
Rusted Souls [RWBYxRust]

Three friends find themselves on Remnant, on the ass end of the planet; often referred to as Menagerie. They are not helpless however, with strange otherworldly and dare I say reality bending if not breaking abilities. Gifted knowledge, power, and immortality; may Oum have mercy on Remnant. Author Note: This story is a brain bubble that keeps on bugging. I was watching some Rust YouTube, and thought on how to bring rust abilities into a 'real' non-game-environment or at least beyond 'hit rock get '5' wood' like what is 5 wood? Then I thought of Worm and its tinker abilities and decided to 'fuse' the two, but what IS Rust Tech, and how do I incorporate scrap into this; what is scrap even? This spiraled down until I decided to scrap Rusts entire crafting system, keep the inventory and be ambiguous on the resources, less '100 wood' and more 'I chopped down X amount of trees and now have enough wood to build Y, the wood is stored in my inventory'. This will hopefully be explained more. The crafting is completely different and if that turns you away, so be it. What is the same: Building(ish) Guns (Dust and mechashift will have its place here) Respawning (bed down or spawn at origin point/random spawn on a beach of Menagerie)

LordDylz · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter Ten: News Bullhead Ten

"This is News Bullhead Ten, reporting for Solitas News, around six hours ago at around 10:30PM, a large bomb suddenly struck Atlas Academy, three students died from the attack and at first was a suspected terrorist attack from the feared White Fang."

The reporter, a rather average man wearing a chestplate and a helmet, stated from a large blimp, the feed cut to the screen of the devastation, the Black Shadow had managed to strike the student dormitories.

"Thirteen more are injured, four of which are in critical condition. Huntsmen professors soon swarmed ground zero, and medical evac came soon after, however a mere twenty minutes afterward the Atlesian military suddenly deployed, heading to a government research lab."

The feed soon switched to site fourteen, around twenty six bodies laid outside the building covered in white sheets.

"The bomb that detonated in Atlas Academy was soon determined to be a diversion, as General of the Atlesian Military and Academy Headmaster, soon ruled. Valuable experimental technology was stolen from lab fourteen, developed by head scientist of the Atlesian Research Department, one Dr.Polendina, the only survivor of the lab's massacre."

The screen switched to an image of the Doctor, his head bandaged.

"General Ironwood denied to reveal what was stolen." A shot of the general was shown.

"However a mere thirty minutes after the initial bombing, reports of loud gunfire and explosions were soon reported. Our Bullhead team, scrambled a mere fifteen minutes earlier rushed to the scene."

This time an image of a roof, with the SCD logo imprinted on the side of the large warehouse building.

Spotlights from surrounding ships and news bullheads were pointed at the two men on the roof, both of them were guarding a collection of hostages.

Close ups of the two men where captured, and their startling masks with their night vison helmets discarded at their feet, dark tactical armor with splashes of blood, along with one of them holding a remote denotator.

At their feat were a group of cowering hostages, business men, and most startling of all, both Schnee daughters, all of them had explosives attached to their chests secured tightly with duct tape.

"These two men are the lead suspects of both the bombing and the lab massacre." More images were shown of the two men, imposing and intimidating angles.

"The two men, now Identified as The Oni of Greed, or simply Oni, and the other known as Lord. Negotiators were sent to speak with the two men, with a simple demand of the chance to talk with Jacques Schnee and General Ironwood face to face. We now go live with both Jacques Schnee and General Ironwood on the scene."

The camera changes showing both men walking toward the criminals. Just as they got into range, Oni suddenly belts three impact grenades from the launcher, two of them hitting Ironwood and blasting him back, the third going wide, penetrating a window of the building adjacent, and blowing up.

The second Oni raised the grenade launcher, Lord charged full speed at Jacques who was screaming like a little girl at the violence. Obviously not wanting to be there, but strong armed into it by Ironwood.

Jacques was suddenly enveloped in a hug by Lord.

For a moment everything was still.

Then Lord raised his denotator in his hand and clenched it, before promptly exploding as the C-4 under his vest detonated.

Oni also raised his denotator and squeezed, blowing up in a brilliant flame. It would later be found out that the 'bombs' on the hostages chest was actually cocaine that Oni grew and manufactured, keeping some in his inventory at all times.

Sienna Khan stared at the broadcast for a second, before with deliberate slowness pressed the power button on her remote.

She knew that they were crazy, but this? This took insanity to a whole new level.