
Rosario + Vampire: Hidden Beast

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Happy Holidays!

"Thanks for helping me guys." Tsukune said as he, Eli and Gin carried several boxes of decorations to the club room, "I don't think I'd be able to do this myself."

"Why did we have to start in the middle of the night?" Gin asked with a yawn as they set the boxes down in the dark room and Eli turned the light on before shutting the door behind them, "I like this time of year as much as the next guy but I can't say I like it this much."

"We just need to put the decorations up then we can go back to bed." Eli told him with a sigh while trying to untangle a string of lights and when he finally managed to get them straight Gin helped him hang them around the door, "Besides imagine how happy the girls will be in the morning."

"Good point." Gin said with a slight smile as he used his super speed to decorate the tree Tsukune had just finished putting together and after a couple of hours the club room was fully decorated, "I'm off to bed."

"We still need to get the presents." Tsukune told him with a smile and Eli chuckled when Gin hung his head. He followed Tsukune and Eli to their dorm room to gather the gifts and when they got back they saw that everything had been taken.

"I should have known that damn scrooge would do this!" Gin yelled with a glare as Tsukune looked around the room with wide eyes and Eli gave him a confused look, "There's a janitor here that refuses to let anyone put up decorations."

"Chances are he's heading to the incinerator and since we weren't gone long we can probably stop him if we hurry!" Eli told them as he sprinted out of the room and they quickly followed behind him. When they got there they saw the janitor throw one of the boxes into the flames but Gin used his speed to quickly save it just before it fully went in.

"You managed to get here quicker than I thought you would but you do know you're not allowed to put up any decorations right?" The janitor told them with a frown, "You're more than welcome to help me destroy these though."

"There's no rule saying we can't!" Tsukune yelled with a face that neither Gin or Eli had seen before but the janitor just went to pick up another box without a word. Eli immediately put his hand on the box to keep him from destroying it and Gin quickly pulled the rest of the boxes away.

"If I say it's against the rules then it is!" The janitor said with a wicked laugh as he went into his monster form and they immediately recognized it as Krampus before he back handed Eli away, "There will be no decorating as long as I am here!"

"Tsukune get back." Gin told him as he went into his werewolf form and Tsukune quickly backed away from the three as Eli got to his feet with a glare before they both rushed Krampus only to be knocked into the wall by his massive arms. Krampus grabbed their wrists before they could react and slammed them both into the concrete with enough force to crack it. Tsukune saw something twinkle in the moonlight as Krampus threw them across the area and his eyes widened when saw a black cross hit the ground. Inner Eli's demonic energy engulfed him as he stood up and the only thing they could see were his crimson eyes glowing in the darkness.

"Ah your vampire side has come to lig-" Krampus was cut off by Gin's fist hitting his jaw in the blink of an eye and he knocked Gin away before Inner Eli suddenly kicked him in the gut. Tsukune watched in awe as the two took turns landing blows on the Christmas monster until he grabbed them by their faces and slammed them into each other, causing their brains to rattle and they hit their knees.

"Guys!" Tsukune yelled as he ran over without thinking and their eyes widened when Krampus cut through Tsukune's chest with its massive claws.

"You know what to do!" Gin told Eli as he sprinted towards Krampus and while he distracted him Eli bit his lip before injecting his blood into Tsukune's neck. Krampus wrapped his massive arms around Gin and began to squeeze him tightly as Eli and Tsukune stood back up.

"Learn your place!" Inner Eli yelled as he and Tsukune punched Krampus in the face and slammed him head first into the ground, causing a hole on impact, "Annoying bastard."

"Let's hurry and put these back up. At this point I just want to go to sleep." Gin said as he yawned and Inner Eli sealed himself away before they quickly got back to the club room. Gin and Tsukune had long since fell asleep by the time Eli had finished putting everything up and after he plugged the lights in he laid his head on a desk and almost immediately fell asleep.

"So Tsukune never came out this morning?" Kurumu asked Moka as they and Yukari walked towards the club room and they were in awe when they opened the door to see the three boys sleeping in the middle of a fully decorated room, "They must have been here all night."

"Should we wake them up?" Yukari asked as she looked up at Moka and she shook her head, "Why did they do all this?"

"I told Tsukune yesterday that I've never had a real Christmas and he must have dragged these two into it." Moka explained with a smile as they sat at one of the tables and waited until the boys were awake.