
RWBY: A New Start... Kinda?

Here your Dear Author, Now, Don´t worry, i am the original author Nick Polo. So, Long Story short, bullshit happened and i am currently moving my fanfic here to this account. Going to be working on new chapters soon, if Honkai Star rail new Event Let me of course, welp without further ado, Here you have it Folks~. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, let’s get this straight: 1 - I didn´t ask to reincarnate, but someone said F*ck it and did it anyway 2 - I didn´t want to fight for my life at any corner, but someone said F*ck it and put me in a world fill to the brim with monsters 3 - I didn´t want to look girly, but someone said F*ck it and now i look like a white haired princess ... Ok, so, who I have to kill first to deal with this bullsh*t? --------------------------------------------------------------- A man wakes up in the slumps of a strangely sci-fi looking city, were dark monsters attack humans, there is a second race that is constantly target for racism for no actually important reason, and the moon looks like a car crash on it and it broke apart. Here comes Nick, to try and find a simple and fulfilling live in the world of remnant.... or at least that is the original plan.

NickThePrinnyDood · Anime & Comics
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A Common School Initiation Process… I Think?

After the long, and suddenly disgusting travel, the three siblings arrive at the entrance of Beacon

<RUBY> Wow~

<YANG> Heh~ what a view, you could see the entire Vale from here~

<NICK> Seems like the guy overcompensating for something, maybe his wife left him because he wasn´t big enough?

Each one of them with a, almost, wonderful first impression of the academy, now walking towards the gate of the place where they will be living for the next few years "Soo, what should we do now sis-… Jesus" Nick turned to his sisters already ahead of him, while Ruby had stars in her eyes while looking at other weapons"

<NICK> You know that everyone can see you fan girl mode in its full splendor there, right sis?

<RUBY> Eh?

And then she turned around and saw a few other students giggling a bit while looking at her "Ah! Oh, hehe~" with a face as red as her cape, she turned around just to not look to others "No need to be embarrassed you know, just be yourselves and everything will be fine, it worked for me~"

<YANG> And you have no friends or acquaintance, not even in the neighborhood or signal since the day you arrive, it really worked for you Nicky

<NICK> Its their problem if they cannot compare to my incredible personality

<YANG> And your taste for clothes


"Hey, I resent that, my clothes are amazing" Yang and Ruby just ignored those words continue looking around "Ok, son from this point we need to go to the main hall, the Entrance ceremony will be held there"

<NICK> The nerve to just leave me hanging like that

"But you know, ignoring the fashion comment, I think it's better if you two try to get Friends of your own you know" Now it was Nicks and Rubys time to look at Yang weirdly, both saying "Why would we need friends we have each other??"

<YANG> First because I don't want my baby brother and sister to be some loners just because of social anxiety


<YANG> and second is because my friend already saw me so I will be going with them, see ya~

Yang left with a group of people, living the two alone in the middle of the path "Wait, Yang!? Where are you going!?"

<NICK> Said it before, the nerve of that girl

"…what do we do now Nicky?" Ruby was nervous, not really having anyone other than him and her sister, Nick kept thinking a bit, what Yang and their dad said before is true, but what Nick said is also true, Nick is outgoing, maybe a bit to much, and while he is not insensitive to ignore people that he doesn´t like, he tends to pay more attention only to those that he sees as friend, while just keeping an ear to those strangers that try to interact with him, while Ruby is somewhat like that, but she is more of a nerve wreck when trying to speak with someone new, not knowing what to say or how to answer some questions, fortunately she made a few friends in signal, and while they could be counted with one hand, that is far better than Nick´s. "For now, we should go in, we need to go to this ceremony, come on"

<RWBY> Right behind yo- Wa!

<??> Kya!

*bump* Someone bumped in Ruby while she was looking around, letting down some luggage filled with some strange powder


<RUBY> Eh? Eh?

Both Nick and Ruby turned to see a girl with the color White being her predominant Theme, maybe a family thing? Not that mattered but… what was this girl talking about? "What would you have done if it caused a mayor accident, you dolt!"

<RUBY> Eh? But you where the one who bump into me…

<??> In the first place why are you in the middle of the path, can you see that you are getting in everyone's wa-

<NICK> Ok white, stop right there, first of all, this is your fault for not looking in front of you.

<??> Excuse me!? I will let you kno- Eh?

