
Roses of Betrayal

Amara, a celestial being, escapes a 200-year house arrest to explore the human realm with her bodyguards Mo Yue, Kane, and Ryo. Their journey encounters possessed acquaintances, demons, and the mysterious Kayden. Tensions rise with the arrival of Husani, revealing unexpected connections and family dynamics. As Amara takes commissions to earn celestial currency, she faces the threat of the Celestial Skies and delves into a world of illegal betting houses in a demon city. The plot intensifies with kidnappings and an unexpected reunion with Kyan, weaving a complex tale of fantasy, intrigue, and celestial politics.

Arcy_Warcy · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 9, You Are Quite Strange Yourself!

When the carriage arrived at the agreed destination Amara had thanked the driver before walking away without the bouquet. She went to the house where she left the trio of chaos and the moment she had opened the door she was welcomed with loud cries and arguments. Ryo sitting on a sofa sipping his tea calmly and ignoring the other two, Kane and Mo Yue on the other hand are having an argument about whoever goes outside to fetch someone. With a clear shock on her face and looking at the confusing situation. Ryo let out a deep sigh out of annoyance and closed his eyes and said: "The only person who is suitable enough to welcome her would be ME!" And now Kane and Mo Yue are yelling at him as well. Amara closed the door behind her to make her presence known, six eyes started to stare at her and mouths wide open. "If you keep arguing like this, who knows what might creep up on you all without you noticing." Silence… No one makes a noise, Amara's sudden appearance makes them speechless. "Y-your highness is that really you?!" Mo Yue approached her and asked with big eyes. "What is wrong with you, why are you acting as if I got killed?" Amara slowly tries to avoid him coming closer towards her. "Alijah told us in a crying manner you were dying after that sudden request of your sabre!" Tears started to come from his face and Amara couldn't help but look worried, she pulled out the sack of marks she had received from that weird looking frog Kayden. "All I did was finish the commission and get some side Marks." All the three men had looked at her in awe. "Unbelievable… To think you had really gone to do more than you were asked." Ryo said without thinking which ticked off her a bit but tried her best to compose a smile. "You know maybe you should go alone next commission again if people were so generous to you." He added with a serious tone, this man couldn't be serious. After all that I think Amara wants to step away from doing commissions for a while. "I should inform Alijah what had happened." She whispered to herself. "What happened?" Kane asked, ugh the super hearing guy is back at it again. "Just a small incident, nothing too big." She answered his question and he continued on questioning her. "What do you mean by a small incident?" Amara awkwardly coughed. "Gosh I should really tell Alijah first haha..." Kane looked at her with a sharp gaze. "Suspicious… But okay." Amara quickly left behind the bag of Marks and quickly went to her bedroom which was now decorated with things she enjoys to look at and have. "How nice." She muttered softly and softened her expression before trying to contact Alijah again. "Maraa!~" A husky male voice happily said, it wasn't Alijahs so who could it have been? As she looked to see who it was, A tall male with a bistre skin and beautiful silky white and green eyes that looked like it was one of a kind however she couldn't recognize who it was. She puzzled over who he might be Alijah then spoke up. "Ah Mimi, you have come back. After the scare you gave me…" His eyes trail down to her bandages on her arms and legs, a loud gasp was let out by him which startled the other man and Amara at the same time. "Are you okay!?" Amara quickly shook her head. "I am fine, the scars are healed." Although she had said that he still had a worried face. "Do your wounds always quickly heal like this?" The man asked her. "I am sorry but I refuse to give someone I am not familiar with such information." Alijah was wearing a shocked expression. "Oh my? Princess Amara does not remember one of her old friends?" He said. "I will reintroduce myself to you then, my name is Aire the last king of Sicilia." His voice sounded a bit ominous when he had said that, however Amara's smile didn't drop for a small bit. "I do not recall anyone with the name nor title such as yours. This must be our first time meeting." "Have you been suffering from memory loss?" He asked her directly. "Prince Aire you can't!-" Alijah was cut off by Amara instead. "Yes I have, I apologise that I cannot remember you from my past." She answered him with still the same unchanging smile on her face, he couldn't help but sigh. "I guess I am still not forgiven." He chuckled and Amara finally dropped her nice girl persona. "Over my dead body." She glared at him with hatred in her eyes and clenched her fists which amused him even more. "Let's not create a scene in my space, thank you very much." Alijah tried his best to break them apart. "Prince Aire, since our business is finished I recommend that you take your leave." "I couldn't agree more, good bye now Alijah and I hope we could see each other more frequently Princess Amara." Amara could not help but scoff at the offer and when he finally had left she could only feel more anger rise up and