
Rwby:A Sembalance of Enchantment (Archived version)

------Being completely rewritten, this is the Archived version------

ZeOwl · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Initiation pt1

Following the teachers to an outside area were multiple launch pads. I was pretty sure they were supposed to be placed on a airship. The whole thing seemed horrible unsafe.

Ozpin started talking, "First Step onto the metal plates."

I stepped onto mine along with everybody else. I stood next to Neo and Emerald as the second person in a little squad. Once everyone was on the plates Ozpin begun again.

"For years you have trained to be warriors. Today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald forest."

I looked at Emerald and smiled, she did not like the fact I compared her name to the forest it seemed. I kept quiet as Goodwitch continued Ozpin's words. "Many of you have heard the rumor of assignment of teams. Allow us to put those rumors to bed. Each of you will be given teammates today."

Ruby mumbled some worry and I think I could hear Jaune sigh as well, but she was to far for me.

"These teammates will be paired with you for the rest of your time here. The first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years. After you partnered up, make your way to the northern part of the forest. You will meet Opposition on your way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything on your way or...You will die."

I could only role my eyes, telling this to the people you are tying to make into soldiers seemed a little stupid. Essentially letting kids die like this was how you made enemies like Hazel. His motivation to kill Ozpin over his sister's death made a lot more sense to me. It was still a stupid reason to want to kill Ozpin, but hey...Not like it was my place to judge. Ozpin only continued during my mental monologue.

"You will be monitored and graded for the duration of your initiation. The Instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of path containing several relics. Each pair must chose one and make their way to the top of the cliff. You will guard that relic and your standing where you will be graded appropriately. Any questions? Good."

He didn't even give us a chance to ask a question. Jaune still asked her question though. I was unsure what he said, because I was already launched into the sky. I was not prepared to land what so ever. I briefly wondered how everyone would land. I activated my aura and slowed my decent using the feather falling I previously placed on my clothes.

"So useful..."

As I slowed I looked for where the other three landed. I saw Cinder fall to the west of me, but I didn't actually know her landing area. I dropped down onto a tree and begun my way across the forest. I could already hear gun fire and yelling, so someone had encountered Grim already. Marching my way over to the only direction I could go...

"Where are you going? Come we need to go to that temple. Unless you want to stand around and stare?"

I turned and saw Cinder, she had apparently made her way to me within the short amount of time i floated down. Which made sense I guess, it just never occurred to me she was fast. "I could stare certainly, however I think you mean stare at the environment and not you?"

She frowned, "Of course I meant your surroundings. Let's just go." She marched off in front of me. I could only smile as I could then admire the view. She stopped and turned once again...

"You lead the way, i can feel your eyes."

"You can feel my eyes on your behind? That's adorable." I walked ahead of her and she glared at me like I was a prisoner. I wanted to dance as I could actually feel the enchantment on her actually work. I didn't know what it would do honestly, but it was still great knowing.

Cinder broke the silence between us, "Why are there no Grim?"

"I used an enchantment...its called grim repellent. Its good to know it works."

"Interesting, would you be willing to use your semblance on something?"

i stopped, I figured Neo might've asked. However I didn't expect Cinder to ask, "I will do just about anything for money Cinder, Except two things."

She sighed, "And what are they?"

"I don't know if that was rhetorical, but I was pretty sure it was obvious... I am going to answer anyway though to establish that I'm not gonna do it." I cleared my throat, "I won't ever sell service or sex. Service as in enchanting and Sex is pretty obvious I don't like the idea of prostitution."

She actually surprised at the second part, "Who would buy sex off you?"

I shrugged, "Eh it only ever happened once and it was an old lady. She was an ugly ass hag, scariest customer I ever had in my shop."

"An old lady?"

"Yeah, besides its not uncommon for people to sell their bodies in some of the worse parts of remnant. Pretty sure there was these one set of aristocratic families who bought and sold slaves. However sometimes there was the odd volunteer among them that liked people using them."

"How do you know about that?"

I could only shrug again, "Sometimes I left Vale to deliver an antique or check on one of the subsidiary stores. Just before you picked me up however I hired a girl to do the travel work for me. What about you Cinder? You ever had to service people?"


I was spooked by her, but realized the problem. "Sorry phrasing, I mean have you ever worked in a service industry job. You do seem pretty prim and proper. I wanted to know if you worked a normal job or if you"

She paused, clearly debating whether or not she should answer or not. "I was once in service of someone... I left that life thankfully, however I still have a hard time accepting my past."

With how she left it I stayed silent. I wanted to ask how she met Salem then...but we came up on the 'temple and relics'. I didn't get the chance to get her to elaborate or tell me anything else. I wanted more of her story. I wasn't sure if she would tell me if I asked, and I didn't have to test the hypnotism to know she would resist it. I could only sigh, and wait until a different time.