
Runners Survivors

After waking up with a vague recollection of the past, our MC finds himself as a humanoid tester in a corporation. He doesn't know who he was, or why he was there, the only thing he knew is that he has to test the humanoids sent to them or death awaits him. The only way to escape this predicament is to participate in the annual freeing of workers: Runners Survivors. Run or Be Captured. Fight or Be Killed Welcome to the Runners Survivors! Run for your life! Ready!!! Start!!! *DISCLAIMER* Personally edited book cover but image does not belong to me.

DaisukiDayoSenpai · Sci-fi
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311 Chs

Abundance of Supplies

Wondering about the whereabouts of Julia and Fujimoto, Jarxen decided to look everywhere for them.

At first, he went inside their respective Blocks, only to find out that they weren't there. Perplexed, he went towards the cafeteria, no sign of them there as well. 

"Where could they have gone to?" Jarxen asked himself a second time as he grabbed a meal. "Are they up to something I don't know about?"

After a few minutes, Fujimoto and Julia walked towards the cafeteria and headed straight to get some food from the chef. After doing so, they joined Jarxen, who was already halfway done with eating his steak. He was oddly suspicious of the two but he didn't show it on his expression. Instead, he just sat there quietly as he continued eating.

"Jarxen, you're here early." Julia greeted as she sat beside him.

"Oh, Julia! Fujimoto!" Jarxen called out, pretending to be surprised in seeing them. "Where did you go? I've been looking everywhere for you!"