The girl that turned to look at Nick stopped her words once she saw him, but that didn't stop him "Second, how the hell could we be getting in the way of anyone, the path is at least 10 meters wide" the girl hasn´t say anything, she was still looking at him with a strange face, while Ruby was looking at the possible content of the luggage "Wait, is this? -"

"And third, what the hell is all this dust any-" The moment Ruby realized what it was, and saw Nick trying to touch it with his "RIGHT-HAND" It all clicked "NICKY No!"

But it was already too late *spark*




Headmasters office

Right now there are 4 people in this office, the Headmaster, Professor Ozpin, his secretary, Professor Glynda Goodwitch, with a frown as usual, then there is Nick, and the White Haired Girl, Wise Schnee, Both of them right now standing in front of the headmasters table while he is sitting and drinking form, most likely, a coffee cup… but the amount that he has drinker in their pretense is far more that the cup should be able to hold, and it still seems to be full.

<GLYNDA> So let me see if I understood everything correctly, miss Schnee brought multiple luggage's filled with different types of dust containers with herself and her common luggage, and while she was not looking around, bumped into mister Rose and dropped the luggage around, and while he tried to pick it up it exploded… correct?

<WEISS> I did not bump into him but into that Dolt little girl

<NICK> Miss Glynda, for everyone's sanity, can we have something to shut her mouth indefinitely?


<NICK> Thankfully the voice of reason, besides it is better to go with that than to keep hearing the comments of a pampered princess that seems to have a stick up to her ass


<GLYNDA> QUIET, THE BOTH OF YOU! Mister Nick, I would like you not to provoke miss Schnee more than necessary.

"No worries there then, I would not provoke her directly" said Nick with a full-on smile that brought doubt to both Weiss and Prof. Glynda "Don´t provoke her indirectly ether Mr. Rose" it was then that Ozpin finally spoke.

<NICK> …


"Shut up princess, I'm thinking…" Thinking? THINKING WHAT?

<OZPIN> Non the less, the fault of this case falls directly in your shoulders Miss Schnee

"What!? Why!?" Weiss seems to have thought that the professor would take her side, oh the poor fool "Here in Beacon we have special procedures for students that wants to bring their own reserves of dust, besides the ones that will be given to each of them during their stay here, and there is no such documentation on the papers that we received from you"

<WEISS> .....

<NICK> Oh dear~, OH MY~, Please don´t tell me that the princess DIDN´T FOLLOW THE RULES~ Oh the SHAME that would brin- Woah!

Nick dodges a sudden bolt of ice that appeared beside Weiss all of the sudden "… Ok, that was close…" before he could say anything else, Glynda glared at him at full force, even releasing a bit of her aura to try and make her point cleared "…Mr. Rose, what was it that I asked you before…"

<NICK> Ok, ok, my bad, couldn´t keep it to myself I'm sorry… does that work?

<OZPIN/GLYNDA> No it doesn´t

While Glynda kept her glare on him, Ozpin was just slurping his coffee, not even bothering at this point with this incident "For now, everything has been settled, Miss Schnee and Mr. Rose, I would like for both of you to follow me, there is a ceremony that we need to start after all"

Ozpin started walking toward the door followed by Glynda, Nick and Weiss, while the last one kept looking at the young man, but not with ire, but with wonder, his face and colors reminded her of her own family, a bit too much.


After a while, the group arrived on a huge hall where all the other students where "*Whistle* There really are a lot of people" Nick took a look around, every sit and corner of the hall was filled with possible students "Of course there are, this is Beacon, recognized as the best option for a Hunters academy" Said the White Princess while looking at him" Yeah, yeah, big popularity for a school, what a surprised for a place that teaches how to kill…"

Honestly, Nick was expecting a retort but there was nothing, so he turned to Weiss, just to see how there was a bit of confusion in her face "hey, what is it? You´ve been just gawking at me for the last 5 minutes since we left the headmaster"

<WEISS> …As you already heard, my name is Weiss Schnee heiress of the Schnee Dust Company

<NICK> Ok… Nice to meet you


<NICK> …


<NICK> …What now…

<WEISS> You´re Name, I already gave your, can´t you show some manners and tell me your name!?

<NICK> …After taking into note how you are correct, I decided that I will keep my name for myself, thank you princess


<NICK> Nick Rose, See ya~


And with that, Nick ditch-*cough* left the princess and went to look for his sisters, but they found him first as he saw them waving at him.

While on his way there, Ozpin started speaking "…I´ll make this brief…"

<OZPIN> You´ve travel here today in search for knowledge, to sharping your craft and improve your skills, and when you´re finish, you plan to dedicatee your life to the protection of the people…

<NICK> So here is where you two where

<RUBY> Nicky! Is everything right, were you blame? WAS I BLAME!?

