

I am strong I will never back down from a fight so if you want to fight come at me boy and girls

Sinoun_Blomfield · Urban
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Chapter 4: Spa Time

I step out of the cab walking from the dock toward my big metal boat she is called Rusty and Rusty here is my own personal little lady I call home. This metal steel boat has been a faithful servant to me for a long time. There is some maintenances that need to be done, she does need some reconstruction on her body and maybe need a face-lift, but hey I think the flaw just add to her charm. With all of her rusts and her fault we belong together, the very same things that we have in comment so really I don't think Rusty need anything; she is a beauty.

Rusty seat there in the dock welcoming me home, I breath a sign of relief finally arriving home even though it took me all night to do so; but dam it I made it. I place my palm and forehead on to the door 'Hey Baby I am home, did you miss mummy.' Right I am in love with my boat what can I say she is my little sweetheart; and no one can say she is not? There is nothing wrong with loving your house while I was making goo-goo eyes and having a moment with Rusty the sun is raising up in the sky getting ready for the day to begins, I was getting ready to die in pain and sleep until I could not sleep anymore.

After the fight I had to drag the boy from the small street and pull him to the main road, of all the witches for a young man like him he was heavy as hell. With the pain all over my body, head, leg, rib I almost faint from all the pain competing for my brain attention. My head was so fussy I wasn't even seeing clearly at where I was walking or even going. I was surprise I even found a way out of that small alley way, the brain is amazing when it is under pressure; it work so much better then my normal speed. If I faint there we would have been dead, I would be dead by him falling on top of me suffocating all of the air out of my lungs and he would have been dead with his inside tearing in to pieces the after effect of receiving so many contact from the wind spear.

By some kind of miracles I manage to get the both of us in to the main street and I was able to find a taxi. I told the taxi driver to go pass the hospital, we stop in front of the emergency entrance and I push the boy out of the taxi seat. I scream murder on top of my lugs for help and drove off as the doctor and nurse run out to see what was happening. Kid you are by yourself from here on out, I am not getting involve with the hospital. First of I might be blame for coursing him all of those injury, second I have no money and no insurances hospital is a ripe off I would say. And thirdly I don't ever want to walk in to the hospital ever, it reminds me to the time; the smell and the staleness bring back the horrible memories and I don't need that.

So much money gone I wasn't even going to use a taxi but I couldn't just leave the kid dying there in the street while I try so hard to fight those guys off. The kid should be thankful that I would even take him all the way to the hospital seeing as I am in so much pain but I don't even want to spend a dime in to that vicinity.

I sigh a sign of relief as my hand reach the handle of the door with my key in one of the secret compartment in my jacket. I always make sure that I have a key with me, yes paranoid I know; but then again if I ever forgot my key I could always relax on the top deck on Rusty until someone is back at home to let me in. The rooftop on Rusty use to be empty but now there is a patch of garden, a relaxing spot that Jarzale when ahead and creates. She seriously impresses me; she manages to create such a place in only two weeks. Make me wonder why is she putting so much effort in to this place that is not her's. But thanks to her I have a garden I could relax and eat every kind of growing vegetable and fruit that she places up there.

I craw slowly in to the walkway, the good thing about living on a boat it is nice and compact. It's not to small or two big but good enough spaces to be very cozy and comfortable. To me cozy and comfortable would be sofa, table, chair that I can put newspaper, cup or lamp on, I pick all those up from the dump. Another man trash would be another man treasure but in this case it would be another boat comfort.

I design the room to made it provide a lot of light and be very spacey. The good thing about buying a really cheap ship and redesign everything on the inside, as the decoration and decor is what I want and what I pick even if it is not luxury or fancy. I pick the wooden floor up from the shore of the sea just around the corner where Rusty is docking. I can say being stuck in the forest all those years was not going in to waste at least I have the ability to craftsmanship.

The room I crafted lucky have it owns private bathroom, hell yeah. So hey even if Rusty is not a grate fancy lady, I can always say at lest she proved in the toilet need area. The three of us pretty much have out own privacy if we needed it. It a good thing I was thinking ahead with my design, thank the good witches that at that time I actually think that people would be visiting me. How on earth did I come up with the thought still baffle me till this day? I actually thought I would make friends and they would come and visit me what an absurd idea that was. Angel and Jarzale are only here because this would be the last place anyone would think of them to run to, let another for the kidnappers to think they would be here. At lest now the room is getting a good use and not going to waste, I walk down the small hallway as I drag the two plastic bags behind me and the hallway open up in two different sections. One was a living room and on my left the small cozy kitchen that is only use by me and now Jarzale as she is staying here for now.

