
Runners Survivors

After waking up with a vague recollection of the past, our MC finds himself as a humanoid tester in a corporation. He doesn't know who he was, or why he was there, the only thing he knew is that he has to test the humanoids sent to them or death awaits him. The only way to escape this predicament is to participate in the annual freeing of workers: Runners Survivors. Run or Be Captured. Fight or Be Killed Welcome to the Runners Survivors! Run for your life! Ready!!! Start!!! *DISCLAIMER* Personally edited book cover but image does not belong to me.

DaisukiDayoSenpai · Sci-fi
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311 Chs

Risky Crossing

"I'm going to look for her," Red announced, wearing another pair of shirts just so he could combat the coldness outside, even if it's just a little bit. There was a hint of worry in his eyes, made evident by his rushed movements.

"Red, we can just wait for her. You don't have to go and look for her." Blond calmly assessed the situation. It hasn't even been ten minutes since Cat started her Scout so it was safe to assume that she's not in any real danger. Nevertheless, assuming could only go so far. That's why Blond didn't stop Red from going out. He just told him about it.

"I know, but we can't afford to lose her right now. There are no good scouts when it comes to storms like this." Red answered and without sparing a single thought, he headed towards the exit. "I'll be back in twenty minutes. If I'm not back by then, then you could assume that something happened. That or I couldn't find Cat's whereabouts."