started to grit her teeth. "He is gone now so could you tell me what had happened back at Zaïre?" That made Amara fall back into reality and tell him about her adventure with Kayden and the suspicious forest fire that happened after killing off the man eating spirit and Alijah told her when she will receive the Marks. "…Weird indeed and are you so sure that the Kayden guy was not responsible for the fire?" He asked her out of curiosity. "I am not sure, he could be one of the suspects and someone else…" She thought out loud. "Someone else?" "Yes! There was this man with jet black and snow white clothing and pure sun gold-like jewellery who had saved me from passing out, he was also pretty tall." A chill went down Alijahs spine. "Did you see his face!?" He shouted. "There's no reason to yell, however no I was not able to see his face, all that he did was save me." "Please be more careful, your highness!" He groaned and rubbed his temples. Amara was surprised by his sudden outburst. "Have I perhaps done something wrong?" She asked in an innocent demeanour. "It is just… You had met with the Scribe Ammit. We do not know his name and we also have no chance of finding out his name as well. He is a confusing man and almost impossible to get a hold of." He answered her. "Is that right, What else do you have about him? I find the title quite amusing!" She asked him again but this time with real curiosity. "The less you know about him, the better." Amara pouted at his answer and tried her best to do a puppy dog-like eyes. "Ugh… Fine, but when I tell you, you must not tell a single soul. Do you understand?" Amara had nodded her head at his request without hesitation with a happy smile. "I assume you already know what his title means since Aire was the one who gave him that. He is the most dangerous being alive and is a big hindrance and ever since he had created a little group for himself it is even worse!" A slightly uncomfortable expression was made on Alijah's face. "The Five Ends have been more active as of late and the damage they leave behind when one of their play toys gets eliminated is even worse. We cannot keep lying about our existence if they keep this up!" He gets more irritated when he continues on. "The Scribe Ammit had also attacked many Celestial S-class figures and stripped their powers away to make them his own! He has now calmed down with that type of behaviour when you were locked up in your room. There were so many prayers and reports coming in that every S-class Celestial wanted to quit their lives." Amara was quite surprised that this had happened when she was not around. "Oh my, he does sound like a handful. But I do wonder why he had helped me that night… It doesn't make any sense." Alijah felt even more uncomfortable than before. "The thought about him just annoys me!" He started to ruffle his hair and Amara laughed at his hair now that it looked like a mess. "Oh, I almost forgot!" Amara said. "I have one more request before I go." Alijah looked at her with a what do you want now face. A small mischievous smile started to appear on Amara's mouth which made him worry and take a big gulp. When Amara was finally done with her business with Alijah she decided to finally return back to the Human realm and chill out for a bit and look around her new house. When she was back in her room it was almost morning and the sunset was close to arriving. But it was fine since she normally gets nightmares or dreams about complete darkness. She once again thought of the person who had saved her that night and couldn't help but lay on her bed and stare at the awning. "What a day…" She whispered to herself, meeting Aire again after all these years, and then it had to be at Alijah's private space she felt somewhat bothered about it. She already disliked the man from her past but something about the way he behaved around her like they were always this close didn't sit right with her at all, from the way he looked at her and said her name, it all felt fake and even if he truly meant that he wanted to see her on other occasions she would try her best to ignore him in any way. This might sound like a strong mindset because of the fact that she used to have a big old fixation on him but now she will try her best to forget about him once more and find someone else. Since she also received some new commissions from Alijah after asking him for her request she will leave the assignments over to the other three who were not able to look around warm land. "Perhaps I should examine who suits which commission better?" She questioned herself before working on three summarised scrolls for each one, she worked on them until it was time to eat breakfast. She went down the stairs with a wide smile on her face and the three boys looked at each other with a confused complexion. When amara reached the dining table she had dropped the scrolls in front of them one by one, they didn't know what to say when they saw it. "Aren't any of you going to ask what these are?" She asked them and they shook their heads at the same time. "Alright, then I will explain what these are!" She happily said. "These are my summaries on the few commissions we had received and I gave you all two since they are very easy." "Are you sure these are going to be easy?" Ryo sounded quite sceptical about this idea. "You make it sound as if I am unable to protect myself, my wounds have already healed as well." She takes off a piece of her bandage to show proof, and just like her words, she is