Dropping the to trash bag on the grey wand out floor and plunge down on the couch trying to slow the pain shooting all over my body and how uncomfortable I am right now. I walk to the fridge grab a beer not Bobby Jo but still a beer and swallow it down with Morphine that contains extra healing magic, it hit home hard as the pain lesson and subside a little I when back to the sofa kick my shabby booth of my feet and rest my foot on the table trying to stretch it out.

I groan in pain as I got up to my room that is place up on the top of the stair, my room up the stair who's crazy idea was it. That would be you, you wanted to see the view of the scenery remember. This is going to hurt I drag the bag up with me not wanting to leave it lying around for the girls to find it and throw it out before my revenge could even take root. As I got to my room I see an intruder lying crisscrossing on my small single size bed. Well, well, well this is just perfect, and the enemy have come to the lion den, this is way to easy they are spooned feeding me.

I ignore the pain flaring up as I brag them one by one in to the bath tub getting my revenge set up. I turn on the water waited until it turn to an extremely ices cold water, they scream in shock as the water hit all of them. Their eyes open in shock and clear up their drossiness right off.

'Well, well the emery have woken up. Finally, I have something special plan just for you ladies.'

'What the?' Angel struggle against the restraint I pace on their risk and ankle.

'Struggle all you want, my dear little enemy but you will never brake free from that duck tape. It can hold a giant in place. What chances do you think you have?'

'What are you going to do to us?' Jarzale asks with her voice shacking from the freezing water hitting her skin and she shiver all over.

'Let us go! Have you gone crazy.' Rain voice out which if am not wrong sound a lot like a command, oh that is where she have gone wrong. I don't take command well, give me a command and I want to push you even deeper little miss Let Us Go.

'Yeah am crazy, crazy for some sweet donut called revenge. You know I had to hide in the dumpster to escape from the horde of man you put up after me.'

'It's not my problem, or fault that you are slow and had to hide in a dumpster; are you sure you're not getting to old for these kind of action.' She justifies and mocks me. Oh the gull of her in that state and still have the energy to mock me. I am going to make you pay so bad you are going to beg for my forgiveness. I grin and smile sweetly at her while playing with her long Rapunzel liked hair.

'Oh baby I am never to old for any kind of action in a way you're right it not your problem. So I can say it's not my problem that I accidentally pour this exotic mixture of rotten vegetable and fruit in to the tub. Oh wait what I mean is it not my problem that you can't get out of that bathtub.'

'You wouldn't dare.' Rain threatens me with her empty word trying to get me to stop doing what am going to do.

'Oh yes I would.' I snicker with my most evil snicker, and give her the most evil stare I could muster up. She blinks and tries to back away from my touch and from me all together. Good I scare her that is the gold this is going to be fun.

'Brelina think about this, we didn't do anything.' Angel try to reason with me, trying to stall for extra time. Like that is going to even help with anything. She is only delaying the immutable.

'Sure you didn't do anything, that's the problem you didn't do anything, and you even push me up to the table.'

'Oh are we doing shower time.' Jarzale giggle as she looks at the dock tape around her risk. 'Kinky.' She looks at me and batted her eyes innocently, like she has no idea what is happening. With the amount she drank that saying would be so true.

'Oh Jarzale you are so cute when you're drunk.' I smile sweetly down at her enjoying her innocent self that have not been affected with my plan.

'So I can get out of here.' She asks all innocent trying to use her magic to persuade me to let her go. The tangle of silk thread try to makes it way toward me but urgently got out of the way as it reaches my body. They try to get as far away from me as it little thread could take them and slitting in every direction around me. At lest her magic have the intuition to stay away from me knowing I am a danger and an enemy to them, they have the instinct to live and a survive.

'Nice try, but. Nope. Don't worried I will go easy on you guy's' I grab the trash bag and cock my head trying to work out how I would like to do this.

