
meet Romeo

there were broken pieces of glass flying around as a man is seen jumping out of second floor. Yup that man is me Romeo, now you would ask why I'm jumping out of the window of the second floor and risk broken bones and maybe death. well the answer is clear if I stay inside the room I just jump out I would have died. No, it was not people coming to get money that I owe or some hooligans that I offended, nope it's way worse.

I am Romeo and I live on the slums, now the slums are not some sort of tents just laying around, but a bunch of high tower apartments block where they put all of the poor with out money or relative live with. I was born here, and so were my parents, unlucky they passed away when I was 10 from nano epidemic, it's basically when the nano bots are not enough to control the tachion energy, and I was the cause. when my mother was pregnant, her nano bots went into my body so that I could development them to grow, but she retain too few causing her to get sick. My dad trying to help her out of desperation, try to transfer some nano bots but it is something impossible you can get new nano but can never transfer it to another person. This cause my dad to also become sick, they both died together at the same time when I was 10. From then on I choose to not married or have kids, to prevent this from happening again.

they said that when you grow up with wolf you learn to howl just like them, but that is a lie. I just could not do any those things that the kids my age where doing. I could not steal, drink beer or any of those stuff the hooligan of my friends could do. So I decided to study and if a made out there I could probably help the slums where I grew up. Now I am 18, i finally made into college, thanks to my friends that stole a few books for me to study, I will definitely help them.

As I was walking up the stairs I notice that the halls were too quite,

" is something wrong" I try to look around but but I don't see any police, so I guess something bad is going to happen I better get into my room quickly and lock the door maybe it's a land fight.

I walk into my room and lock the door, and let out a long breath, I am glad nothing happen to me. there are always stories about people dying before making to their house.

" So you are Romeo" all out of the sudden i hear a women voice coming from behind me. The room was too dark to notice her or did she hid. She knows my name, so that means one of the blocks lord send her for me, maybe for recruitment, because I am not worth any assassination. As I turn around I switch the light on and I see her face, I feel good but also weird out why is my dream girl here. ohh by the way my dream girl is Juliana the number one martial artist on her rank. She is half American and half Chinese , but she got on a fight with her dad, and remove his last name only using her mother name, Hightower.

" you, why, I mean Juliana, no miss Juliana, no miss Hightower why are you here" demm why am I so so nervous it just my dream girl, yeah maybe she got lost just that it, she is just going to ask for direction and keep moving.

" ohh questioning since the begining, maybe my information was wrong it said you had no back bone" "I...." " shhh let me continue" ' dem I just made her mad I am the worst, I only wanted to apologise'

" so this is how it's going to work ok, I notice that your parents took out a loan from my company 19 years ago and never made a payment, so with interested it come up to 200 thousand credits" ' that is impossible, my parents would have told me about, and that was before I was born so there is no way to verify this information, and since she belongs to a rich family nobody would care for me I am basically screw.'

" I see you are quite, I take you are thinking of a way to pay me back, even if you sold your organs in the black market would not leave you with enough credit to pay me, so I have a proposition become my fiance and...." Juliana could not even finish when she notice Romeo running to the window and jumping out of it.

Romeo hit the floor and get up ready to run," Dem I almost became a meat shield, better get out of here" suddenly a fist hits Romeo on head sending him flying through the air. As Romeo is passing out he is able to see Juliana walking up to him and picking him up from the collar," you will never escape from me"