
Roxy: Discovering The True Meaning of Fate

This is a heart-wrenching story of love and loss. Prophesies, lies, secrets and power. Roxy is a Royal-Born Werewolf with the power to blend into any supernatural society. She can shapeshifter into any beasts at will. She also possesses unimaginable powers. She also gains the ability to call on an ancient dragon who awakens her Warrior queen status over dragons. But she doesn’t know that until after she meets her fated mate and turns 16. She grows up in a relatively secluded area and raised by a powerful mafia boss.Jose is a powerful Lycan with power to manipulate the elements but he doesn’t know it until after he meets his fated mate in a chance meeting. Follow their story to the end. Because when she discovers what she truly is, Enemies will arise and sides must be chosen. What happens when fate tries to undo her match? And what happens when the enemy is closer than they first thought possible? Follow along on Roxy and Jose’s journey through life. Will they overcome the challenges life throws at them? Or will they fall at the hands of fate undoing her greatest match? Will they succeed or will they fail? Read to find out.

Grace_Casey · Fantasy
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Chapter 3:

Jose pov:

Last night was an interesting night. I met a very strange girl and her friend. We are now tied together with a promise to protect one another. Even though she was 10 she seemed much older. Maybe it's just the fact she grew up like me, training to be a leader one day. My father has told me many times that even I seem older than 11. I must focus on my training and forget that girl. Today I'm leaving to go to my grandparents to study for a couple years. They have far more intense training than I'm used to so it'll be great in the future. Too bad I can't tell that girl goodbye for now.

A few hours later:

"Grandma! I missed you!" I say running into my grandmothers awaiting arms. It had been a long time since I'd seen her. Since they live in Paris, I don't often get to see them. I can't wait to see what's in store for me. "Come now Jose, you must be hungry." My grandmother cooed leading me into the house. As we enter the kitchen I see an array of delicious food and treats. "Mmmmm! Smells yummy!" I sigh. Looking around I take in the house I will be calling home for the next few years. My father warned me that I would be learning martial arts, how to properly use a sword, how to shoot a gun, how to fight in hand to hand combat, and how to call upon the beast inside. The last one I'm not so sure of but I think it's a mindset or something. He was so strange when he told me that as well. "Jose please take your bags to your room and get ready for your first lesson tomorrow." My grandfather said as he entered the kitchen. It had been awhile since I saw him as well. "Grandpa! It's been a long time!" I screamed running to him. My grandfather was a strange man but I loved him still. As he embraced me he whispered "I can't wait to see you grow in your power." I'm not sure what he meant by that but assumed he was referring to the mindset deal again. I just nodded my head and excused myself to unpack my bags. Following one of the helpers, I got to work unpacking and folding my clothes. Once I had folded everything nicely, I hung up all my jackets and dress clothes. I sat down on the bed and thought about all the crazy things I'd be learning. Not sure how long I sat there but eventually I fell asleep and had a strange dream.

In the dream I'm sitting by a lake when a beautiful woman appears. She whispers 'Hello Jose. I've been waiting for you. You have a lot to learn before you return to your parents.' I jump up "Who are you? And how do you know my name?" She just smiles at me and says 'Jose I am the moon goddess but you must not tell anyone you spoke to me. You will do great things in the future, but you must be prepared for what's to come.' I don't understand what she's going on about. 'You must find your fated mate and protect her no matter what.' Fated mate? What kind of talk is that? Does she mean soulmates? I didn't even think that would be possible. "What do you mean?" She looks around and sighs almost like she's said too much. 'You are never alone. Find your mate and protect her.' She whispers as she disappears. "Wait! Come back! How do I find her? Who is she?" But before I can say anything else, she's gone. I wake up panting and soaked in sweat. That was the strangest dream I'd ever had. She said don't tell anyone we spoke. Eventually I fall back asleep still thinking about what she said. I need some sleep training starts in the morning. Can't wait to see what awaits.

Ugh! I groan hitting the ground once again. I've been training all day. Well more like I've been getting my ass handed to me. "Shit! That hurt." I say grabbing the back of my head. The scent of amber, the Forest and mahogany teakwood hits my nose. I bring my fingers around and find I'm bleeding. Shit. That's not good. I stand up only to find I can no longer feel my legs. I drop to the ground with a heavy thud. My partner Damon runs over to check on me. "Jose are you ok?" He asks looking at me, worry etched across his face. I sit up and groan "yea just hit my head that time. I'll be ok. Just need to rest for a minute"I say standing to my feet again. The ache is gone but I knew that since my head is no longer bleeding.