'Oh poo.' Jarzale wine out like a child, from my refusal and she knew she lost control over her magic, luckily she didn't realizes it was me but thought that it was her drunken state.

'Don't take a step closer to us, please.' Angel commanded and cracks at the end.

'Really if you're going to use threat at me you should really make it all the way. Don't worry this won't hurt a bit for me, for you it might be a little.' I tear open the bag and pour all the rotten vegetable in to the bathtub. They choke at the odder and cringe away from the nasty colour of the rotten vegetable as it unhurriedly creeps up to them.

'Enjoy it girls, it's going to be a long night for you or morning depending on your own personal clock.'

'Oh goddess it's touching me, it's touching me.' Rain start screeching in panic trying to move her feet up from the bathtub.

'Oh pretty colour.' Jarzale laugh and giggles from the stuff surrounds her up to her waist, she wanted to put her face in to it but Angel caught her and stops her on time.

'Jarzale that is not water for you to swim in.'

'But it so pretty.'

'See what's happening, so please don't leave us in here.' Angle when from treat to begging. I shook my head, roll my eyes the girl is practically switching her emotion like a flip of a coin.

'This is your lesson you're going to learn. You mess with the cat and you'll get the claw, now for the grand finale,' I pull out one of my dagger run it across the tip of my middle finger allowing it to cut easily in to my soft tissue. I play with the blood with my thumb, look down and give them my most maddening grin that I could muster.

'Sharp!' I told them, licking the blood from the cut and look at them from the corner of my eyes, narrowing my eyes contracting in away to show no emotion. Their eyes widen in fear and literally trying to get as far and wide from me. Kicking and slushing mix the veg and fruit together even more and making it swirl around.

I swirl the knife around in my palm playing with it, and I did Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo now let me choose my victim and we shall go. The three girls shrank away from me trying to scotch as far away from the lion about to bite their head of as they can. Um. That is a useless gesture and a waste of energy, the chant stop on Rain and I walk slowly toward her, with the dagger on my side. She curled up so small like a mouse trying to escape from the certain death that it knows it coming but unable to stop it or escape.

'No don't come any closer. You're never going to come and work in my club again if you try anything.'

'Oh well, I never really wanted to do it in the first place.' I shrug, even thought right now I would need to job more them ever seeing as I am short of cash but I still keep going. I sate down on the edge of the bath tub.

'It's not going to hurt.. Much… I promise.' I reach over and grab her cheek, softly stroking it and gently running my finger along her skin.

'Pretty, to bad it has to go.' I grab hold of her hair to hold her down as she struggle and start to scream on top of her lungs, it nearly rupture my ears drum. Boy oh boy she can scream, but that is not going to be enough and of course her struggle was going in vain as I was much stronger then she is and have a training that she doesn't have. I clamp down on her and keep her head still; I slash the dragger down and cut in deep as it reaches the destination.

The other two girls closes their eyes as the knife came down and they couldn't open their eyes to even look as they know that they are going to be next. They both peek open their eyes as there was silence and they couldn't take the thick dense hush. Their curiosity got the better of them as they open their eyes, the saying that curiosity kills woman is going to be the next famous quote. They expected blood to be everywhere but all they found was Rain in her new hair do. They looked at me in confusion, as all I got was her long Rapunzel's like hair in my palm. I let the hair drop in to the bathtub, cock my head looking at my new handy work and thought it look really good as her hair is now resting on her neck in a short crop pixy cut. I definitely have a career as a hairdresser if ever my Pirate contractor job is going to drown in the sea.

'Oh you look good in a pixy cut' Jarzale congratulate Rain and complementing on her new look. Rain gone speechless and her eyes gone totally blank, I think she fainted with her eyes open from the shock of the knife coming toward her cutting her skin, but that was not the moment when she pass out. It was when I actually cut her hair, that she pass out seeing as in the mermaid world the length of hair mean everything to them and it a show of power, yes I when for where it hurt the most. I could literally see white foam forming from the corner of her mouth. That will teach you for messing with the grate all-powerful me, I am a god in this neck of the wood. I turn to look at the other two girls smiling syrupy and openly at them throwing my knife up and down playing with it.

'Am scared.' Jarzale whisper to Angle ears.

'You and me both.'

