
Chapter 6: Jack's Temporary break.

3rd POV:

Jack woke up from his sleep and saw that he was in the hospital. He looked around and saw that no one else was in the room with him. He tried to move, but he felt a sudden pain in his left leg, resulting in him relaxing once more. Not only that, but he was planning to go back to sleep until he heard the door opened, and June entered the room. June stopped what she was doing and ran to Jack's side.

"Are you ok!" She said rather loudly.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine. Something like this won't take me down that easily," Jack said confidently.

June taps Jack's leg, and he flinches in pain, "Really now?" She said smugly

"Ok, ok, I get it, I'm not doing as fine as I say. What in the world happened with Ruby, though, I've never seen her act like this." Jack said worriedly.

"I-I don't know, I'm assuming it never happened before, looking at how you said it. Do you think she may have had a glitch in her system, causing her to just glitch out?" She said questionably

"Yeah, that was indeed very strange, what happened after we left, I sorta passed out..." Jack said sheepishly.

"Oh yeah, well after you passed out we got you to the hospital, Ruby has been temporarily shut off for a while, is what I heard. Good thing Pearl was around to stop Ruby from causing any further harm from you." She said, recalling all that happened.

"I see, well it's good that it didn't escalate any farther, or else stuff would've happened. I most likely won't be able to do my night shift with one broken leg, and we don't even have anyone else to fill in for my role. This isn't good." He said.

"Oh man, anyway Jack I have to go, I have the stuff to do. I'll catch up later," She said before waving goodbye.

June's POV:

I waved goodbye to Jack and begin to make my way to the pizzeria and see the aftermath of everything. After I got there, I went to go look around and still saw Pearl on stage. I ran up to Pearl and ask if Ruby was ok after this incident. Pearl look away, and by the look on her face, I could see that something was wrong.

"Pearl, is everything ok with Ruby?" I asked concerned.

"I'm afraid not, after this incident she's been powered off for a while, and currently only Wesker is performing on the main stage. I have no idea when she's going to come back to her stage, but it wasn't her fault. She didn't mean to attack Jack, to begin with, we don't even know why she malfunctioned like that." Pearl said.

"O-Oh, I hope she returns soon," I said.

Jack's POV:

As I was laying in bed still, I heard the doctor come in to check on my leg.

"Hello Jack, I'm just here to see how your leg is holding up and making sure it's not permanently broken." The doctor said

"Whatever you need to do, Doc," I replied to him.

**A few Minutes later**

After the Doc checked my leg, he diagnoses that it's not permanently broken and can heal over time, but I should make sure to not strain it, or else it will be beyond recoverable. So I lay in my bed until one of the nurses come and cast my leg up, and get me some crunches.

**Another time skip**

I'm out of the hospital, after getting prescribed, that I was at least good to go, and I saw June out there waiting, worried about it. So I used my crutches and slowly make my way towards her.

"Hey," I said

"Are you alright!?" She said worriedly

"Yeah I'm fine, something like this isn't enough to take me out, but the doc said to rest my leg, so it can recover," I reply to her, to calm down her worries.

"If you say so… You made me worry, you know. But I'm glad to know that you're ok." She said with a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm going to need you to drop me off at my place, if that's alright," I said wearily.

"Of course, it's the least that I can do for a friend." She said.

3rd POV:

June and Jack made their way to June's car, and they began to drive off to Jack's house but not before going to a nearby gas station, and refueling her car. After that, they began to make their way to Jack's House. The silent tension was getting to the better of them, so Jack tries to start a conversation.

"So, you seen any new movies?" Jack said trying to start a conversation.

"Was that really the only thing you could think of to start a conversation." She looked at Jack.

"c'mon what else was I suppose to say huh? How's the weather?" He said Jokily.

June focuses back on the road and continues to drive towards Jack's home.

"I haven't seen any new movies, if that what you want to know," June said to Jack.

"Well same, I've been busy working a nightshift with some animatronics that have been trying to kill me, but hey the money is good." He said Casually.

"Wait they were trying to What!?" She yelled.

"Oh yeah, I guess their systems bugs out at night, but hey I'm still alive, isn't that the best part. No need to worry over something like that." He said Brushing it off.

"Isn't that a big problem then!? W-What if they do get to you!? What will you do then!?" She said asking question after question.

"That the thing, they won't anyway, I won't be attending my next nightshift because of my broken leg, I'm not risking the chance. I don't care if my Paycheck is getting docked less." He said with resolute.

"Good, we're here now, get out." She said.

"Jeez, I get it you don't want my company." He grabs his crutches and starts to make his way to the front door. Grabbing the keys from his pocket he opens the door and enters. June seeing him successfully get into his own house, drives off to her own home.

Jack gets to his bed, and lies down on it, thinking back to the incident. 'what could have made her glitch out like that' he thought, before pushing it to the back of his mind and heading to sleep.

**time skip**

June's POV:

I saw a piece of paper on the street while I was walking to the park (I was currently looking for a job) and it said night guard needed, I picked it up, and read what it said. It was talking about how the previous night guard is currently unavailable. 'they must be talking about Jack' I thought. So I ran back home, and got dressed, and drove to the pizzeria.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

but foreal it took me a while to get back into the flow, I almost thought about dropping it, but my friends pushed me on, and so here we are.

Av_The_Slime_Godcreators' thoughts