
Runaway Cinderella

Have you ever wondered what happened to Cinderella after she married her prince? Most would say, she lived happily ever after. But as she found out, ‘happy ever after’ was only a hyperbolic phrase that was only used to end many fairy tales. Not many women could say she that had married her prince, so imagine her shock when average 19-year-old Lee Kara was forcibly engaged to wed the Crown Prince of Korea, Kwon Tae Hyun! Despite their hatred for each other, both unwilling parties agree to the marriage, each with their own agenda. Entering the dark lonely palace, Kara searches for love and peace as she fought through snobbish imperial relatives, lies and deceit, eventually getting entangled in the fight for the throne. Behind the luxury and glamour of her newfound royal lifestyle, the secrets of a murder were slowing unfolding and she found herself as a chess piece between a game of thrones. Amidst it all, she found herself relying on her husband, the heartthrob of Korea Kwon Tae Hyun for guidance as her only grip for stability. Revenge, betrayal, secrets, love. Falling for a prince has its consequences and in a society where love will never conquer all, Kara will find out if their love was truly worth it. “Cinderella never asked for a prince,” she said bleakly, tears running down her face. “She asked for a night off, and a beautiful dress… I... don’t want this anymore, I can’t do this. Cinderella… Wouldn’t want this...” “But Cinderella was in love,” he replied stoically. “And so was her prince.” “But I am not Cinderella,” she said firmly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “And you are not my prince.” Set in an alternate reality where a Korean constitutional monarchy existed in the 21st century. --------------------------------------------- Genre: Romance Fiction Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incident are products of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. 5-7 chapters every week! Inspired by the K-Drama "The Last Empress". I have always been so intrigued by the fights among royalty. I hope you do give this novel a chance! I apologize in advance for any errors, I am still learning and brushing up on my writing. Please do leave a review as well! I would love to hear what you think! Cover art is not owned by me, credits to the owner!

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Chapter 6: How Did He Know?

Freezing. I was freaking freezing my tiny ass solid frozen.

Because Latte memories only required workers to standardize apron and sun visor, I was still wearing my soiled attire underneath my jacket as I didn't bring any fresh extra clothes to change into.

Well, it has been a splendid day for me: I show up late for work, get a pie thrown at me by an annoying customer and somehow as fate had so awfully twisted it, that annoying customer ended up to be Korea's very own crown prince. To top it off, he declared war with me in the end.

I shivered and sneezed violently as another bitter cold wind came thrashing down on Seoul city.

This god damned winter. My furry-layered jacket and scarf certainly did nothing but made me look 2 times fatter than what I usually am, and the mufflers were just getting in my way of touching stuff. I left the shop early after my so-called show down with the arrogant bastard of a prince, leaving a perplexed and questioning Chaerin curious with answers.

Though I am sure that she would call me later to pester me for details. She did annoyingly tried to persuade me to stay, but I couldn't possibility go through my shift after the trauma I had experienced. I sighed gratefully as I thought back to how her questions denoted like a ticking time bomb when she saw the crown prince being ushered out of our shop and into a black limousine on her way back to the cafe.

That was also when my heart fell into the pit of my stomach and I blanked out in pure shock. I got off my butt and ran to the windows. I immediately noticed the royal crest of the royal family stamped on the car plate, the luxurious Rolls Royce and the flag of Korea stuck to the sides of the front of the car. He really was the one and only Kwon Tae Hyun, the beloved crown prince of Korea. I groaned loudly and ruffled my hair in annoyance.

I, Lee Kara, had just told one of the most respected man in the country to 'get out the hell out of my shop'.

Not only that, I had managed to scald the heir apparent of South Korea monarchy with piping hot coffee and proceed to kick him out of the cafe just cause he was a snotty brat.

Someone just kill me now.

Why, why did this happen on my shift? I could flow through a normal day like always, serve coffee and sweets, flip through magazines, giggle and gossip with Chaerin and then head down to my next job, go back home, do my homework and sleep.

Though I do deny that my life is somewhat boring, I enjoy it very much, especially on my occasional off days where I would head the mall with Chaerin or Donghae for some window shopping. But today took a far drastic turn from the events of my normal day and I was still suffering from the aftershock of everything that had happened.

I trembled again vigorously as the roaring wind reign the city landscape. This day was definitely going down in my book as the most horrible and memorable experience of working. I better get a damned raise after this.

Sighing, I forcibly locked away all my troubling thoughts of a potential lawsuit summon in my mailbox and perhaps even a jail sentence in my mind. I immediately felt the constriction that once plagued my chest disperse, leaving me to feel nothing but relaxation in the calm of the afternoon. I could finally breathe again.

Closing my eyes, I felt a smile bloom across my face, as I was now able to enjoy the relaxation of the day. As the memory of what occurred faded in the backdrop of my mind, so did the once lively and chaotic street I was walking in. The further I threaded out of the busy areas of Seoul where Latte Memories was located at, the more serene and peaceful the street became as well.

I strolled through the blocks, rubbing my hands together in a quest for heat. However, I found my mind drifting back to the prince. Violent and graphic images came back to my head and I snickered at myself like mad woman. I swear one day, I would kick that snobby prince so hard in his precious family jewels that he wouldn't be able to produce an heir for the next royal line. I felt much better after promising myself a fake pretense lie, even though I knew that I couldn't and wouldn't fulfill it.

'Teenager kicks crown prince family jewels and he can no longer produce any heirs' came out in my mind as I imagined what the tabloid's headline would be — but this would also probably also signal the mean the end of me, the whole country would despise me and chase me out for ending the royal bloodline.

Oh well, I suppose I can just kick one family jewel and leave the other intact.

I smiled to myself at the devious and sadistic thought. He had crossed the line with me, and I was not going to let it end it there back then. I walked further down the scenic street with a expression of pure bliss, but secretly inside I was that hoping that one day, Kwon Tae Hyun would break his neck awhile wearing his stupid king crown.

I stopped by the glass window of displaying a set of new for sale television, it was set to play the news, and another picture of that bastard prince came up on the screen again, causing my aggravation to go back to it's normal state. Damn him! Who did he think he is, commanding a citizen like me around like I am his servant!

"Stupid brat thinks he can threaten me..." I growled, sneering at the screen.

I didn't care that onlookers were staring and gossiping about the crazy girl death glaring and throwing insults a television, my fury was at its limits now, just thinking about it brings back my thirst of vengeance.

"Seriously, telling me that I will regret it. He doesn't even know me—" I started to mutter to myself in distaste, placing my hands on my hips. Then I stopped, in mid-sentence and motion. A thought hit me so hard that I felt myself stumble in a fight against gravity.

"Lee Kara, trust me you will regret this."

I began hyperventilating slightly, all the sudden fresh and sweet oxygen around me suddenly vanishing into outer space leaving only the carbon dioxide and nitrogen, depriving me of my much-needed breaths. I paled, I knew people would have called my complexion extremely fair but I was probably as white as a sheet of paper now.

Holy cow... How on earth did he know my name?!