I motion for their hair and slash; they both close their eyes in fear. I laugh and they peek under their hooded eyes nervously.

'You guys are so easy to scared, I should do this more offend. I should really teach you in the art of opposing torture. How are you going to survive out there in the world if this is all it take to crack you in to pieces.'

'Oh my god you scared us to death.' Angel blow out a sign of relief as she still see her face and hair still in tack and still as good as it was.

'That is the idea, just be thankful that you weren't the mastermind of my misfortunes tonight only the accomplice.'

'You are so evil.'

'Not any worst then you guys.' I wink at them with my innocent sweet smile 'well good night ladies, enjoy socking in the nice veggie fruit spa. I heard it is good for the skin and mind.'

'Really' Angel asks her science brain kicking in to action.

I shrug maybe or maybe not. Who knows but from the look on Angel face we will find out soon enough in a few days. Her faces show the curious mad scientists needing to find out the truth and readying herself to discover a new discovery and no one will stop her in her path to enlightenment.

'No please don't leave use here. It's not fun anymore, pretty please.' Jarzale beg and bat her eyes, using her voice to calm my logic. To bad tonight her voice is her enemy, so in one simple sentence it doesn't affect me at all. I shrug and walk out of the bathroom, having her crying after me.

'Just be thankful that is all you're getting.' I called back not looking at them as I close the door behind me.

I fell face first on my bed not even caring about taking my clothes off, as I was as dirty as I could be. There is no way I could be any dirtier and suddenly having injuries appearing out of nowhere as I sleep. If I actually do get injuries while sleeping it must someone out there want to get to me?

As soon as my body hit the pillow my brain shut downs and I when straight in to my dream land. I stood in a cave that was fill with caveman drawings one that is ancient and still mange to survive through all the ages. Dark Mist Step out from one of the canvas drawing, tall dark and handsome with his short dark black hair flowing in the wind; he usually have his hood up covering his face but today this hood is down showing his, few days grown stubble and his purple eyes boarding down on me. As usual he have clock that rap around his neck and open from his shoulder showing all of the leather rapping around his body. He ware a black pant that curve to his muscle legs and held in place with a leather crisscrossing down to his feet, he usually ware a high boot up to his knees but today he is bear feet. All the blackness should have washed out the strong seductive purple eyes, but it did no such thing instead help mold the looks and make it shown through even stronger.

'You hurt yourself again, what are you going to do without me around. You need to look after yourself better then this.' He chastises and looking disappointingly and worried down at me.

'You know I don't like hospital; doctors and me don't get along. I swear I do like doctors it just them that have a problem with me, well any places with rules and authorities if I add it all in there.'

'Yes, I know and when through it with you, come here.' He put his palm out, I place my hands in to it, and my small fidgety finger fitted snugly within his big paw like a glove even though it was half his size. He pull me gently towards him, in this dream I am wearing a light creamy chiffon dress that flow like a waterfall as I move, not constricting my movement but flow to adjust itself to my body and movement.

As he pulls me closer he rap his arms around me, hugging me close to him. I place my face against him; my height only reaches to his chest so I rested my face on it, I let go and relax. I was so use to this that I don't even question his methods anymore it's now seem it like an everyday doctor check up or something like that. Yeah an everyday check up with a hottie magg hottie doctor. Oh my god Hindrance even in my dreams you would not leave me alone. That's right you can never get away from me, I'm part of you after all.

Dark Miss place one of his hand on my cheek making me look up at him, he then lean down placing his forehead on top of my forehead and closes his eyes. I usually close my eyes at this point but to night I couldn't help but look at him from every inch of his face sketching it in to memory. I could feel something scanning and searching, a warm feeling flow through me I could feel soft patter of my heart beating and quickly quicken up from this usually normal check up. Something warm started to pool below my bellybutton creating a fluttering effect, somehow things have been very different for me lately, every time we are this close I would start to feel a tingle of soft music playing in my body like there is a rhythm that he bring out of me. It's like I am a piano and he is the musician, I am the instrument of him playing the song that his finger wanted and the song play from the tip of my toes to the top of my head.

'What were you up to, you literally have most of your rib crack, your legs is broken on the lift, your skull is crack. And I have never seem your abdominal muscle this damage even your butt and eyes are really bruise.'

