
Rose and the Beast

Ella (Rosabella) lives with her father, Luke, stepmother, Paige, stepsisters Anne, and Sarah. But she is a princess from another Kingdom, and her stepfamily treats her horrible. She meets the King, Emperor Carl, and he falls in love with her. But Paige poisoned his wife and Queen. Ella informs him and the Royal Harem of the plans that her stepmother has. She discovers who she really is, and the adventure for her has only started.

Claire_Roulston · Urban
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51 Chs

The vet quickly turned around

Emperor Carl and Queen Lilly heard Ella (Rosabella) speaking. Emperor Carl was blown away as a different vet informed him that his horse was not pregnant, as well as he stared at Ella (Rosabella), and he spoke. "You got to be joking because a different vet told me that Snow wasn't pregnant." Ella (Rosabella) turned around as she looked at him, and she shocked her head as she honestly replied. "No, Honourable King, I am not joking because I felt two kicks on both sides of Snow's belly, and it can't be one foal."

The vet strolled over to Ella (Rosabella) as soon as she heard her saying that Emperor Carl's horse was pregnant, and she stepped into the stall. Emperor Carl saw that Ella (Rosabella) was speaking the truth, and there was a vet in the stables. Ella (Rosabella) held Snow's head as the vet examined Snow, and she double-checked if Snow was pregnant or not. The vet glanced at Emperor Carl after she finished studying Snow, and she nodded her head as she announced. "Ella, or should I say, Rosabella, is telling the truth, and it looks like the foals are due any day now."

Emperor Carl locks on at Ella (Rosabella), and the vet walks out of the stall. But Ella (Rosabella) sensed something that would happen, and she helped Snow lay down. The vet quickly spun around, and she stared at Ella (Rosabella) as she was trying to work out why Ella (Rosabella) was kneeling on the floor. Ella (Rosabella) quickly saw between Snow's legs and her hymn towards Snow.

Ella (Rosabella) saw a sac coming out under Snow's tail, and Ella (Rosabella) kept reassuring Snow as two front hooves appeared. Ella (Rosabella) saw that Snow was having difficulties giving birth, and she grabbed the front hooves as she spoke to Snow. "Come on, Snow, you can do this, and this is your first foal coming out right now. I am right here as I am not going anywhere, and I am helping you."

Ella (Rosabella) gently pulled the two hooves out as Snow pushed to get her first foal out, and the rest of the colt came out as Ella (Rosabella) removed the sac from the foal's mouth as well as nose. Ella (Rosabella) checked if the first foal was breathing by placing her hands on its chest, and she felt a heartbeat.

Ella (Rosabella) slowly helped the foal stand up to walk to Snow, and she kept an eye on Snow and the first foal. The first foal wobbled as it stood up, and it trotted around Ella (Rosabella) as it was getting used to its surroundings as she spoke to Snow. "Your first foal is out, and it is a boy. There is another foal inside of you, and I am getting ready to help you."

The vet came back into the stall, and she checked the first foal out as Ella (Rosabella) glanced over her left shoulder. The vet saw the first foal was healthy, and she patted Ella (Rosabella) on the back as she spoke. "Rosabella, you are right, and you did the right thing helping Snow out with the first foal. I stay here with you until the second foal is out, and you should name both foals as you the one who helped their mother to give birth." Ella (Rosabella) felt proud and pleased with herself as she faced Snow. Snow felt the second foal moving within her, but she couldn't give birth as she hadn't got much strength left.

Ella (Rosabella) saw this, and she looked at the vet as she was getting worried about the second foal and Snow. The vet nodded her head as she knew that Ella (Rosabella) had to put her hand in Snow to save both lives, and Ella (Rosabella) reviewed Snow as she feared. "Forgive me, Snow, but I have to do this to save your second foal and please bear with me until the second foal is out."

Ella (Rosabella) slowly lifts the tail up as she peeks inside to see the second foal, and she slowly moves her right arm inside of Snow. Ella (Rosabella) slowly feels inside Snow, and she makes contact with the second foal. Ella (Rosabella) mouths to the vet that she contacted the second foal, and she got hold of the front hooves. Snow was about to kick Ella (Rosabella), and she spoke. "Easy Snow, I got hold of your second foal, and I will bring your second foal out. I am still right here, and I will not give up at all."

Ella (Rosabella) slowly brought the second foal out, and she saw her father, stepmother, and stepsisters as they stood behind Emperor Carl and Queen Lilly. Ella (Rosabella) gently pulled the second foal out as she fell onto her back, with the second foal lying right next to her, and she removed the sac from the second foal. Snow slowly got up on her feet, and she licked both colts as Ella (Rosabella) pulled the sacs away from the foals. The vet checked the second foal, and she saw that the second foal was a girl. Ella (Rosabella) helped the second foal stand on its feet, and they drank their first milk.

The vet checked both sacs, and she patted Ella (Rosabella) on the back as she announced. "Both foals are healthy, and you have done a good job helping Snow out. You made the right choice getting the second foal out, and they have to stay with their mother until they are ready to be on their own. But it is best to keep an eye on Snow just in case, and if something happens to either of the colts. It would be best to jump in and remove one of the colts."

Ella (Rosabella) stood up, and she watched Snow licking her foals as Ella (Rosabella) moved back as she wanted to give Snow some privacy with her two foals. The vet walked out of the stall, and Emperor Carl felt his heart beating faster every time he coos at Ella (Rosabella). Ella (Rosabella) stepped outside the stall and cleaned her right arm.