
Chapter 2

      After our amazing meal full of pasta sprinkled with cheese and herbs, Me and Sara prepared the Ouija board with lit candles. I was nervous, really scared, and really excited. My feelings were all jumbled together incoherently, that I couldn't even decipher what I was feeling.

"Ready?" Sara whispered, looking at me with her hazel eyes.

"Ready." I repeated. My hands were slightly trembling, I couldn't make eye contact, I just stared at the board with my fingers posed on the pointer. Sara grinned with excitement and decided to ask the first question. The most basic question anyone would ask the Ouija board.

"Is there anyone there?"

    The board was still. The pointer not making any movement. I took a shaky breath, and asked the same question. Again the pointer stayed, not making any movement. I gave a questioning glance toward Sara, but her gaze was stuck to the board. I looked at the board again, it was still. I was starting to wonder if all those stories and experiences people had were even true, suddenly, the pointer started to move. My breath became uneven, my hands shaking with the pointer as it moved to three letters, Y-E-S, yes.

     Immediately i snapped my black eyes toward Sara, she looked right back at me with an excited and crazed smile, it scared me. "Oh my gosh is she possessed?" I thought to myself, my thoughts were all messy, Sara's expression was terrifying, suddenly she laughed.

"Oh my gosh!" She laughed like a maniac, completely exhilarated, "your face" she gasped for breath as she laughed even harder, "I got you good didn't I?" Her breathing now even, Sara smiled at me .

"Excuse me? I thought my best friend since 5th grade was completely possessed and gone by a demon, and was going to kill me! You moved the pointer didn't you!" My eyes were on the verge of tears and I blew a strand of my black hair out my face with anger and fear.

"I didn't move the pointer, I thought you did." Sara stared at me with her huge hazel eyes. True fear fell upon me like a hammer smashing to my skull.

"I didn't move it either..." my voice weak, my breathing once again uneven, Sara swallowed hard and grinned at me.

"I can't believe it." She whispered, "it's happening to us!" She squealed with excitement. "Oh my gosh Rosie it's happening!"

"Are you kidding me right now? Sara are you dumb? We're going to get killed! Possessed! Haunted!" I threw all the logical reasons I knew and read on, and tried to convince Sara to end the game. But of course, logic and Sara didn't go hand in hand.

"Are you a good spirit?" Sara continued on with mirth in her eyes.

"This idiotic piece of -" my thoughts scrambled away as the Pointer moved to two words, N-O, no. My body turned cold, the candle lights flicked around us as Sara gave me the look to asked another question. She wanted it's name! No way, no way in any fucking hell was I going to ask.

"I'm ending the game!"

"No! Don't, please Rosie, things just got interesting!" Sara's eyes turned glassy, her thin lips made a start of a pout. Shit, she going to make that face, and she she knows I can't resist it.

"Sara think logically here! Do you want to die or end up like your brother did with this thing?"

"Oh please Rosie ask it's name!" Her powerful tool known as the pouty puppy came to play. Her hazel eyes so glassy with fake tears, that the candle lights made it shimmer like stars. I hesitated my goodbye with the board, and I sighed with defeat.

"Fine!" I snapped, I trembled before asking the damn questions. I knew this was a bad idea, what was I thinking, why did I even propose the idea of playing with a death board.

"What's your name?" I whimpered, the Pointer sat still, then slowly moved to five letters. I read them aloud.

"E-D-G-A-R...Edgar..?" I whispered the the name.


  Thanks for reading 💕

Hopefully you enjoyed this, and this is my first story so it's obviously going to suck.

Feel free to comment and critique my stuff.