Okay Umm hearing him talking about my butt is so awkward right now. This is the guy I could feel so comfortable speaking with anything, well mostly everything that is suitable for men ears. I am not that crazy to pour out my all to him, in away I don't even know anything about him. I don't even know anything about the man, who he is and what he is. From the very moment I ever got consciousness and form my own thought I began to know that he was there. He might have been there from the very beginning of my birth who's know. I certainly don't have a clue, he seems to know everything about me but I know nothing about him.

'Nothing much.'

'Are you hiding something from me?' His eyes bore down on me trying to crack me up and make me choke so I would spill everything to him. It would have work if I was still a little girl without any thought and get scared easily. But time has change he really needs to get use to that.

'If I tell you, you will go berserk and I don't like that. I don't like seeing your dark side.'

'It must be very bad, that why you're trying to hide it from me. Spill now.' He grip me tight and wouldn't let go of his stare like I was going to vanish from his eyes if he look away.

'No, it not, just leave it alone okay.' I press m lip together trying not to spill anything out. I just feel like my word would tumble out if I don't keep it shut.

'If I promise I won't get mad, well you tell me.'


I look at him sceptically not taking him on his word. The first ever memory clear in my mind, I was three and was taken by some unmask man; I was drug and put to sleep. Within my dream Dark Mist came out, cover in a black mist and shadow I couldn't' even see his form. All I could see is a floating shape with a hood covering his face, holding a long sword. I could tell he was fill with anger and vengeance, in the dream I watch him swing his sword slashing the men in one swop slitting their body in half some got there head cut of cleanly. The attack continues and he slaughters every last one of them, he came toward me with face dripping in blood. I remember crawling away from him, clawing, panicking and I scream in fear as his hands reach for me, I curled in to a small ball trying to make myself as small as I could, so I would vanish from his site. He stoop there looking down at me for awhile and he then when in to the shadow looking at me cry, I could feel his eyes on me and I really thought that I was going to be one of the corps.

When I woken up all the man was on the floor some I think were dead and some keep shaking, there was nothing wrong with them. They look physically find no blood pouring from them, there were non of the traumatising split body that I saw in the dream world no sever head any where to be found but I know that Dark Mist have done something to them, I saw it happen and he really scare me from then on. Of how dark he is and I see how far he will go, even as a child I understand that they will not find anything, I knew deep down that Dark Mist done no physical damage to them. If the physician were to examine the men bodies they will not find the course of death they will not find anything wrong with the body but the man just unexplainably drop dead from brain damage. If they are not dead then their brain is still damage and not functional anymore, they are like a dead mush potatoes. After the authority found me they ask me many question, they wouldn't let go of the fact that a small girl woken up and everyone of them seem to be dead or brain dead without any explanation. At first I told them what happen but none of them believe me and I shut my mouth after that, knowing how crazy it sounded. Ever since the incident I keep to myself and never really acknowledgement his existent in my dream. I know he would be lurking around in the shadow watching my every movement and watching over me even thought I don't want it or don't need it.

I lock him out but he would still appear to me everyday, asking me how my day was? Even though I never talk to him he would always ask the same question over from the shadow never really given up on me. He was the only thing that was constant in my life even though I push him away and lock him out. He slowly unlocks my distrust by slowly appearing to me at my toughest time and offering to help with little things I was having trouble with. He began to listen to my trouble over the fire, helping me, asking me about my days and He would always listen. As time goes by I began to open up to him once more.

It was him, whom have keep me saint through out those years of being in the forest living a life no child should live or any person should have endure. If it was not for him I think I would have gone mad by now or even worst become even more of a dark and horrible person that I would have mean to become.

He is the one that taught me everything from cooking to fighting even to the way of the magic, how everything works. For a shadow man that is in my dream he definitely knows a lot about everything. I guest to me he is like a father a mother and a brother I never really have but there is something else that I do feel for him but I can't seem to place my finger on it. I know that my life would be very empty and never will be the same without him around.

'You really need to trust me more.' I cock my head up willing him to see my determined and strength through my blue eyes making him see my strong soul.

'This has nothing to do with trusting you. I need to take it out on the guy who hurt you, they must pay.' My eyebrows ark up, that answer is exactly what it mean, he is a million miles away from event any where close to the word trust and even further from not trusting me to take care of my own problems.

