
Rosario + Vampire: Monsters Among Vampires (Dropped)

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

The Snow Girl

"We passed out most of this issue to!" Moka yelled in happiness as Eli and Tsukune tried their best to keep the newspapers organized but the girls were handing out too many for then to keep track of, "We should have a party for our successful summer issue!"

"You guys get along too well. I don't understand stuff like that." A strange girl said as she walked up to the stand and got inches from Eli's face, causing his eyes to widen in surprise, "You're cuter than I expected."

"Huh?!" Eli asked in a confused voice as she reached towards him and he nearly took a step back but stopped himself when she grabbed one of the newspapers before walking away, "What the hell was that?"

"Looks like you've got a girl to crush on you." Kurumu told him with a mocking tone and he didn't know what to say about that, "In all seriousness though that was weird."

"Well either way let's have a party after school." Moka said with a clap and they all agreed before going to class. To say the three were surprised to see the strange girl again in their class was an understatement but they didn't have any time to question it as Ms.Nekonome explained that they needed to elect a class president. Eli quickly deflected the duty to Tsukune when the strange girl nominated him and he gave Tsukune an apologetic look as the entire began to clap for him.

"Why would you do that to me?!" Tsukune asked Eli after class was over and Eli rubbed the back of his neck, "I don't want that!"

"I think you'll do fine." Eli told him with a smile but Tsukune just stormed away and he turned to Moka with a sigh, "Do you think you'd be able to calm him down?"

"Yeah." Moka said with a thumbs up before going to look for Tsukune and Eli's eyes widened when the strange girl suddenly stepped in front of him.

"I read that newspaper from this morning." She told him as she held up the copy she took and he gave her a confused look, "My name is Shirayuki Mizore and your articles are my favorite."

"Is that so?" Eli asked as they began to walk down the hallway before she wrapped her arm around his and he sighed in defeat, knowing that arguing with her would get him nowhere, "Why do you like my articles so much?"

"Your personality and way of thinking are just like mine. You're a loner to right?" Mizore asked with a small smile and Eli had to think about that question, "I can tell because I am to."

"In all honesty I'm not entirely sure anymore. I have friends but it feels like there's a gap between us that I can't fill." Eli told her as he allowed himself to be led by her and they eventually ended up at a small lake on the outskirts of the school, "Do you like to come out here?"

"From time to time." Mizore said as she picked up a rock and skipped it across the water, "I got nine. Think you can beat that?"

"I've never done this so I don't know." Eli told her as she handed him one and he looked at it before pulling his arm back and she watched as it almost skipped to the other side when he threw it, "I guess I can."

"I'm happy you're willing to hang out with me." Mizore told him with a small smile and he gave her a confused look, "Because you're the only one for me."

"I was wondering whether or not you were going to say something that." Eli said as he sat on the ground and looked at the water with a look that told her that he was deep in thought, "I never had someone say something like that to me so I'm not really sure how to react to that."

"It's not that hard." Kurumu from behind them and they turned around to see the group walking up to them, "It's a simple yes or no situation."

"How long were you following us?" Eli asked with a sigh as he got to his feet and she gave him a nervous smile, "The whole time huh? Mizore I can't promise that I'll be able to fully reciprocate your feelings but I'll give this a try."

"I suppose that's fair." Mizore told him with a small smile and he was surprised she took the answer so well, "That'll be fine by me for now."

"Let's go have that party now!" Moka said in a happy tone as she began to walk back to the school and Mizore grabbed on to Eli's arm as the group followed behind her. The next day they were confused as to why Mizore hadn't shown up to school and Ms.Nekonome tasked Eli, Moka and Tsukune to look for her at her dorm room before the P.E. walked up to them.

"Ms.Nekonome your student Mizore Shirayuki is in big trouble." He explained in a serious tone and the four of them gave him a strange look, "Last night she assaulted and nearly killed two of my soccer players. I found her scrapbook at the scene of the crime."

"You three go find her so she can explain her actions." Ms.Nekonome told them as she took the scrapbook and they went to her dorm room with concerned looks.

"It's me Mizore." Eli said as he knocked on the door but neither of them heard anything from inside, "Something's not right about this. I can't see a single reason why she would do that."

'Remove the seal.' Inner Eli told him in a serious tone and he gave his rosary a strange look, 'That teacher from before is likely behind this and I'm positive she's in danger.'

"Tsukune take my rosary off!" Eli yelled with panic in his eyes and they were confused but Tsukune quickly pulled it off. They didn't get a chance to say anything before Inner Eli sprinted into the forest at full speed and headed towards the cliff Mizore had told him about. When he got there he saw her get pulled over the edge and barely made it in time to grab her wrist.

"What the hell?!" The P.E. tea her asked as they were pulled up like they weighed nothing and after he recovered from the rough landing he looked up to see Eli holding Mizore in his arms, "Who the hell are you?!"

"Are you ok?" Eli asked her in an uncharacteristically caring voice and she quietly nodded her head. He set her down as the teacher shot a tentacle at him and began to laugh maniacally as it wrapped around his arm before trying to pull Eli towards him.

"What are you?!" The teacher asked when he realized Eli wasn't budging at all and his eyes widened as Eli swung him over his head and into the ground, causing him to cough blood on impact. Mizore watched in awe as Eli kicked him over the edge of the cliff before he could recover and a few moments later Tsukune and Moka finally made it to them.

"Tsukune." Inner Eli said as he held his hand out and he handed him back his rosary with a nod. Moka helped Mizore stand as Inner Eli sealed himself away and Moka explained their situation to her. Eli was caught off guard when she suddenly hugged him tightly and he gave her small smile as he put a hand on her back.