
Rose and the Beast

Ella (Rosabella) lives with her father, Luke, stepmother, Paige, stepsisters Anne, and Sarah. But she is a princess from another Kingdom, and her stepfamily treats her horrible. She meets the King, Emperor Carl, and he falls in love with her. But Paige poisoned his wife and Queen. Ella informs him and the Royal Harem of the plans that her stepmother has. She discovers who she really is, and the adventure for her has only started.

Claire_Roulston · Urban
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51 Chs

But Ella (Rosabella)'s father is not her real father

There once lived a girl who is called Ella or Cinderella. But her real name is Rosabella, and she lives with her father, stepmother, stepsisters and the servants who live and work at her father's house. Ella (Rosabella)'s stepmother and stepsisters treat her like a slave. Ella (Rosabella)'s father is worried about her health and safety, and he is not pleased with how his stepdaughters treat his daughter. Ella (Rosabella)'s stepmother and stepsisters are ugly, rude, unkind, selfish, mean, and downright bullies.

Ella (Rosabella)'s stepmother and stepsisters called her Cinderella, while her father and the servants called her Ella. Ella (Rosabella)'s stepmother is evil because she will do anything to get what her daughters or herself want. She wants to have one of her daughters be in the Royal Palace with the Emperor, Honourable King as his wife and Queen instead of the current Queen and every woman in the Royal Harem.

Ella (Rosabella)'s stepmother has ways to get rid of the present Queen and the women of the Royal Harem. But she doesn't want the Honourable King to know what she is planning, and she certainly doesn't want her husband to find out at all.

Ella (Rosabella)'s stepsisters think that they are more beautiful than Ella (Rosabella) because they wear fine clothes every day and don't do the housework at all as well as they thought for sure that any man would fall in love with them. But they are not beautiful because Ella (Rosabella)'s beauty shines through the dirt and the ashes.

Ella (Rosabella) has a secret room that only she knows of, as well as she makes sure that no one is in her bedroom; and she has all the most delicate dresses and jewels. The men run away from her stepsisters, and they stand next to the women they want to be with instead of Ella (Rosabella)'s stepsisters.

But Ella (Rosabella)'s father is not her birth father because he knows that she is from another country, and he is trying to find out which country Ella (Rosabella) is actually from. Ella (Rosabella) is kind-hearted, sympathetic, patient, compassionate, merciful, gentle, caring, and thoughtfully. Ella (Rosabella) did have a horse, but her stepmother sold the horse, breaking Ella (Rosabella)'s heart.

She thinks of everyone else before her as she worries about her father's well-being and apologises to other girls on her stepsister's behalf. The other girls informed Ella (Rosabella) that it was not her fault and that her stepsisters had to apologise to them instead of her apologising on their behalf.

One day, her father's house was so busy that everyone was preparing for the Emperor's arrival and Ella (Rosabella) cleaned all the rooms that the Royal party would use. The Royal party arrived, and Ella (Rosabella) helped out by looking after the horses as she was not allowed to welcome the Royal party.

But she recognised one snowy-white horse, and she walked over to it. The horse wouldn't let any men touch her, and Ella (Rosabella) slowly marched into the stall. The Emperor strolled into the stable with his Queen, and he watched Ella (Rosabella) as she hastened over to the horse.

The horse saw Ella (Rosabella) minced towards her as the horse was a female, and she trotted over to Ella (Rosabella). Ella (Rosabella) stopped, and she slowly called out. "Snow." The horse jogs over to her, and Ella (Rosabella) stares into her right eye. Ella (Rosabella) knew that the horse was her old horse (her stepmother sold), and she hugged the horse.

Ella (Rosabella) had tears rolling down her face, and she gave the horse a gently pat on the neck. Everyone else was stunned to see Ella (Rosabella) hugging the horse, and the Emperor realised that something that he needed to know as well as a servant did not inform him about something.

Ella (Rosabella) pulled back, and she wiped the tears from her face as she gave Snow the horse a gently rub down. The Emperor walked over to the stall with his wife, and they saw that Ella (Rosabella) was being careful with the horse as he asked. "What is your name, and why did you hug my horse? Is there something I haven't been informed about, and why did the horse trot over to you? Do you know the horse, and how do you know the horse?" Ella (Rosabella) glanced over her left shoulder, and she had no clue that the Emperor was standing there with his wife. Ella (Rosabella) went down on her knees, and she bowed her head as she replied.

"My name is Ella, but I like to be called Rosabella, Honourable King. I hugged your horse because I used to own Snow, and that is the name I gave her. I was the one who helped her mother to give birth to Snow, and Snow wouldn't allow any man to touch her. So I looked after her as her mother died within an hour, and she became my friend before my stepmother sold her, which broke my heart. I missed Snow all these years, and this is the first time that we have reunited."

The Emperor and his wife who is called Lilly. They looked at each other, and Ella (Rosabella) slowly looked up. Snow felt something, and Ella (Rosabella) was on her feet in a blink of an eye. Ella (Rosabella) managed to calm Snow down, and she slowly moved her hand over Snow's belly. Ella (Rosabella) slowly knelt, and she felt a kick.

The Emperor, Carl and Queen Lilly watch Ella (Rosabella) as she examines Snow, the horse. Ella (Rosabella) went around Snow, doing the same on Snow's right. Ella (Rosabella) carefully runs her hands over Snow's belly, and she feels a kick too. Ella (Rosabella) stood up, standing in front of Snow as she spoke. "Snow, did you realise that you are pregnant? It looks like you are carrying twins, and you need to be careful."