"Calm down Sis, let me tell you what happened…" Nick proceeds to explained what happened in the headmasters' office, and his conversation with the princess, while he was talking, Ozpin finished and left the hall, followed by an announcement from Glynda

<GLYNDA> Each one of you will receive a notification in your scroll regarding a specific hall where you will be set for today, be ready, for tomorrow starts the initiation, so be ready.

Right at the end of her words, the sound of the scroll came from every corner of the hall, a message with the hall they will be staying "Hall 03… isn´t it this one?" Nick asked loo1king at their sisters, and Ruby became really excited when she heard him "We are in the same hall!"

<YANG> Me too… *sigh*

"Hey, what was that sigh for!" Ruby looked at yang with a little pout "you DON´T want to stay here with us!?"

<YANG> It´s nothing like that Ruby… Y-You know… we need to s-socialize after all, right, OF COURSE!

"And you are the only one believing that Big Sis" Nick proceeds to look around, many students had already left, some stay behind, and there was even alone blond guy that was coming to where they were "Hey Ruby"

<RUBY> Oh, Hi Jaune

"See, you could do it, you already have a friend here~" said Yang while focusing in the guy in front of them "The name is Yang Xiao Long, Rubys Big sister, nice to meet you"

<JAUNE> Nice to meet you too, I'm Jaune Arc, short, sweet, rolls of the tongue, ladies love it

<NICK/YANG> … Do they?

"T-THEY WILL, Ah, eventually" Jaune said not even sure of himself, can´t blame him "…Heh, well nice to meet you, the name is Nick Rose"

<YANG> Number one smartass of Signal academy~

<NICK> A title that I will always carry with pride~

<RUBY> He is also our younger brother

"Wait, WHAT!?" Jaune looked at Nick with shock ´Is it really that unbelievable? ´ "I Thought you might be the oldest!"

<NICK> Nope, just 14 Years old teenager, early graduated thanks to my skills, talent and handsome face~

All that said with a smug face, ready to crumble with Rubys next line "only because The Headmaster gave the recommendation, if not you would have stayed on signal" but Nick didn´t falter and shrugged the comment "Details, details, Potato, Poteete, whatever"

<YANG> come on you two, we need to get a spot

<NICK> Yeah, yeah

<RUBY> Ok~, see you later Jaune

<JAUNE> …HE IS 14!!?


It was night time, time to sleep


Yeah, Nick went to sleep that's it, the girls talked, the princess Yelled but Nick went to sleep

Look, if you want me to add something here then sorry but Nick Went, To, Sleep



Nick was a little bit sleepy, so he was more of a remote-controlled person, well not remote "Come on, Nicky start walking by yourself" Ruby was pushing nick while he had his eyes half-closed, while leading him to the dining hall for breakfast.

<NICK> I´m…*Yaaawn* Awake, Sis

<RUBY> Then open your eyes, AND START WALKING BY YOURSELF!!!

It was a challenge all together, BUT THEY WERE ABLE TO GET THEIR BREAKFAST AND ARRIVE AT THE MEETING LOCATION, A CLIFT NEER The Emerald Forest… But Nick was still trying to keep himself awake but couldn´t hear anything (A/N: And no, it wasn´t because I got tired of writing slice of life section and want to go directly to the action, no it was not… There is no proof of it!!)

Fortunately, he woke up, or was forcefully woken up… when he was shot towards the forest


<RUBY> Well, he´s awake now

<YANG> …Do you think he heard anything of the initiation?

<RUBY> I doubt it



After a moment to grasp his situation and to say some random bullshit, Nick started checking his gear, his belt with both compartments, one for his dust pellets and another for dust bullets was there, besides that, his "Dust Bringer" set and ready, he took a wind dust pellet in his right hand, and broke it.


His semblance activated immediately, summoning gales of wind surrounding him and letting him land without any problems "FOR WHATEVER GOD IS OUT THER, CURSE THE FUCKING MUG OF THAT RETARDED HEADMASTER!!"


But before he continued cursing Ozpin, Nick turned towards the voice that supported him, there he founded a young man of brown hair wearing a red jacket and black pants, at his side was his weapon, a long-broadsword with some mechanical parts exposed "…who the hell are you" asked him, making the young man look back at him "OH! Sorry about that pal"

<JAIDEN> The Name is Jaiden Yuki Nice to meet ya!!


Aaaand there we have it folks, the first OC, well no OC, but you get the idea!

Now all that matters is… how many will I put here