
Runaway Cinderella

Have you ever wondered what happened to Cinderella after she married her prince? Most would say, she lived happily ever after. But as she found out, ‘happy ever after’ was only a hyperbolic phrase that was only used to end many fairy tales. Not many women could say she that had married her prince, so imagine her shock when average 19-year-old Lee Kara was forcibly engaged to wed the Crown Prince of Korea, Kwon Tae Hyun! Despite their hatred for each other, both unwilling parties agree to the marriage, each with their own agenda. Entering the dark lonely palace, Kara searches for love and peace as she fought through snobbish imperial relatives, lies and deceit, eventually getting entangled in the fight for the throne. Behind the luxury and glamour of her newfound royal lifestyle, the secrets of a murder were slowing unfolding and she found herself as a chess piece between a game of thrones. Amidst it all, she found herself relying on her husband, the heartthrob of Korea Kwon Tae Hyun for guidance as her only grip for stability. Revenge, betrayal, secrets, love. Falling for a prince has its consequences and in a society where love will never conquer all, Kara will find out if their love was truly worth it. “Cinderella never asked for a prince,” she said bleakly, tears running down her face. “She asked for a night off, and a beautiful dress… I... don’t want this anymore, I can’t do this. Cinderella… Wouldn’t want this...” “But Cinderella was in love,” he replied stoically. “And so was her prince.” “But I am not Cinderella,” she said firmly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “And you are not my prince.” Set in an alternate reality where a Korean constitutional monarchy existed in the 21st century. --------------------------------------------- Genre: Romance Fiction Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incident are products of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. 5-7 chapters every week! Inspired by the K-Drama "The Last Empress". I have always been so intrigued by the fights among royalty. I hope you do give this novel a chance! I apologize in advance for any errors, I am still learning and brushing up on my writing. Please do leave a review as well! I would love to hear what you think! Cover art is not owned by me, credits to the owner!

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Chapter 7: Help! I’ve Been Marked!

Oh the heavens, I had just committed a federal offence! I panicked suddenly, clasping my hands behind my back and began to walk in a quick strides – I was in my 'pondering' state now. I kept my gaze glued to the ground awhile I quickly made my way back home.

I tried desperately to come up with any possible explanations as to how my name got leaked out to him — I wasn't even wearing a name tag, I did not mention my name and neither did Chaerin I suppose. So how did he get my name?

"Omo, I am doomed!" I wailed loudly and pedestrians stared at me oddly, they were probably thinking why an odd girl like me was running around the cold winter streets of Seoul wailing to my world's end.

His bodyguard probably researched my background, I concluded, rubbing my chin with my thumb and finger. If his bodyguard were to dig up my personal information that would mean...

I have been marked by the royal family themselves?!

I groaned the loudest groan I had ever done in my life. I am doomed, doomed to fucking die. I am going to get arrested! I should probably head back home and pack up now, tell mom that I am sorry and run to another country before they find me.

They would probably forget a simpleton girl like me after a whole year!

I smiled brightly and it faltered back to a pout as soon as it came. I did not have the money to travel to another country, how was I going to survive?

I felt like I just had one of Chaerin's severe mood swings and I started to wonder if it rubbed off me because I was close to her all the time. I reached the base of my small slope that my house rested on and sighed deeply, still trembling from the fearless raging cold. I wrapped my arms around myself and started to make my way up the stairs. It was times like this when I wished that I wasn't living on top an upslope. During my whole journey, I kept sneezing so hard that I felt my guts would drop out of my butthole.

When I reached my house, I couldn't help but glance sadly at the state that it was in. It was definitely had seen some better days, it was run down and tattered, the paint of the walls were fading and the bricks were not even patched up properly, I could even see a few messily and unprofessionally patched up job on the roofs that my mother did. The sad, depression-like feeling overwhelms me when I walked into the house.

"Umma, I am home." I called out, starting to peel my sneakers off from my feet. I glanced around my house, it was completely dark expect for the light coming from the fish tank with no fish inside.

Ironic, I know. Truth is, my youngest brother had experimentally poured some secret concoction down the tank, killing every fish inside it and we just didn't have the time or money to purchase new fishes. I didn't feel much better and relieved from the cold once I was in the house, we didn't have a house heater and we relied on heating pads and miniature personal rooms heaters to save cost.

I walked in, breathing heavily from my body rapidly trying to warm my body. It was weird to see nobody at home, especially my idiotic pair of younger brothers. I quietly made my way through the hallway and was about to enter the room when I heard soft voices coming in from my promiscuous younger brother bedroom, which he shared with my youngest sibling.

"Oppa, I think I heard someone coming home." A sickeningly sweet voice flow to my ears and I immediately felt like cringing. I knew that my younger brother Ji Sung was in there.

Hello there!

I know not all of you are familiar with Korean Terms so I thought I'll put a small author notes here.

Umma - means "mother"

Oppa - means “older brother of a female person”, but the meaning of oppa changed over time and now can refer to female person's

Dongsaeng - is used to refer to a younger sibling or someone younger than you.

Thank you for reading till now!

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