fully healed. "I guess we can do these jobs. Just stay safe, do not open the door for strangers." Ryo said before taking a bite of his food Amara and the other two were surprised with him asking her to stay safe and looked at him with shock in their faces and Ryo tried his best to avoid eye contact with any of them now that he is embarrassed. It had amused Amara and smiled to herself, all of them finished breakfast quickly so the trio could leave early and be back sooner rather than later. "Don't forget to take care of yourself, Your Highness, practise your spiritual energy." Kane told her out of nowhere. "Yes, yes I understand now go already." Amara waved them goodbye until she wasn't able to see them anymore, when she closed the door she took Kane's comment to use and finally started to practise on her spiritual energy since it was still unbalanced and hard to use. She went to her room to finally meditate and see what was going on within her spiritual soul core. She sat on her bed, began to close her eyes, and crossed her legs when she was able to connect herself with her soul. She was surprised at how it looked. The room looked very despairing and pessimistic. She was bewildered about how this was possible even though the floor was different. Normally it should be water instead of it being a pool of blood. But her core was still shining as bright just as the sun. She reached out to touch it but before she could she was awoken by a knock on the front door. It surprised her a bit she didn't expect any visitors, should she stand on guard? She went to the door and when she opened it she was surprised to see a tall man in black and white clothes and with dark blue hair but his eyes were covered by his hair, he was wounded in his stomach. "Oh my! Are you alright?" "I was wondering if you could let me in, please, the others here are refusing to help." Amara knew something was fishy about him but she couldn't pinpoint what it was about him and decided to treat him instead, where could it go wrong? She let him in and laid him on the couch. She didn't know where she could find an aid kit for him so she had decided to heal him with her spiritual energy hoping nothing chaotic would happen. The man however immediately started to pass out when he laid down and Amara started her treatment on him. He started groaning and sweating when she began normally this shouldn't happen to a human. Instead of healing, he started to lose more blood by the second, Amara started to grit her teeth and use more power to not lose him. The wound slowly started to close up and the man finally began to breathe slower which calmed Amara a bit and quickly proceeded to look through every cabinet there was to find a first aid kit from him. She went back and gently took care of where his wound was. She did not want to wake him by touching it in the wrong way since her core was agitated by some wicked essence, and she could not fully heal the man. When the bandages were finally applied to the random man she decided to grab a wet towel for him and when she returned to the living room the man was already awake. "It is not wise for you to sit up." The man looked up at her with surprise and Amara softly pushed him back down on the couch. She had already dried up the towel a bit before putting it on his forehead. "Before I forget to ask, may I get your name?" But to her surprise, he remained silent, leaving her feeling a mix of curiosity and frustration. "It is only fair for me to know what to call you, or am I wrong?" She pressed on, determined to break through his mysterious exterior. After a long pause, he finally whispered, "My name... is not something I should give to strangers so easily... Do you perhaps not know Amara's Tale?" Her mind spun as she tried to decipher his cryptic response. Was he testing her like she had one with Kayden? Was he a part of some secret group that included him? But she refused to back down. "Well, I suppose you aren't wrong. However, what should I call you when you spend your time here" With a serious expression, he took much thought into it before finally muttering, "Anything is fine." Amara couldn't help but laugh at his evasive answer. "Alright then... I hope the name Husani suits your taste?" The man felt quite flustered by the name she had chosen. "I didn't expect you to be familiar with the language of Sicilia." And just like that, Amara found herself caught up in a thrilling game of cat and mouse with this mysterious stranger. Who was he? What secrets did he hold? She couldn't wait to find out and to him, she was starting to interest him more every time she opened her mouth. "But of course, the tale about the downfall of Amara was quite interesting to me nonetheless, I decided to find the smallest of scraps that were left behind of the language from Sicilia." She tried to sound casual, but her nerves were on edge. The man across from her stared intently, making her fidget with her braid and avoid his gaze. "So we both have done the same? You don't hear about this every day." His words sent shivers down her spine. "Yes, it seems like we did," she replied, clearing her throat. Trying to ease the tension, she offered, "Should I search for some spare clothes for you?" Her mind raced as she wondered what other secrets this man might hold. "I would appreciate that." He answered her. "I don't want to be in these comfortless clothes any longer than I need to." Amara could only hurry up and leave the room to find clothes that were going to be