
Rusted Souls [RWBYxRust]

Three friends find themselves on Remnant, on the ass end of the planet; often referred to as Menagerie. They are not helpless however, with strange otherworldly and dare I say reality bending if not breaking abilities. Gifted knowledge, power, and immortality; may Oum have mercy on Remnant. Author Note: This story is a brain bubble that keeps on bugging. I was watching some Rust YouTube, and thought on how to bring rust abilities into a 'real' non-game-environment or at least beyond 'hit rock get '5' wood' like what is 5 wood? Then I thought of Worm and its tinker abilities and decided to 'fuse' the two, but what IS Rust Tech, and how do I incorporate scrap into this; what is scrap even? This spiraled down until I decided to scrap Rusts entire crafting system, keep the inventory and be ambiguous on the resources, less '100 wood' and more 'I chopped down X amount of trees and now have enough wood to build Y, the wood is stored in my inventory'. This will hopefully be explained more. The crafting is completely different and if that turns you away, so be it. What is the same: Building(ish) Guns (Dust and mechashift will have its place here) Respawning (bed down or spawn at origin point/random spawn on a beach of Menagerie)

LordDylz · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: Recon Mission

Sienna Khan tapped her finger against her throne, a hodgepodge of irritation, concern, curiosity, and worry written on her face and broadcasted through her body language.

She opened her mouth, looking at two of her best scouts and recon agents, young as they were.

"This is completely voluntary, no one would blame you for refusing. The Badlands are avoided for a reason, all that go their find death, nothing more." She tried, she really did. Two months ago Kuo Kuana had been feeling tremors. They were small and mostly in the far off distance, soon the egg heads managed to figure out what was going on. It wasn't a earth quake or some mining drill.

But bombs.

She could only think of one group that had access to that many explosives to consecutively bomb something for months on end.

Those masked madmen.

And yes, she meant madmen; Atlas wanted to find everything about the terrorists that killed Jacques Schnee and stole whatever got Ironwood in a tizzy about, this included their race, and what little DNA evidence was left after they blew showed that these men were human, not faunas.

That bit of news was promptly smothered, but her operatives found out and just so happened to leak that fact.

A bit pissed at first that she got played by a bunch of humans, before cooling off, they were dead and only one of them was left right?

Then the bombs started and waves of nasty Grimm start evacuating from the north east! Grimm running away from something was just considered impossible unless a Grimm FAR more powerful had died or something was interfering with their habitat.

And these weren't your average Beowulf or Creep either, but Satyrs and Satyr Lords.

Tried and true monsters that could kill dozens of Beowulf's or Creeps with ease, let alone the Lords. Those were up there with Nuckelavee's level of terror.

She lost a lot of good men fighting off those things, and now she was curious, too curious and need answers for those that died.

Thus here she was, one Blake Belladonna and Ilia Amitola, both of them her greatest scouts. Yet now she was faced with a moral dilemma.

Whatever was up there was scary, if these two were any older she might not have cared much, just two people giving their lives for the cause.

But Blake was practically her godchild and despite her infighting with Ghira, she wouldn't take it out on Blake.

Along with the fact that they were so young. Blake for her part was just turning sixteen in a few months.

And yet needs must.

"We are ready Lord Khan!" The two girls spoke with devotion. Their pride being stepped on by her concern.

"Listen to me damnit!" Sienna snapped, the two girls flinched back, eyes widening and realizing that this wasn't her being worried or patronizing, but an actual attempt at dissuading them from this path.

"I have no idea what is going on up there, but whatever it is scares Elite and Lord level Grimm from their nests. This isn't just some spying mission, but going into enemy territory with no backup, no information, and no preparation, as we don't know what even to prep for! I need answers damnit, but I can't just send my goddaughter and best scout off to die!" Sienna seethed briefly as the two White Fang members simply digested her rant.

"We'll do it." Ilia Amitola said, Blake looked alarmed before controlling herself, however fear could be seen in her eyes.

Sienna sighed. "Very well. You leave at 0700 tomorrow."