
class on session

the martial artist maid name is Mary, I also learn she is considered a titanium class warrior. Too bad I do not understand the classification for warriors I only know Juliana is king class and since the maid is a titanium, I guess their are bronze, silver and gold. At the block ( slums) we do not see martial artist, the little we do hear it's only the end results of a fight.

right now I am sitting down on a chair, as elegant as possible, in front of me there are multiple plates for different occasions and to the sides there are spoons, forks and knives. I have to learn the order and what can be use with what and when, to be honest my head hurts. It is not that it is hard it just that too many things look alike. I hope I am allow to make mistakes on my first day.

Two hour later, I was finally able to get away from the dinning table. If I can I should just order the food to my room. I was escorted to the Martial arts arena where I going to be training. I only see an old man sitting cross-legged in the center of the arena with his eyes close. Maybe if I don't move he won't see me.

"ti tirin ti tirin" the maid shakes a bell.

the old man opens his eyes and looks into my eyes, dizziness attacks me, everything feels like it moving with out me, oh shit I am going to fall. I get on the floor like a cat grabbing onto the floor to not fall down.

" tch, too weak, I don't know why did the lady got someone too weak ah her fiance" said the old man with a disapproval face.

" you and me both buddy, " I answer him still in my cat position not caring for my image.

" do not use ' you or buddy' with me kid, so call me master, since I believe you have not practice any martial arts before, first I am going to build up your body foundation and meridian. Here use this two injections on your meridian, and sit in the center of the arena and clear your mind. This is going to allow your meridians to absorb more tachion energy. Now go do it. "

I wanted to ask him more about martial arts, but he seem too mad to even talk, yup I am probably going to get punch if i try to talk. Thanks to the injections i was able to feel the energy of the tachion, I will see if I can get some of this injections for my friends, hope they are not expensive.

I had to follow this routine for two week. In this two weeks I could not see Juliana. From what I heard, she was out doing a mission so I probably won't see her for another week. I also try to escape twice but was caught and beat up by the guards, they show no love for their young lady fiance. However, not everything was a loss, when I was increasing my tachion energy inside my meridian, some energy escape my meridian and struck my body. My body tissue was destroy, however when it grew back it was stronger and more powerful. However, it only work with energy that was cycle through my meridian more than ten times. At first, I was confuse, everything I have read said that tachion energy destroy the body to never recuperate, but why does my do could it be the injections. I was able to strength my whole body, but only a minimal since I had only done it for two weeks.

today Mary the maid and the old man where not at the mansion, I heard that they had a place to be so I was free to do what I wanted except leave the mansion. Even if I wanted to leave I couldn't those guard ate really powerful, and they punch really hard. Do I decide to take a walk around the garden, since it look calm and relaxing.

" worry, you look " said and old gramp sitting under a tree shade with chessboard.

" do I have that face". I answer as I look his way and started to study him. He is wearing a grey overall, his shoes look old and worn out. to his side their is a shovel and a few garden tools, even his chess board looks old.

" tells me everything, your face does" answer the old man as he move a pawn forward.

" do you always talk backwards old man" I smile at the old man.

" normal, I talked but listen did not, listen now they do" answer the old man.

" I guess they must listen or else they will miss out the whole point, so old gramps if you know my problems then why am I here." maybe this old man will finally inform me why I was actually brought here.

" mm hard it is, answer can not give you"

as I thought nobody would tell me I just get back to absorbing energy.

" kid, advice I give, why not, your own answer create." said the old man as I was walking away.

' create my own answer, so basically find my own answer to stay as a finance, but I can't stay, if I stay I have to change my goal. I would also have to look after my own back myself since everyone would want to hunt me. Yup it is better to get out of here'

TWO DAY later

Juliana finally came back and with bad news for me.

" Romeo, in two months we are going to have a ceremony to present you as my fiance officially, I expect you at the titanium level and no lagging behind on ethics. Now go back to your training" said Juliana with the same cold tone from the time we first met.

Juliana POV

" how was his behavior from the time I was not here."

Mary the maid walk forward, " He seems uninterested about everything, he learns but he sees everything as something he won't use. However, I did notice that he read people and changes his behavior depending on the person."

the old man walk forward and started to talk, " Yes I carry the same opinion as Mary, to him fighting does not look as the answer, his only good point is his meditation, he is able to absorb and expand his meridian way too fast, he already has gold rank meridian, too bad we do not have a martial arts manual for him and we can not use the family one since he is only a fiance."

" what do you think grandfather" said Juliana as she turn to look at a old man with garden equipment sitting in a bench playing chess by Juliana.

" energy, I saw"

" no funny speech with me grandpa" interrupted Juliana

" fine, fine , his body radiates with energy he somehow figured out how to use tachion energy that is why he advance to gold fast, but the jump from titanium to prince rank it is going to be hard with out a martial art, also you should talk to him Juliana, or else he might really run away once he reaches prince rank, since he seems afraid of everyone"

" I understand grandpa, as for the martial arts, I have already solve the problem, my two weeks mission was to an old ruin where it was said to have a manual for martial arts, I have here. It old and probably not that powerful since it was not taken, but it's something out of nothing. "

" As for talking you all know my circumstances, so you all know there is no reason for me to talk, or make friends with him, it is just means to and end"

finish Juliana with a cold tone that seem to freeze the room where they were talking.

Too bad she didn't notice that outside the window, Romeo was listening to their conversation. Slowly, Romeo moved away with out been notice. " good thing they said they can't stop me once I reach prince rank, better train and pretend I know nothing" ,

' but why did it hurt when she said means to and end, I am just her fan and that all, it is better to stay far away from her, good thing I know I am gold rank I be there soon and back home'

" alone again,"