
Rusted Souls [RWBYxRust]

Three friends find themselves on Remnant, on the ass end of the planet; often referred to as Menagerie. They are not helpless however, with strange otherworldly and dare I say reality bending if not breaking abilities. Gifted knowledge, power, and immortality; may Oum have mercy on Remnant. Author Note: This story is a brain bubble that keeps on bugging. I was watching some Rust YouTube, and thought on how to bring rust abilities into a 'real' non-game-environment or at least beyond 'hit rock get '5' wood' like what is 5 wood? Then I thought of Worm and its tinker abilities and decided to 'fuse' the two, but what IS Rust Tech, and how do I incorporate scrap into this; what is scrap even? This spiraled down until I decided to scrap Rusts entire crafting system, keep the inventory and be ambiguous on the resources, less '100 wood' and more 'I chopped down X amount of trees and now have enough wood to build Y, the wood is stored in my inventory'. This will hopefully be explained more. The crafting is completely different and if that turns you away, so be it. What is the same: Building(ish) Guns (Dust and mechashift will have its place here) Respawning (bed down or spawn at origin point/random spawn on a beach of Menagerie)

LordDylz · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter Eight: The Heist

Atlas was a floating city, this made infiltration rather hard for most people unless they had some form of man on the inside.

Carrow and his group had the ultimate man on the inside; it's name was Worm.

Creating armor based entirely in the same design of an Atlesian soldier, then having Worm get them the necessary credentials and access logs and boom, they were in Atlas.

Simply getting waved through checkpoint after checkpoint and then it was simply a problem of getting through Atlas traffic, and then finding their way to site fourteen.

Once they made their way to site fourteen, they had Worm flag them in, forcing the machines to grant access. Once inside they made their way into the women's bathroom, of which there were only four women on site, and two of them weren't here today, and one was a robot.

Here they simply unequipped their Atlas disguises, and put on their real armor. Black cargo pants with composite kneepads, black HQM tip boots, a metal chestplate, over which was a tactical vest of kevlar and plenty of mags and grenades inside the pouches.

Arm guards of the same material, before finishing off with a metal face mask of their choice, although they still had a helmet, as the metal facemask was, well a mask.

Each of them had a combat helm with Night Vison goggles on top ready to deploy when needed. On their hips was a gas mask just incase of incoming tear gas.

Completely ignorant of the fact that Remnant doesn't use gas based weapons.

For weapons they decided to conform to this worlds strange need to hybridize everything, when in Rome do as Romans do as they say.

Carrow wielded a AA-12 Shotgun chambered in incendiary rounds, that hybridized into a longsword.

Max usually uses a sniper, but due to the close range parameters of this mission grabbed a Spaz-12 shotgun that mech shifted into a cattle rod that could blast out a few million volts.

DeeJay was using a M249 with normal rounds. It could mechashift into a flanged mace.

"Drink your teas." Carrow said, voice muffled slightly by his face-mask.

Briefly they unequipped their masks and drank some pure max health tea.

"Ready?" Carrow asked, seeing their nods he reequipped his mask before lowering the night vison goggles.

"Lights out Worm." The entire complex slowly lost light, communications were cut, and bots deactivated.

Three men walked out of the women's bathroom, glowing green lights shining out into the darkness of the hallway, three scientists came out of their rooms to only to see the intimidating form of the three men.

"Oni." The one in the center said.

"Got it." Before shouldering his M2. "Bad Luck's all it is." The M2 let out its harsh bark as it discharged its rounds. Screams of the dying filled the complex.

They continued their march gunning down the few staff and employees inside of the building. Guards outside tried sounding alarms, before realizing they were compromised and sending a runner.

As the guards ran into the building trying to find the attackers, they were met with a spray of shotgun blasts, shattering their weak aura and then melting through their armor.

More screams filled the halls as the trio advanced through the building, busting down doors, and throwing grenades inside, it wasn't long before they found what they were looking for. Sadly the entrance toward the main lab was blocked by a blast door.

Max and DeeJay gathered tables and file cabinets to use as makeshift cover while Carrow started setting up the C-4 on the door. Four C-4 were stuck to the door, all connected by a detonator. They ducked behind cover as Carrow blew the door wide open and then cleared the breach.

Four Atlesian-Knight-200 dropped from the celling, only to meet a quick end from a EMP grenade. They busted down one last door with a good kick, finding one Dr.Polendina sitting in front of a terminal.

"Y-You can't, she's not ready, please, please don't take her from me, she's the only thing I have left! Plea-" The man's cries were met with an end as Carrow bashed the butt of his weapon into his temple, the man's aura briefly protecting him before shattering from the following stomp to the skull.

Obstacle neutralized, Carrow turned to the doorway, patting Max's shoulder and then pointing at Penny inside the capsule. Max sat down at the terminal, granting Worm direct access, the pod opened revealing Penny. Removing her from the pod, and dropping a extra-large duffle bag, before stuffing her inside.

"Payload secured." Max stated. They exited the lab, and started to head for the roof. Above Atlas currently was Black Shadow, currently being driven by a modified Scrap Bot supported by Worm.

Inside the drop bay where two payloads, one of which had already been dropped, a one-hundred pound bomb, directly on Atlas Academy. This was largely for a distraction, and the last was currently being dropped via airdrop.

A dissembled mini-copter, although this copter was designed to hold four people instead of merely two, with two on the two seats, and the other two holding on to a ladder.

This was the most risky part of the plan.

As they climbed up onto the roof, they started to triangulate the drop. It was colored completely black, and as it was currently night, finding it was a bit hard, but with night vision they eventually managed.

Thus they started jumping between buildings, heading toward the mini-copter. They eventually found the airdrop on top of a Schnee Dust Company Warehouse building and started to assembled it. Time ticked on as Carrow and DeeJay fit piece after piece, before finally fueling it. Penny was secured to the front seat and Max the driver. As he started to get the chopper blades moving a voice rang out.

"Halt!" It was female, stern and authoritative. "This is private property belonging to the Schnee Dust Company, surrender now!" Her eyes had obviously not adapted to the darkness, unable to see them fully except their glowing eyes.

"Plan Alah Akbar, leave now with the Payload." Carrow said lowly. Max and DeeJay nodded. DeeJay jumping off the ladder fixated onto the mini-copter, as Max then put it into full drive and started to fly off.