

I am strong I will never back down from a fight so if you want to fight come at me boy and girls

Sinoun_Blomfield · Urban
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Chapter 5: Get Rid Of The Evil Witch Of The West

'Help.' I hear a cry calling out in distress; I look at my crazy aunt. I haven't attack yet so save your lungs, but it wasn't her. Oh no, I completely forgot about the girls I look at the clock and see that it is already 4 in the afternoon. I jump out of the bed forgetting everything that I was going to do to Glenda, forgetting the fact that I was going to tear her in to shred and throw her to the button of the sea. Well I wouldn't go that far but if I admitted that it would be cramping my kick ass style. I run in to the bathroom, not caring that Glenda is right behind me, wondering what is happening in there. I pause in the moment as I saw a hold lot of seaweed going up all the way to the their neck and some of it was covering there neck and face.

'Woo, you guys are seriously swimming is a spa.'

'No need to tell us about it we are experiencing it first hand.' Angel ground out from under the seaweed somewhere.

'I need a moment just to sketch all this in my head, so I can bring it up to laugh at it later.'

'This is not funny.' Rain called out in anger and frustration from under the seaweed it look like there is three sharp angry eyes glaring at me.

'A little.' I pinch my finger together to make the tinniest space possible and close one of my eyes just to look through it.

'Brelina I think we have paid for our punishment by now.' Jarzale calmly speak out trying to wash her calm and reasoning magic over me. Of course it is not going to work but who are my to disappoint the girl after leave her in all of that for the last ten hours, I would be an ass if I didn't oblige.

'Yeah I didn't mean to keep you for so long in there.' I voice out with my apologizing tone.

'How about letting us go,' Angel stumps in her tired toned.

'Me first.' Rain lifted her hand out of the seaweed. Her hair now grown back to it original length as it sates there in the tub, by the look it just grown and that properly the moment her cut hair turn in to all that seaweed. 'Hurry up, my hair is seating in the gung for way to long. Oh my god I need to wash it. You are so lucky that it grown back or you're were a dead woman.'

'I knew it was going to grow back,'

'What? How would you know that, it a well keep secrete no outsider would know about it.'

'You're not the only mermaid I ever come across, you know.'

'Well I'm the only that stick around, I'm glad you were certain about it. Most of us think it is just a myth and I didn't know that it was going to grow back. You are so evil.' I laugh humourlessly seeing as how true it is; it's fun to screw with people I live for that.

'Holly of grate witches, what have you done. This the sort of thing the House was talking about. You're action does not seem to astound me anymore. It's the kind of thing I expected, going around kidnaping girls. Is this what you new so call freedom of express; you actually take this kind of job. Kidnaping people and torturing them.'

'Yeah I go around ruining the house name that is all I want it the things I live for and I do take other job. Some time I even kill a baby.' Not true but seeing as am stuck in the criminal role in her eyes might as well be the worst I could be. I don't do things half way I go all the way and not disappoint.

She gasp in horror as my comment insulted her so called delicate ears, where as Rain just roll her eyes at me as she know better. 'You couldn't come up with a better line.' She lean in whispering under her breath so soft only I could hear. How is it that an outsider seem to understand me better then my own flesh and blood. My own flesh and Blood knows my history pretty much my life yet an outsider whom don't even know any of my history she mange to know me more then The House could ever do. How sad is that and how crazy that people with power only cared about one thing, and that would be having more power.

'You better sort this out, before it get out of hands. I expect you to do the right thing; I hope they are not going to press charges as it going to go straight at the house. Dropping us backward in power, we don't need that right now.' She turns to speak to the girls.

'I sincerely request that you pa no heat to this girl, she is a foolish little drifter of a nobody.' My hand tightens the grip on my hid of the dagger that is pressing down even harder on the duck tape more then I would like. Her word effecting me more then I would like and that was pudding me off as well. I try hard not to hurt Rain lucky my knife control was still very good.

'Thank you for your concern but this is a private matter.' Jarzale spoke out softly and give my plump aunt Glenda with a half smile that didn't reach her eyes. Her lip pressing together like if she let herself smile fully she might say something she might regret saying later.

'You don't even know what is happening, we might we some criminal and Berlina is doing the country a favour by keeping us here.'

'Are you?' My aunt voice out, questioning in her tone fill with disapproval at how they were addressing her; the person whom is trying to free them out of the clutch of my evil palm.

'No but, you really shouldn't jump in to a conclusion when you don't even have a clue about the whole situation.' Angel told her, as her lecture professor mind coming through.

'Her behaviour and action have always lean toward the criminal side, do excuses me if I couldn't stop myself from jumping to the conclusion.' Glenda point at me, tap her toes in a defensive manner.

Rain got up as the restrain on her is gone, as she got up she scope a handful of the veggie and fruit stuff in her palm and stretch out hard, she did it in a way that it fling the stuff in her hands straight at Glenda Victorian vintage dress.

'Oh dear do excuse me, so sorry about that, I was just trying to stretch my muscle.' My aunt sputter and spatter in the mid of her arm up, waving around at the gung seating on top of the bottom of the puffy out dress.