'I am not a little girl anymore. I can take care of my own problems thank you very much. I'm not going to trip and fall.'

'You're telling me that you taken care of the guy with your face, rib, crack skull and torn muscle. Did you combined it together and wack him in the head with it.'

'No, I did one even better, I taken care of him by giving him my best death stare while rolling on the floor being kick to a pops, If you think I am in a bad shape you should take a look at the other guy.'

'Be Serious.'

'I am serious, seriously thinking this is totally cool the bruise really say something.' He gives me the look, it is called am losing patience with you tell me now or else. 'Okay look the broken rib was from a lizard. How are you going to kill a lizard.'

'There is always a way to do it.' Oh I don't doubt that, he positively would find a way to fried the lizard up in to nice bite size meal for dinner and would taste good.

'Don't you even think about what ever you have in your mind. It was my fault I stumble to its nest; it was just trying to defend its eggs. So if you're going to punish anyone, then it should be me.' I said defensively up at him perseverance lid in my eyes. What can I say I have a soft spot for mother or fathers I didn't happen to look down to check for it gender while being whip from the inch of my life. It just something that always get to me and I can't help but try to protect that.

'Don't pull that card out on me, you know very well I would never do that.'

'Well I do hope not.'

'And the other.'

'That's I want you to back off, the guy is my pray I will do it myself. I don't need you to fight my battle.'

He still have a fierce look on his face and the angry mother polar bear defending her cub to the very last dying breath. I sigh with frustration inwardly; this is going to be the course of my death. Sighing inwardly is properly not that grate for the health, unless someone goes around promoting it saying there a total health benefit from it. I should be more relax on him, instead of putting a million of stone dissatisfaction on his head. Even though at head of his really need to be adjust to the right place, before it spin of out of control. I would love to see that terribly fun discover that my mind just came up with, maybe one day you will find something good enough for course of the head spin, I know you can do it. Hindrance added in to my thought.

'Look, what was the point of you teaching me how to fight. If not to defend myself, you want me to play house with it.' He have been very protective of me from the very beginning I should have patient with him on trusting and letting go of me, letting me do what I needed to do, I guest that would be the right thing to think about.

'I never intended for you to use it, going around kicking guys ass.' He shook his head in a tist tist way.

I laugh from the absurdity of the comment, 'I use it to cross the ocean and came back before you could even say huzza. Now don't be silly, if you had it your way, I would be lock up in a high tower and instead of dragon, you're be there defending the fortress. Being lock up is no fun business, we saw how that turn out.'

'If I had it my way, I would have you over my shoulder and never let you down. It wouldn't be so bad.'

'We'll see.'

Seeing as he was not going to let it go of the many miles of string he was having trouble with, I begin to steer the situation in to another direction. I pretend to moan and gritted my teeth from oh the so nice and lovely vacation my body has taken up resident. It just happens to set up it baste in the section of pain and injury camp. To say the less I didn't have to pretend much as my hold body is crying in pain not even the painkiller was working. It was wearing off a lot faster then I thought, the more pain you are in the faster the painkiller run and duck out of dodge with the pain gun shoot out. I can say it very clever to try to get out of the way and try to save its life.

'Are you going to heal this or not. Or do I have to go and crack some more skull before it can be heal.' I ask, he look worryingly down at me and for now let go of the troubling thought that he have about the boss builder guy and began to slowly place his hand on my temple and closed his eyes.

I look at him with his thick long lashes dropping down like thick feather seating on top of one another to make this row of lashes. His lips press together as he was concentrating hard; I close my eyes as he place his lip on my forehead transferring his life healing mojo on to me. At lest I can say I have my own personal physician to look after me at my beckon called. I could feel the warm heat transferring and traveling down my body and this time I feel some kind of a liquid pouring and seat at the bottom of my stomach. But at the same time I can feel all of my inside moshing and swirling, like there is no gravity to anchor it in to place, just floating around without any destination. This is new, must be him trying to heal my abdominal that is the only explanation I have, whit him anything really goes. My inside might even be reconstructing it self-gathering in a meeting to just plot an assassination against me for putting it throw so many damages.

