
Chapter 1: The First Night

Jack's POV:

I got inside the pizzeria and started to head to my office. As I was walking pass the animatronics, I check if any of them were turned on, thankfully none of them were on, and I decided to go on my way. I got into my office and I noticed there were 2 doors and vents both on each side. I looked at the monitor that was already in the office and turned it on, which showed all the rooms with the camera's on.

If I didn't realized sooner then I have to say this place is large. There was so many camera's that it took me awhile to look through all of them. (Ring Ring) I heard the Phone start ringing on my office table, and picked it up.

"Hello?" I said

"Hello, you must be the nightguard that was assign here, if I'm correct?" the caller said

I replied "Yes that's me how can I help you?"

"I called to inform you about what your suppose to be doing while on the job. anyways the animatronics become buggy after hours, and they tend to act more aggressive then they usually act like that." The caller said

"Wait hold it, they act more aggressive! I did not sign up for this." I said

"Woah, Woah, you didn't let me finish they may act more aggressive, but that's what the doors are for. If they try to approach you through the hallway just close the doors, and they should go away and return back to the stage." The caller said

"Ok, I get the gist of that but what about the vents, and should I be wary of any other factors, your lucky I'm getting paid big time for this or else I wouldn't choose this job to begin with." I said

"Well anyways, Mia, the blue mouse animatronic, if you see her leave her stage then find her on the camera's, and use the camera lights to flash her. That should make her go away and return back to her stage, Claude, the orange cat. You need to listen, if you hear scratching near either side of your door, then keep it open and stare that direction, Claude will walk to the door and check if someone is looking. If your looking in his direction he will leave, while if your not looking in he will come into your office, which is something you don't want now do you?" the caller said

"Ok slowdown your throwing to much information at my face, just elaborate." I said

"Ok, Mia, the blue mouse, shine light on her if she leaves the stage. Claude, the orange cat listen for scratching and then stare at him, sounds easy enough right?" the caller said

"much better, actually is that all I need to know?" I said.

"No, you still have 3 left, but since you got confused with the first I'll simply it, Ruby, the black rabbit, comes through the left side, if you see her, then close the door. Wesker, The white wolf, comes through the right side, if you see him, close the door, just like for Ruby. And now Pearl, the green parrot, if you see her leave the stage check the camera's and see which camera she's coming from, then close the door depending on which side she's on. Simple right?" the caller said

"Yeah, yeah that all?" I said

"Yep that's all, good luck on your first shift and I hope I can see you coming back tomorrow." the caller said

(Call ended)

Third Person View:

As Jack was on the phone talking to someone, Ruby, and Wesker, begin to activate and started to move around. Jack checked through the camera's and notice both Ruby, and Wesker were nowhere on there stage. He flipped through the camera's and see Ruby in the parts and service room, and Wesker was coming down the hall.

Wesker's POV:

I was going down through the right hall, since Ruby told me there was suppose to be a nightguard here now. I looked at the camera and saw it blinking, so I just stood there and stared at it till it decided to turn off. And a while later it turned off, so I continued my journey to the office. I made it to the office. "Ruby wasn't lying." I muttered. He looked at me, and panic then proceeded to close the door. "Well dang." I said before heading back to the stage.

Ruby's POV:

I was walking in the Parts in service room, and saw some of our older models. there all just broken, I guess were made from parts of them. I left the parts and service room and started to go down the left hall, and see if the nightguard really was there. I peeked through the window, and there he was, just like he said he said. I was about to go and attack him, but he noticed me and close the door. "Dang it!" I yelled frustrated, as I went back to the stage.

Third Person View:

As Jack kept blocking out both Wesker, and Ruby from coming in, it hit 3AM, and Mia, and Claude started to activated and start moving around. Jack looked through his camera's, and now noticed that both Mia, and Claude have now left, cursing to himself he now ready himself for when they start to show up.

Mia's POV:

I got my stage and proceeded to sneakily make my way to the office. I made sure to stick to the shadow, but since I was design in a brighter color it made it harder for me to hide well. Anyways I was getting closer to office when I saw one of the camera start blinking. I stared at it then a second later, a bright flash of light came out and blinded my eyes. "AAAAAAAAA!" I yelled in pain, and immediately return back to my stage.

Jack's POV:

"Ouch didn't think it would do something like that" I say when I saw Mia immediately run back to her stage. 'now who's next' I thought.

Claude's POV:

As I was getting off my stage I saw Mia running back here with her eyes closed. "Mia what's the matter?"

"The nightguard flash the light into my eyes! it burns!!" says Mia

"Ouch, are you feeling better at least?" I said

"Yeah, but it triggered my senses, I'm going to stay here for awhile." Says Mia

"I see, well I'm going to continue, and try to get one on the nightguard. Wish me luck."

As I said that I slowly made my way to the office but not before looking at the time and noticing it is 5AM. 'I gotta get there fast before its too late' I think then start picking up the pace. as I made my way to the office I started scratching on the walls, but made sure, I don't know why I do it. I must've been program to do it, but anyways as I was making my way to the office door, the Nightguard was staring at me. 'Ugh I can't take his stare' I think before beginning to walk away.

Third Person View:

(Clock ringing) It hit 6AM, Jack sighs in relieve knowing that his shift is over and starts to grab his stuff and leaves. Looking at the animatronics he seems them all deactivated and proceeds to leave the pizzeria and drives home. And thus a new day begins.

Author notes:

I hope you like this longer chapter I'll try to make it this long consistently and I hope you will join me on this journey that I started to do.