suitable for him and not too small. After Amara left the room, the man's face brightened with a smile. He couldn't stop staring at the staircase, as if he were drawn to her by a powerful desire. Amara searched in all the rooms of what could fit him better and she could not find anything so she decided to make a pair with her Mana. Since he wore black and white when he came in she decided to follow those colour themes and made him a nice and comfortable set. As she stared at them, she was proud of how it had looked. She just hopes it is not too big for him. As she went downstairs to see Husani he was already shirtless and poking around his wound. Amara glanced over to his large tattoo on the back of his arms and got interested in them. "What do you think you'll accomplish by doing that?" She asked him and he quickly stopped whatever he was doing. "Do I need to tell you next time to not touch your wound?" It is common knowledge not to touch or scratch on your wounds especially when it is not healed, so why was he doing that? Is he trying to get more injured? "No, I was just curious about how you stopped the bleeding this fast." He admitted while receiving his new clothes. "It's because I am specialised in this field." Pride was written all over her face when she said that and Husani could not help but laugh at how happy she was. "I am surprised that you know what type of colours suit my interests." Amara felt even more pleased with herself, her ego was now starting to grow more with every compliment she got from him. "You do have a good enough understanding of what type of fabric is most comfortable to wear." Amara nodded at what he said. "Well of course I do, you are in fact talking to a woman who is up to date with every fashion trend." "Is it also a fashion trend to watch a person who is trying to change their clothes?" That question made Amara drop her jaw on the floor. Why was he so blunt about saying that? She did not expect him to say that. "Absolutely not!" She yelled out. "If you wanted to change you could have also just said so." Husani could not help but laugh at her response to him. "It is not that funny Husani." She tried to scold him but with no avail, she decided to leave the room again but this time go to the kitchen and cool herself down and this gave Husani enough time to switch his garments. "You can come back now if you like." When Amara saw him she was quite stunned back about how neatly the clothes fit him and was completely captivated by how well he looked in them now she has no regrets about giving him the name Husani. The words: "Oh my…" Had slipped out her mouth while she was staring at him and he looked back at her with a warm smile. "If I had known you would have reacted like this I would've worn something more revealing before coming here to you." He teased her but Amara got flustered by him saying that and rolled her eyes to avoid him which made him a bit upset. "Do not worry, I am merely joking." He reassured her but she still didn't feel like meeting his eyes and decided to go back into the kitchen without a word which made him more saddened. But when she got back with a tray of food for him he quickly turned his sadness into happiness. The food was covered with healing magic so if he would eat a bit of it his wound could only heal faster by the day. Amara pleaded it in front of him on the table and when he reached out to get a piece Amara was confused on how easily he trusted her, what if she poisoned the food? It is not like she would actually scrap that she actually would but not to him. She would do it to Nolan's food whenever she gets the chance to. "As the conversation flowed between Amara and Husani, Amara couldn't help but wonder about the future. She anticipated that something exciting and unexpected was going to happen soon. As the silence grew between them, Amara spoke up, "Now that I think about it, I never asked how you got hurt. How did this even happen" Husani looked up at her, and Amara could sense that there was more to his story than what he had shared. "Oh that? Let's just say I got unlucky on my way home," Husani replied nonchalantly. Amara wore a confused expression on her face because of how casually he had told her that he had been severely injured before. She wondered what other secrets he might be keeping. "Wait, so do you live here nearby?" she asked. "Oh, absolutely not. I live somewhere much further away," Husani replied. Amara couldn't help but laugh to herself, wondering what other surprises Husani had in store for her. "But I think that is enough about me, my lady," Husani said, snapping Amara out of her thoughts. "Don't you want to talk more about Amara's story?" he asked her with a soft gaze. Amara's heart skipped a beat, wondering if knew about her being Amara herself in the flesh. She felt like there was something not quite right about him, she couldn't understand what it was about him that made her feel this uneasy. "I have been wondering about what you know about her." She said while sitting across from him and also taking food from the tray. "The only story that people know of her is that she died by someone who was very dear to her who she kept dearly to her heart. Since the day the person knew her name that was also the very same moment that she could no longer escape her death. However the story that I am about to tell you is something that only some know." Amara raised an eyebrow at him.

Okay Husani Okay… ^^;;

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