'This is the kind of people you hang out with; this is to be expected you really belong together. A tyrant of a no body would end up with a delinquent, let me give you one advice everything she touch will be annihilated. Given her mother for example, this girls extinguish every last drop of her life.'

Rain kick out making the liquid fly all the way to her face. 'Oops, my feet just don't seem to be in it control.' She smile sweetly at my aunt Glenda and batted her eye lashes. If my aunt was a man she would fall right to her knee waiting Rain command. But at last my aunt turn out to be a woman after all as she glare down at Rain which should be a hard thing as Rain stood a foot taller then her, she shoot dagger in to Rain's heart with her laser beam red evil eyes.

'I am a good person I don't need something like this. I was giving you a perfectly good advice.'

'Oh we don't need it, thanks.' Jarzale spoke and I see her magical word traveling toward my aunt rapping around her. Glenda squirm and struggle as her face flash hot red beginning to get uncomfortable as the word rap tighter around her like a snake.

I decided that I had enough of her squirming around and insulting not only me but my house guest, even though I have over cook them in this spa business turning them in to a delicious soup if I am not two scared to taste it. Entertaining, as it is to watch her flabbergasts and turn completely speechless for the first and am going to take it all in. but I am not really to make Jarzale use her power in that way at all, the word that Glenda spoke hit me. She might be right on the fact that I destroy everything I touch and everyone I am with.

I turn and stare at her in the eyes, pauses trying to find the correct word that want to come out. ' Tiramisu soup really work for an outfit, even on you. Congratulations for being the first to b it model.' I applauses her with both hands.

'If it was up to me, I would have never let you out. You are an abomination and should be keep out of the society way.'

'Well to bad you're not in charge,' I rub in the word that hurt her the most, 'and don't worry about abomination I eat abomination for lunch.'

'I am a good abiding law person. I will not stand here to be insulted.' I smile at her giving all of my delight of wattage of light I could put in that smile to blind her to death. Umm. A last it was not meant to be as she stood there not even effect even a little by the wattage smile. Will I definitely need to practice more on my wattage smile if I ever going to succeed in dropping people like flies. I give up and when for another direction, I know this one should work really well. I use it many time on demon to banish them, if this doesn't work on her them, dam she would be a mother load of demon king.

'Good abiding person of the evil witch of the west I banish thee.' I did a cross gesture with my finger and shooing her out of the bathroom.

'Well I never.' She stump her walking cane hard on the floor, I wince inside every time the walking stick smash it face on my now dented little floor. Poor little guy it didn't need that kind of treatment from her nasty evil cane. She then boar down on me and like a school teacher, she properly thinking if she great and hover on top of me long enough her curse would work faster and I might turn in to a frog much, much quicker then I already am turning in her eyes.

'If you ask me, you should be put away for the rest of your life.' She throw something toward me and walk out of sight or more like waddle out of sight, for a slug like her she is fast in escaping. My hand snitch out quickly for the golden letter flying determinedly in hope to claw my eyes out, I held it just an inch away from my eyes with my index and middle finger; I blink while looking at the small needle shining beneath the envelope. Next time maybe you might be luckier little envelope; I don't think you should be encouraging a piece of paper to attack you. Hindrance told me.

'Well, she was a peach wasn't she?' Jarzale ask, and I when back continuing with the sawing.

'Were we experiencing the same thing. We did just seat in the same movie theatre just now right.' Angel asks Jarzale questioningly like her eyes have gone blind and needed a doctor check up.

'Who was that anyway?'

'I called that evil witch of the west.' I answer plainly.

'Well evil witch of the west or not you owe us a meal. Making me seat in such a place all night. Well all day and making me miss my meal. You will have to pay for this, I just have not come up with anything good to punish you yet.' She shook her hair and dam I think it when completely shimmery and shining with one swing. If she going to swing it around a hundred times how glories would her hair be.

'So what was that all about?' Ah come the dreaded question, without any space for me to answer, um should I tell them the truth or try and avoid the question all together.

'It nothing.' I when with the avoiding the question completely, not really knowing if I can really tell them everything and I don't really trust them. Hey a girl can never be to careful about these thing.

'Really, that did not look like nothing.' Rain ask her curiosity getting the better of her.

'Look, even if I want to talk about it, I wouldn't be speaking about it to a girls that I don't even know well. And the other two happen to be my clients, which pay me to look after them. No thanks, this is all professional.'

'Hey what happen to all the time we spend drinking together?'

'That completely different, you guys are just my drinking buddy. That doesn't make us best friends that I have to spill my guts all over the floor for you.' I spoke out the need to push them away was strong I didn't understand why but I need to do it. Parts of me do know but I just don't want to accept the fact. Ever since I was young the world taught me I cannot trust anyone but myself, it has shaken my world that these girls have come so far. I know its not going to last and they will be running for cover as soon as they found out what I can do.

All of the shimmering shin faded away from their eyes as I spoke, Jarzale dock back down in to the seaweed lowering her head. Rain just look at the wall and Angel couldn't even look at me she look away but look away from me like she was about to cry. Pushing and hurt them, somehow this is making me want to throw up the word and just shower them with the word that want to rush out. But the lump stay stuck in my chest unable to come out. I want to open my mouth to tell them that I know I am being a dick but what is the point it better that they know what I am like right now then later. I don't like other people going through my stuff and that include my dirty little secret. I didn't move Rusty from her original resting place just to come out here to make friends I came here for a job and that is all I am going to do, get the money and go back to my normal boring life.

