
Rosario + Vampire: Monsters Among Vampires (Dropped)

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

The Outcasts

"So you haven't seen Moka either?" Tsukune asked Eli as they walked to their usual hang out spot and Eli shook his head with a serious look before turning to Mizore, who quickly left to find clues, "I hope she's ok."

"Mizore will find her for us. If there's one thing I learned about that girls it's that she is way too good at finding people." Eli told him with a chuckle and he sighed a breath of relief as they saw the others waiting for them at one of the outside tables. Kurumu explained to them what Gin had said about the Outcasts and Tsukune became far more worried about Moka's safety before both of them stood up and left to find her themselves. Kurumu and Yukari watched then walk away with concerned looks but knew they wouldn't be able to stop them if they tried and after a while of looking a strange group interrupted their search.

"My name is Midou and if you're looking for Moka Akashiya then she's in our care right now. I'm guessing you know what that means?" Midou asked with a wicked grin and they silently followed them to an old building on the outskirts of the campus. Once they were inside they saw Moka chained up at the far end but they get a chance to say anything before Midou suddenly sent Eli flying into a wall with a powerful backhand. Moka and Tsukune watched with wide eyes as Eli landed face first on the ground and didn't show any signs of getting back up.

"Please stop!" Moka begged when Midou knocked Tsukune to the ground and he began to laugh maniacally until Tsukune glared at him with crimson eyes. Midou went into his monster form and tried to attack Tsukune again but he easily dodged his massive arm. He turned around to see Tsukune removing Moka's rosary and releasing her vampire half.

"Go to Eli." Inner Moka told him in a calm tone before suddenly kicking Midou through a wall and Tsukune struggled to get to Eli but fell to the ground feet from him, "Dammit. Your body is falling apart to the point where you can't even walk correctly. You need to return to the human world before it's too late to save you."

"You should pay attention!" Midou yelled as he punched her and he wasn't surprised when she didn't budge from her spot. His eyes widened when she kicked him across the jaw, causing him to slide back a few feet and he yelled as he quickly threw another punch but she easily dodged it. Moka knocked him into the floor with a glare and slowly walked towards him.

"You've made a massive mistake making enemies out of us and you'll pay dearly for it." Moka told him as he got to his knees and she gave him a confused look when he started to laugh maniacally before a sprinkler system they had set up began to pour water throughout the building, "What?!"

"Sorry for playing dirty but we were prepared for this scenario." Midou said as he got to his feet and sent her flying across the room. Moka slid to a stop and she recovered in time to see Midou in front of her with his arm pulled back. He stopped when a massive demonic energy erupted near them and they turned to see Tsukune getting to his feet with Inner Eli laying on the ground next to him and Moka realized the the water must have drastically slowed his healing down. Kurumu and the others got there in time to see Tsukune punch Midou in the stomach with enough force for him to cough blood and pick him up by his throat. He began to relentlessly punch Midou's head into the floor before the other Outcasts tried to get Tsukune off of him and he instantly took them down as well.

"Moka what's going on?! Why isn't the water affecting Tsukune?!" Kurumu asked as she helped her stand and they both looked up when Yukari cut off the sprinkler system, "This isn't like Tsukune at all!"

"My blood was tearing my apart from the inside and now he's become a ghoul who'll live his life constantly in search of blood. There's only one way left to save him." Moka explained as she walked towards Tsukune with the intent to kill him before Eli suddenly put his arm in front of her and she gave him a confused look, "What're you doing."

"I caused this knowing that this could happen. This is my burden to bear not yours and I won't allow you to do it yourself." Eli told her in a serious tone and she took a step back as Tsukune turned his attention to them, "Go back to the others."

"What's he talking about Moka?!" Kurumu asked as Tsukune dashed towards Eli but Moka didn't say anything before they saw Eli slam his fist into his jaw, sending Tsukune tumbling along the ground, "Answer me Moka!"

"He's going to kill him." Moka explained in a sad voice and the group didn't know what to say as they watched the two. Tsukune roared as he launched towards Eli but he grabbed Tsukune by his face and slammed his head into the ground. Eli kneed Tsukune in the face when he tried to stand and sent him flying across the room.

"I can't let this happen!" Kurumu yelled as she tried to run towards them but Mizore instantly froze her in place, "What are you doing?! Do you want Tsukune to die?!"

"Look at Eli's hands." Mizore told her as she pointed at him and Kurumu saw that his hands were shaking as Tsukune got back to his feet, "He doesn't want this either."

"Tsukune is gone and what's left is going to live on in suffering if he doesn't die." Moka explained with a sad look as Tsukune roared and the two launched towards each other with their arms pulled back, "Eli's planning on ending it with the next blow."

"No you don't!" Someone said as the two were bound just before they reached each other and everyone looked up to see two people in white cloaks standing on the catwalk above them. One of them hopped in front of Tsukune with a cross in his hands and began to speak a language they couldn't understand as he put the cross to Tsukune's head.

"Sorry we're late." Ruby told them as she removed the robe and everyone looked at her with wide eyes before she released Eli from his binds, "That person is an exorcist that cane to help Tsukune. It's the least I can do to repay your help at Witch's Ranch."