
Romeo world

I live in the world of warrior but it was never like this before. it was said that 1000 years ago there was no Tach energy or as some martial artist called chi. Yes, everything started 1000 years ago, when the scientist of earth discover the god partical, this partical allow an object to gain or lose Mass or that is what scientist believe. After that scientist, increase their knowledge on quantum mechanics, trying to understand and see if they could replicate natural phenomenal. Which they did one hundred years later in 2123, when they discovered tachion particals. This partical carry a type of energy that could strength objects if apply correctly. So, the army commission, weapons and tanks, etc to be built using this tachion energy. At first they fail, however 200 years later one scientist was able to engrave circuits into a tank, that would absorb tachion energy therefore the tank shell became able to resist almost anything. However, human became greedy and that lead to almost our extinction. When the government so the performance of the tank, they built tachion receptors all around the world this cause the world to have so much tachion energy that it started to penetrate people animals bodies but not for the good. Once a body was infected, it would brake down until the person died from pain, animals and trees were not left out too. Scientist all around the world work with out stop to solve this epidemic, until a Chinese doctor using old novels as a refer came up with a theory, meridian. Using nano bots he was able to separate the tachion energy from the body and built a stream way where the tachion energy could travel with out affecting the body, therefore ending the epidemic.

Not learning from their mistakes the governments around the world started to kidnap children for their test trials. Many die, but they were successful to create the first martial artist. From there, martial artist grew powerful and their families started to gain power around the world, using wars as a excuse many governments were destroy. Finally only 7 association remain, it was AUN ( Asian United Nations) the , NAUN, and SAUN for north and South America United Nations, Africa association, Europe association, Northern Middle East association, and South Middle East association. The association use their region name as a reference to tell people who was their friends and who was their enemy. But unfortunately not everyone was create equal, the rich families were able to increase the nano production of their bodies and even their offspring were born with this changes making them grow stronger with each generation, while the poor could only hope their children would be born with enough nano bots to at least become a lower level martial artist. This is how my world obtain power and also destruction.