

What would happen if a pair of otakus were somehow drawn into one of the animes they watch? What would happen if they eventually drag some friends along? and what would happen if eventually they learn how to travel through different dimensions? Rated M for safety. not a crossovers because there will be more than just one. Also this was not create by me. The author is BlackCatSasuke

Marven123 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
111 Chs


Jesús POV

'Oh man, what happened yesterday' I though to myself rubbing my eyes and rustling my hair.

When I opened my eyes I was on a fancy living room. Kind of like the ones you see on movies when their in a mansion.

"You finally decided to join the living again young one" a voice came from the entrance of the room.

"I'm sorry, not to be rude but who are you? And where am I?" I asked the man

"Oh yeah! We haven't officially met yet. My name is Himitsu Touma, this is my mansion. I was the person you were meant to deliver the package to. I understand by what I've heard you were dead for a few minutes. Maybe an hour." The man said introducing himself and explaining where I was.

"Excuse me, but have you seen a group of teenagers about my age." I asked

"Don't worry about them they're in the dinning room eating breakfast." Touma said

I followed him out of the room and into the dinning room where everyone was.

"Yo! Look at who's up and running!" yelled Josue and everyone looked at me.

"Jesús!" Kurumu yelled and jumped into my arms. "I though you were gone, for good." She said and I felt some tears run onto my arm

"Thanks for worrying, but…" I said

"Thanks for what you did yesterday…" she said as she backed away from me "…if you wouldn't have done that we wouldn't have survived." She finished bowing her head

"You don't need to do that. I should be thanking you for taking me along. All I recall is when we were attacked and told you to fight and leave me on the ground. If you wouldn't have done that I might have died by the time Josue made it to where I was." I said picking up her face and smiling at her.

"Thank you, honestly. It's the first time ever someone takes me out of a problem of this caliber. I mean my life was on the edge and you still helped." I said and bowed my head to her.

"And thanks for whatever you did dude. It helped on bringing me back from the dead." I said to Josue

"No problem. You would have done the same thing for me if I would have been on your spot." He said back to me

"Ok then everyone. Are you all ready to leave? If we leave now we might make it by midday." I said.

"How are we gonna make it back by then?" Tsukune asked

"True, just coming here took us about a day and a half." Yukari said supporting Tsukune.

"Well. When no one was looking I set some seals across our path."

"Now that you say that I saw something written under you when I picked you up back at the crater." Kurumu said

"That was the seal, and I bet you know what that means Josue." I said a bit excited

"I got a rough idea, but if it is. When did you learn it?" he asked

"After returning from our first mission I noticed that it takes long to go and come back from our missions' locations. So I studied the fourth Hokage's flying raijin jutsu and can now do it. The only thing is that I don't have a very long range to teleport so I had to set a bunch of seals." I informed

"So you're saying that we only have to teleport back?" Moka asked

"Yup!" I answered with a smirk.

We thanked Touma for the hospitality and then left.

First we teleported to where Kurumu found me first.

"Wow! It really works." Mizore said

"Man! You did some major damage to this area." Josue said a bit freaked out

"Here's the seal. It's probably for the better to erase it. You know we could have someone copying the technique and using it for bad means." I said and erase the seal.

"Well then, let's keep going." Kurumu said and I opened the teleportation portal for the next area.

The next area was where we camped out.

"Now I remember this place." Josue said remembering his fight.

"But where did you place the seal here?" Moka asked

"When everyone went to sleep, I drew it next to where I was lying down. I then hid it with some grass right here" I said and uncovered it. Then erased it.

"Genius." Yukari said

I opened the portal to keep on moving and the next area was where we had stopped for Yukari's break time.

"Wait let me guess right here." Josue said and uncovered the seal, and then erased it

"How did you know?" Kurumu asked

"I saw him stay behind for some reason so I guessed as much."

"Just like Josue said, I stayed behind and made this seal. He saw me stay behind but didn't see the seal so he never really knew." I explained

"Last one" I said and opened the portal one more time.

We finally made it back. The final seal was in my room. Like the fourth hokage I put it on a kunai on the wall.

"That was cool!" Tsukune said

"Now I just need to get used to long distances and we'll only need one portal to make it back" I said and everyone then left. After this I went to report to the head master.

Jesús: "The end."

Josue: "But not of the fanfic."

Moka: "There are much more chapters coming up."

Tsukune: "Please join us next time for more adventures."

Everyone: "See ya."

Jesús: "I got to say something this time. Don't forget to leave me some comments, and sorry for this being so short today. I promise a longer chapter next time."