
Chapter 1

        It was summer, the time for slacking off and getting school off your mind and messing around with your friends, that is if you have any. Slinging my backpack full of snacks over my shoulder, I made sure I didn't leave anything behind before driving off to Sara's.

    "Alright, nothing left behind." I whispered to myself as I went towards the door.

     Since I lived by myself as a dirt cheap college student, I was pretty excited to going over to a friends house for some Ouija board madness. Sara was an amazing cook, so that meant I didn't have to eat another cup of instant ramen again. Well for tonight at least. Making sure I locked the door of my dirt ass cheap apartment, I drove off for the best night of a free warm meal and ghost hauntings.

       I arrived at my destination rather quickly and knocked on the beige door. I waited for about 5 minutes to knock again, but the door flew open and I was quickly pulled inside.

"Dude! I'm so excited I can't believe we actually have a Ouija board!" Sara squelled.

" Uh...yeah i'm excited to, are you sure we should-"

" Um. Yeah! I mean you wanted to use one and my brother so happened to have one and-" The crazy redhead breathed and quickly spewed out, " so I took his! He didn't want it anymore so he gave it to me. Call it an early birthday present." As Sara kept rambling on, I looked around the neat house and spotted the ouija board on the dining table surrounded by un lit candles.

"Hey Sara, you said that your brother owned this before right? Did he tell you about his...well you know.." I asked nervously. To be honest, I wasn't as excited as I thought I would be. Sure I liked to read a bit on the paranormal and listen to people's experience on them, but messing with Ouija boards were not on my " to do" list. I felt scared, usually when one would use it, they always ended up with an evil spirit, one that was not friendly.

" Well yeah duh, of course he would tell me, he tells me like,everything...well almost everything" She whispered the end mostly to herself, " He said that he kept having weird dreams about some guy, a fire, blood, and whenever he would wake up he would feel like someone stabbed him or something." At the mention of "weird dreams" and "stabbing" I told Sara that maybe we really shouldn't mess with it.

" Oh come on, you were the who suggested it! I wouldn't even have thought of the idea if you didn't ask me! So don't back out now!"

"Didn't Carter warn you about it?"

" yeah but that doesn't mean it will happen to us. C'mon Rosie! You know what they say, Take some risks girl!"

     Even with my hyper friend encouraging me to take a risk, which has caused us to get in trouble so many times back in highschool, I couldn't help but feel terrified of what might curse us, what if it wanted to kill us? What if this was my last day of living? Still, even with all those possibilities, I was really curious and wanted to experience the board myself. As they say, Curiosity killed the cat.

" Fine! Right, I was the one who suggested. Ok, i'm game. When do we start?"


    Thank you for reading chapter 1 of Rosie Gentlemen 🥰

   This is my very first story I've ever made to publish, I hope you all enjoy the future of this book!

~ Aryll-nya