'Ew, I don't want your guts, just your liver is find.' Rain spoke out recovering first and start cracking a joke.

'Well, I hope you can start to trust us more like a friend soon.' Jarzale smile sweetly down at me, as I was reach down trying to do her feet restraint.

'I doubt that.'

'Oh never say never. I bet we will get under your skin soon enough. Right Jarzale. I remember you were even worst then this one right here.' Angel wink and start getting up placing her palm on my shoulder smearing the stuff from her hands to my jacket.


'Its called payback, look it up.' She run off to the open of the door and that was the last I saw of her.

'Thank you.' Jarzale and Rain one push and the other pull me down in to the tub, leaving me seating there in the big gung of thing. Little minx it like I have a three little monkey on my hands, I sit there thinking I can't really blame them for pushing me in here. I was the ass bag that them in here first, well now I have a reason to shower after the two days in the sewage so it good to get it done and over with. I pull myself out of the bathtub and scrambling around to get free as it was covering my whole body not allowing me to be free. It took a few minutes as I pull myself out, with all the seaweed I can compete as the seaweed monster and might win at that.

Rain peek her head in through the open door and spoke out. 'I am moving in here.'


'I'M. MOVING. IN. HERE.' Her jaw moves slowly for my benefit so I could get all of the word she was spilling out.

'There is no way you are staying in my house. You have your own luxury of a place why do you want to stay in a place like this.' No offence Rusty, to me you are going to be my one and only baby but I know how everyone looks at you.

'It call punishment, you have to put up with my eccentric personality. That is my punishment I just come up with it, you are lucky I am not getting your head chop off for cutting my hair.'

'I like to see you try.'

'I doubt I will ever going to get close to your head before you put me in my grave. I do have the will to live after all, so instead I am punishing you with living with me. I can see all of your suffering while I can enjoy it safe and sound from a limited distance.'

'Don't you dear move in here. This is my home, my place I am already at my limited. I forbid you to do it, do you hear? FORBIDDEN!' I walk slipping and sliding on my feet trying to get closer to her. I want to put my hand around her neck to shake of the craziness out of her head. I should have know the word FORBIDEN won't work on her as she crock her eyebrow at me in question of do you really think that is going to work on me.

'To late!' She dances elegantly out of my reach for her, as I was slowly moving toward the door. Dame it what is happening right now, what is it, is my boat house some how are suddenly open a private Hotel business without mentioning it to me.

'Hey Rusty are you hiding something from me.' I ask, being a boat of course she won't be able to answer me, if she did I properly go in to shock and die of heart attack. Shaking my head not knowing what else I could do, I when at take my shower. I will deal with this madness later dam it.

I rummage around for the orbs that contain the cleaning spell; in my line of work I need a lot of those, its come in very handy. One must watch out for their blood, hair, saliva or even skin to fall in to anyone hands, it's a dangerous time we live in. From a curse to tracking spell pretty much to anything that the person can do with just a bit of something that is you. They can even tell what Being you are, what power you have, what House you belong to.

I let the hot shower wash over me as it hit my skin, washing all the gunk, debris of that sticking to my hair and skin. Oh man I forgot how good it feels to be clean and to wash. My rib is still stabbing with pain but I know it's still in a working order. No thanks to my evil aunt for disturbing the healing process, at lest everything is working fine. I am not in agony that is for sure and that is a miracle for me; I will take it without question. I got out of the tub and grab my towel, a light flash and stunt my eyes, 'I'm blind' I burst out all I could see was bright. But my ears are working, why do I hear people voice in my bathroom not just people voice but male voice.

'You have no authority here. How dear you bought a Summoner in to my office.' His voice was thin and high pitch for a male voice. It would have suited more to a young girl.

'I recalled, you promise me the girl. I do not see such action taken place.' A deep fuller male voice growl out in demand and a total contrast to the first voice I hear. Is someone putting on a show for my ears.

'It is against protocol and the law to summon a person without there permission and may I say rude. You Barbarian have no manner at all.' The first man spoke called the other guy Barbarian so that mean the other guy is in the specie category of the monster which one I would not know if I can't even see. Hey Hindrance can you see anything. Yeah let me just pop out through your ears and take a look, oh wait I can't do that, I am your brain my job is to stay in your head if you really want to see crack it open and I may tell you before you die. Well somebody got off the wrong side of the bed.

'I do not recalled asking! You can shove you protocol and manner up your fuck up tight ass.' The deep voice man drop low in to a threat 'I allow you to do it your way. Now it is my way, I do not fancy siting around wait for a girl to show up while my people are dying. I DO NOT need you to give me permission to do what need to be done. You standing here is me permitting you to live and have not tear your throat out. Be grateful, that you are still. BREATHING.' He whisper low but surprising that could still hear it from across the room, seeing as from the sound of their voice it sound like it coming from over there.