
Falling into Despair

Happy about the arrival of the reinforcements, James forgot the whole problem that they were still a bit removed from getting to the front lines. This meant that James and his group at the forefront would take the blunt of the clash. They had to hold out at least for another minute or two before the reinforcements would reform on top of the walls.

Realizing this, James had a difficult face as looked towards Francis. It seemed as if Francis also realized the same problem as they were both shaking their heads towards each other. They were both used to fighting against the demonic beasts, however normally they were the ones that would outnumber their opponents. However as the current situation stands, they were the ones being outnumbered. At least until the reinforcements formed up.

Another problem that James realized when he faced the demonic beasts was that the sun started to set down. They probably had less than half an hour of proper light before it would become dark. Thinking of this, James wondered if the demonic beasts would be hindered by the lack of light. Well, he would soon discover this, as it would soon be so far.

As the first group of demonic beasts arrived at shooting range, the patrols that were equipped with either crossbows and bows started to loose their projectiles towards the beasts. As the projectiles hit some of the beasts, they started to fall down. Yet as the weapons were inaccurate against flying opponents, many of the projectiles actually missed their targets. Estimating the hit rate, James thought that only 3 out of the 10 projectiles actually hit their target. Realizing this, James wondered if it was even smart to use those things at all.

Waiting at the same spot for the enemy to arrive was definitely not something that James was good at, as he was thinking and wondering about various subjects. At least now he did not have to wonder about various subjects, as the beasts were upon them.

There were at least 50 demonic beasts that started to dive towards the patrol team of 20 men. They were outnumbered more than double their numbers, yet they had to hold out.

There were two demonic beasts that was leaping towards James. Noticing this, James was unsure which one to target first. Concentrating on both of the incoming beasts, James saw that one of them was descending a bit quicker compared to the other one. That one would be his target. Holding his sword at the ready, James timed the moment that the beast would arrive.

As the beast opened its beak trying to bite at James, James lunged his sword into the mouth of the beast. The timing was perfectly timed, as the sword dug itself into the mouth of the beast and hit something soft. Blood started to pour down from the mouth of the demonic beast.

Happy that he was able to kill one of his opponents in one strike, he forgot that he also had concentrate about his surroundings. Realizing this, he felt something pressing on his shoulder. The area that was pressed started to become warm. Looking at his shoulder, he saw the demonic beast's beak encompassing his shoulder. There was blood dripping from where the demonic beast was biting.

As he saw this, the adrenaline that James had built up started to disappear as he started to feel the pain in his shoulder. With a loud shout, he let go of his sword and tried to punch the demonic beast away from his shoulder. With every punch, he could feel that his skin was getting pulled away with the beast. Feeling the immense pain, James was hopeless at that moment.

Despair started to creep up to him, as he started to let go of all his emotions. Tears started to form up. This was the first time that James felt scared. Screaming, James repeated the same word, "Let go! Let go! Let go!" Yet it was all to veil. There was no noticeable change happening.