. Using differing methods to manipulate others was important. I didn't want others to realize something was wrong by comparing notes or something.

None the less I had to work on Neo as well. I wasn't sure about what method I should use or test to control Neo. The method could be decided soon as once we got dorms I would have plenty of time to work on all the possible ways I could use my semblance.

I looked around, the Teacher's allowed us to leave once we got the 'relics' and established teammates. As long as we made it to the initiation ceremony and team delegation. Neo left, and Cinder stayed behind to watch who else shows up. So with Emerald alone with me and inside the forest still...

"Hey Emerald heck this out."

She looked back and raised an eyebrow. "What's up?"

"Enchant: Hypnotize."

Her eyes went blank and she slumped slightly. I nodded looking around once again. I picked up a rock, "Enchant: Detection, humans 50m, exclude Emerald and Myself."

The Rock didn't react and I tossed it, focusing on emerald once again. I was debating how I should do this. Beginning the commands I had, I start talking to the hypnotized Emerald. "Emerald how do you feel about me?"

"You are alright."

I rolled my eyes, "Am I your friend?"

"Yes, you are a friend. Surprisingly."

The bit of sarcasm she had while hypnotized was interesting. It made me curious, the fact that her hypnotized state could react with certain inflections meant she trusted me quite a bit. "How much do you trust me?"

"Enough to believe you are an ally."

Her phrasing was interesting, but didn't really answer what I wanted. "Would you trust me with a secret?"

"Yes, might as well. We will be stuck together."

I sighed, her responses were making me struggle. I figured I would just move on to putting a few mental commands on her. "Emerald every time you talk to me I want you to feel happy. Every time you feel happy in my presence, I want you to find reasons to get closer to me. If I do something you like, I want you to feel warm. Finally you will find my perverted actions endearing."

She didn't really do anything, not really reacting. I forgot how annoying hypnotizing people was. "Repeat back to me the commands I gave you."

"Every time I talk to you, I will feel happy. Every time I feel happy in your presence I will find a reason to get closer to you. If you do something I like, I will feel warm. Finally your perverted actions are endearing to me."

"Neat, you will not remember this conversation. You will think we had a talk about our friendship. You can wake up..."

Her eyes brightened again and she looked around. "I think I zoned out...What were you saying again? You said I am a good friend?"

"Yeah, though I think I gotta reconsider if you are zoning out. Not like it matters though. How do you feel, you seem a little tired."

"Uh, Yeah! I am sorry. Though I feel oddly good despite that. Let's hurry up. No point in waiting around Mars."

"Yeah, okay."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me through the trees. Not what I expected, but it seemed the enchantments worked. She was walking a little fast, but I kept up fine. She dragged me toward the auditorium. To seemingly be ready for the initiation ceremony. Perhaps my semblance worked too well. I felt this was a little fast...