
INFO Page.

This place will be updated when new characters or animatronics show up in the novels.

Ruby the Rabbit:(Female) The leader of the original cast of Animatronics. She is a hotheaded and daredevil of a person, and Wesker keeps her in check. After hours: Ruby goes to the left side of the hallway and can be seen on the camera, if you see her at the doors, close them until she goes away.

Wesker the Wolf: ,(male) One of the Co-leaders after Ruby, he is friendly and tries to act like the leader, even though Ruby is in charge. He keeps ruby in check. After hours: Wesker comes from the right side of the hallway and slowly makes his way to the office, you can see him on the camera, if you see him at the door close them and wait for him to disappear.

Claude the Cat, (Male) A member of the Original Cast, Claude is more of up upfront kind of cat, that's likes to do his own thing, and chill with his friends. he shares the stage with Mia. After hours: Claude starts at his stage and proceeds to got he left hallway, and can be seen on the camera, If you hear scratching near the window then turn your door light on until you see Claude shadow go away.

Pearl the parrot, (Female) a member from the original cast, Pearl is a Strict and mother-like person of the group, making sure everyone is in check. She has the stage to herself. After hours: Pearl has 3 phases, Sleep phase, Waking up phase, and flying phase. keeping an eye on her slows her down, when she is in the flying phase close the right door until you hear a bang on the door.

Mia the Mouse, (female) a member from the original cast, Mia ls a playful and a kind person that shares the stage with Claude, they surprisingly get along. After Hours: Mia will start on her stage and proceed to either the right or left side of the hallway, if you see her on the camera flash your light on her to make her go away, the doors will not save you.