I jump up so quickly and almost got wack in the face by my body part Hooters and Bee-stings my large D cup size chest, yep the rise of the bodily fluid is about to come just like I predicted. I grab for my two trusty daggers Groon and Gloon in to my palm crouch on to my bed preparing to jump in to action if I needed to do so. Someone was in the house, someone use one of the portal; I blink rapidly washing away the dream haze from my eyes. I turn around as I hear a someone behind me; I blink a few times seeing a woman in her mid earlier 40's. She wore a Victorian style dress, it look like she might have pull the fabric from a curtain sand and somehow fashion it in to a dress she is wearing right now. To bad that I know that the material would be from a highest fashion one could get because it is her after all, there was flower printed every inch of the fabric crowded and trying to compete for attention. There were thick bustle layers of underwear making the bottom of her dress puff out even more then needed to be. I can see underneath her waist there is a corset shaping and tucking in all of hey flab creating a curves and pushing her bosom up as it try to escape from the confined of the material that it was trap in.

I always wonder for a very conservative time they sure show a lot of chest, that part I am positive that it not very conservative at all. Seeing as how low cut the bustle is, what in goddess name did the Fashion designer thought in those times? Even the movement was constrictive there is no room for ass kicking in that dress at all. Off course at those times they would not be thinking that woman needed to be doing any fighting. Her black hair pulls back in to a bund high up not even a strand straying out of perfection. If it does stray she would wack it back in to the straight line.

'Oh grate witches it a monster; it a monster and it here to eat me alive. Oh wait it just my sweet aunt Glenda. What Horror, oh no what pleasure do I have to daint your visit. Are you here to pull out my unclean soul.'

'Well I see you never change, still living in the dump of a place.'

'This dump of a place, is my home; I would appreciated it if you don't go around insulting the floor you're standing on.'

'I see you still dress to the lowest fashion standard. Still dress like a poor slob.' She sneer down at me as she eye me up and down looking at my two days clothing that I still have on. The now crinkles up jacket that is cover in blood and with my jeans tear everywhere.

'Well am glad you approve, this is the best look I have so far. The next one I'm thinking of wearing a dress that makes out of meat, it's very convenient. Hungry, just grab one. And you still dress to the highest of fashion that is half your ages, still trying to land some man in your grabby web hands.' I smile up at her trying to rub it in her face.

She glare down at me in disgust like am a repulsive little creature that is barring her way. 'This is the kind of attitude thing that you do to bring the family name down. Why must you go around destroying the House name, are you out to destroy us all.'

'I was given Degenerate as a name from the moment I was form in my mother's womb; I have to live up to it. I so hate to disappoint.' I give her my critic smile with my lips pressing together.

'It's already a scandal that a human borne among our rank and how humiliating that it's also a Half.'

'Hello and the Half Human borne is standing right here, hearing everything you're saying not that you give a dam.'

Like she said it is really a disgrace for the House of Witches and one of the noble blood to mingle with a human, taken him as her lover and given birth to a human child. In the society of the world being a human is not so bad but being a mix breed is really look down upon they called my kind a Half Being. Not that there is much of my kind around seeing as only the brave would venter out of there own herd to explore the world outside there own environment. But I digress in the Witch society every time they see me, it remind them how weak they are to the other enemy, the other Witch House that is in competition to stay on top and be in power. It shows the other House that our House is disorder and unable to even control their own people. Human is look down a pond as among the witches rank and class of thing they equal as the witches slave even animal got a better treatment then human, they do the witches biding and serves the witches house.

'Adding your foul mouth in to the mix it is just begging for disaster to hit.' Wow She brush off my word off her like I have never spoke to begin with. And like that I can feel I grown an inch shorter is that even possible at all. Can a person actually grown backward, I always thought it was impossible but I was wrong. Should I be buying drinks all round for being a child no worries in the world or slaughter myself for going backward to when I have no control of anything.

'What is this I am holding?' she changes the subject and just find another way for her to attack me with.

'It called an underwear. If you must ask, I know that in your time of the Victorian things likes underwear doesn't exist, but here it do. It cover your private junk.'

'I know what it is; we are not cut of from the world as you think we are. Why, am I holding one of these.'

'That what happen when you use a portal that love underwear. Why are you so surprise about it? I cock my head and look at Pokey showing only a little anger in to my eyes, on why the hell did he let this evil aunt of my come through.

