
learning martial arts

After doing my daily routine, I was sitting in the center of the arena circulating my tachion energy. Thinking of what was to come, for sure during the party people are going to look for a way to embarrass me. If I can use this opportunity, maybe I can get kick out of here. Maybe, my debt is only a lie, but what I don't understand is why me ?

" I see you are here, the young lady send me here to give you your martial arts manual. Just follow the instructions on the manual and everything would be ok, unfortunately I have not practice this martial arts so I can't help you, I can only help you understand a meaning to a few things." said the old man as he throw a manual at my face.

I caught the manual and started to read it. it name was star Walker, which is weird for and old martial arts manual, but I continue reading it. The first part of the manual, was to try and hold the chi or tachion energy on ones cells through our whole body. This would allow me to always have ready to use. " well I can do that already since I started to destroy and regrow my cells they have become stronger and I notice that they have begun to store energy. "

The second step to the manual was the release of that energy into the body to gain speed, strength and vitality. This I haven't done, it says here that I must establish a connection with my cells, and tell them to use tachion energy, how ever I must be careful. I must follow this breathing exercise to slow down the flow of my blood, this would allow me to gain some control over some cells. From there I should move up according to the manual. " ok let practice this part"

I follow the breathing practice, and slow down my blood flow. After that I try to increase my muscles energy consumption. this cause an unbalanced phenomenon, where the muscle cells need energy but the blood stream was not supplying it. I felt as if my hands and legs began to dry, but that was only the cause of my blood stream slowing down. However, after a while I felt as a warm blanket of energy embrace my body. I felt reenergized, I believe I could run a marathon like nothing. So I walk next to the weight lifting equipment to check how much my strength had increase. Before I could only lift 200 kilogram, but now I can't believe 934 kilogram on my first try after using the manual, Jaja this manual its a jewel for me.

exicted I went back to practice I need to increase my energy store, and see if my cells can switch between the two energy at will with out having to use the breathing practice.

I have been practicing for a month, mastering the first two sections of the martial arts manual. Now I could finally move to the third phase. The third step was to absorb, store and use the tachion energy as you exercise. Now this was the tricky part. I would have to start all over again if I got something wrong according to the manual, since everything has to become subconsciously behavior.

I did felt sort of left out for the past month and a half. No body would talk to me, only to give me instructions and that all. I could see in their eyes, how I was only a bug on their faces. I was just waiting for the ceremony to come so I could make a fool out of my self and get away.

As I was walking to my room from practice I came across a young blonde man, that look pretty narcissistic. As I walk passed him he stopped me," Hey you servant, I'm talking to you"

I stopped and look back at him" yes, how may I be of service young master" I answer back as I thought, ' maybe this is one of those jealous boyfriend, I better play my part or I get beat up'

" Do you know where that low life of Romeo is at,? " he ask

" Ahh yes my young lady fiance, he is in the garden playing chess, ohh but he is dress like and old man, so that people would ignore him, anything else I can help you with young master" I said looking like a servant

" No, that is all walk along and do not tell the Miss Juliana about me ok,"

" ohh most certainly I won't young master," ' Jaja are you kidding me, if I say I was the one that sent a mad dog to her grandfather, she will definitely kill me, I better get out of here fast'

As I got to my room, I started to here noises from a fight going on. I am sure that guy got beat up since that granps seem really powerful. Better take a shower and fix my self, time to pretend I know nothing.

Later that day I found out that granps was ask for a duel to stop the fiance ceremony, this cause gramps to get mad. Since, some weak kid wanted to interfere with his granddaughter ceremony. They narcissistic guy did never figured out who he was fighting and left all beat up.

' that kid was just pawn to measure me, too bad he only got beat up by gramps, I'm pretty sure the second and third pawn will appear at the ceremony, should I forfeit the fight.

I better learn step four, which is connecting with tachion particle outside my body for more protection.

I did notice that the fourth step was similar to quantum mechanics, it said that our tachion energy always has an opposite partner and through it could know the state of the other partical just by looking at the one we have. For example, if our tachion particle was positive right now, we could infer that it's partner was negative. By finding this connection the manual say we could send, and travel from one place to another. This is why the manual is called star Walker. However, this manual sounds too good to be through, maybe I am missing something, because Juliana only said it was a low quality. Two month have already passed since I got the manual, and I could already form connection with tachion particle outside my body, but I am nervous today. why, you would ask well it is because the ceremony is tomorrow, people will come and they will ask questions and cause me trouble. How I wish I was not here, it is true what they said about meeting your heroes it never ends well.