'Hey it is not my fault that she mange to use the portal, I am only the guard of this portal, anyone can use it.' He shrug his shoulder like there is noting wrong and it so not his fault for the woman standing in from of me right now.

'Angel my witches ass,' I told him while cocking my eyebrow and roll my eyes half way.

'I am more of angel, then you.'

'I never said I was an angel, I prefer to be known as your worst nightmare it has a more colourful ring to it.'

My evil aunt Glenda look from me to the empty spot that I was looking at and having an augment with. She was not going to stand for this, standing there watch me talking to myself is not what she want to do and she not going except it.

'How lovely I see you're still go around having your conversations with your non-existent magical friends. It is this kind of behaviour, that bring embarrassment and humiliate to the House.'

'How would I even have the time to disgrace the House name when I don't even exist according to the House.'

'There already many ways that you have create the scandal, like you calling yourself a Pirate. I don't even know what that is, are you trying to burn the House to the ground.'

'It is call a freedom of expression; I can do whatever I want. I got my license to be a mercenaries, I just decide I don't want to be under anyone that why I didn't want to joint any agency. I can do anything I want, it not against the law about what I do with that license, I am not doing anything wrong.' I give her my psycho smile that I only use for the enemy that about to eat the blade of my dagger and they would only have the chance to see it once. But I made exception from time to time, just to show her I am a wild card, you never know where you stand with me.

'What posses you to name yourself The Pirate.' Her mouth turns downwardly even more then usual, with her chin tilting to the side and her nose turn up. She look down at me with her eyes squinting, this is the look at she use on me all the time when she knows I am guiltily of something. The look that I would crack under and would spill every word out to her.

'If I am going to be a delinquent I should go all the way, I have a boat so The Pirate is the perfect name, wouldn't you think so?'

She shook her head in dismay like I have no bond on bring everything down that she and the other have works so hard on. 'You still hold the family name; everywhere you our name is stuck on you. You still had to use our family name to register at the Academic Office, it was lucky that we got our hands on it before anyone. You think you can escape from the House and the Family, you are wrong. We know where ever you go and run off to, you cannot hide from us as long as you hold our name. We expect you to behave, you are not a child anymore don't drag our House and Name in to the mud with you. This is why we you keep out of the way.'

'Oh really I thought it was because of my pretty face, what a disappointment.' Sarcasm is my line of defence as I learn a long time ago, if it funny it can't hurt me. Even if she is insulting me every each way she could think of I could not let her get the better of me.

Seriously these people really live and breathe House and Family Name, it's like the song from The Police - Every Breath You Take but the lyric is going to be every breath you take every move you made the family name and the House will be watching you. They live and die to bring the House name more power, we were ingrained from a young age there is nothing else more important then to bring the House name power, Knowledge, Connection, Fame as long as you bring something in to bring the house one more step closer to the next power play. It is all you should live for, you don't have to have any other ambition just listen to the house leader and do what he say. Give up love for the House, brother for the House, sister for the House, freedom for the House even give up your child for the House. Pretty much give up anything as long as the House want it. All this is okay and justifiable because as long as the House and Family name is up high it's mean everyone is up high, it the mentality of the House does not make out of one person but from hundred and thousand of people coming together to work together. And this is happening all across all the Being from whatever species exist in the Realm, you name it the House and it Family name would be the first thing to be bring up. It's the most important thing and the only thing that every Being agreed on even the one that have been fighting for centuries, they all live and breathe authority, order and power.

'You are a rite every time you open your mouth.'

'Am glade you finally release this.'

'Speaking to you have no meaning, word just goes out from one ears and come out from another. The place you live, the cloth you dress bring shame to even my eyes to look at.'

'Even if it is a shame in your eyes this is still my home, this is not the House Hall where you can throw word around, watch your mouth.' Well so much for not letting her get a rile out of me, I have jump in to the deep end. Now I might as well take it all the way.

'Should I show you out or do you want me to throw you out.' Not betraying emotion and letting it come through to my face as those entire word stab in to my chest, as the fire burning right though all of my brain never system. As each of her word enlighten fire that my brain can't seem to put out quick enough. I stab one of my daggers in to the pillow and twisted in a way to show that I mean business showing my ferocious grin ready to jump to bite the meat off her neck.