
Romcom and Relationship [Male lead]

A collection of different romcom fantasy stories about relationships and romance in a fantasy world or in a fictional world. The stories are ideas that are gather from different people and friends and families. _____________ Note, this is not plagiarism or copypasta. 20% of the story are ideas from people I know and meet, and they are not writers, and 50% are ideas from real world experience, as for 30%, they are ideas borrowed from the Author [B_N_F]. _____________ The Tags is more than just 10 tags The real Tags are: Romcom, Romance, Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure, Modern, Middle age, Isekai, Reincarnation, Regression, Reborn, Vampire, Elf, Beastmen, Relationship, Level, System, Game, RPG, OP, Villainess, Villan, Tragic, Revenge, Music, Highschool, Time travel, Cultivation, Magic, Anime, Novel, Light Novel, Manhwa, Otome, Flag, WeakToStrong, Hacking, Yandere, Tusanderi. _____________ Thanks to [BNF] for the cover. Note: the cover has been Upgrad by Imagine. _____________ This is a continuous of the [Romcom and Relationship P1]

B_N_F2 · Others
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23 Chs

Getting Revenge on my Cold Ex-wife (Part 4) [Edit]



My dates with Hwa-Young continued normally like always.

Fun. I had fun trolling her every weekend during our date. I have been hiring my agents, spies, and ninjas to manipulate the surrounding around us two whenever we are dating, so that it looks like if she has a very bad luck. Like that one time when a street dogs were chasing after her for no reason, and then I cared her like a princess, making her get splashed by some random water that broke out from some random water pipe, make her look as if she has a very bad luck for dates. Create a random wind that Accidentally blows up her skirts up, making her more embarrassed, hehehe. And also making her heels break out of no where, and many other pranks that I can't mention.

Six days after our fifth date at the fun park, I was at my personal apartment, laying on the sofa while watching TV. It was Holiday and I was very bored.

Fortunately, somehow, my day was going to be more fun, because my Fiance called me, asking if I'm doing anything today. I told her that it's a holiday and that I was going to take a full rest for today, not wanting to go out. But then, I was surprised by her next words.

"Can I come to your place?"

What the hell! She want to come here alone. Why? Quickly, my mind began to work fast for a prank plan. And in a second, I got a great idea.

"W-what! Y-you want to come to my apartment?" I used a fake worried voice.

"Yeah, is there a problem?" She ask with a doubtful voice.

"N-no no, you can definitely come"

"Okay. I will be there in 6 minutes." She hang up.

Quickly, I called my butler and all my assistants, ready to give an order.

I quickly told them what to do. I ordered for my agents to try to manipulate the traffic roads, so that they can buy me more time before she comes here. And ordered to my butler to buy everything that's R-eighteen, from DVDs, books, manga, wallpaper, pictures, magazines, etc. And place them all in one of my private rooms. The butler was very confused by my order, but he didn't ask and went to buy the things.

40 minutes later, Hwa-Young came to my apartment and was kinda upset about something.

"Are you ok? You look like you had some troubles on your way here." I asked worriedly.

"I did. The traffic jams were so chaotic."

"I see. Want to drink something?"

"...a tea would be fine."

As we were drinking the tea, she began asking questions about my apartment, my part time job at SSS, and other stuff, and in return for answering her questions, I began asking some sensitive questions for her.

"So, what is your size?" I smiled as my eye moved a little bit down.

"W-what do you mean by that?!" She shouted, and her face turned red. Man, she is becoming more easy to melt. Unlike before on our first meeting, she started to show more reaction every time I tease her.

I continue asking more about her pecifically. Like her age, her weight, her size of each parts, and many other sensitive stuff. But in the end I stop, because she was very near to explode and leave. And I didn't want her to leave.

Not yet.

Hours later, she stood up and asked to use the bathroom. I told her the direction and she left to the bathroom.

Hehehe, looks like it's about to happen.



As I walk to the direction where the bathroom is, my eyes was caught to a room's door that has the name Seok-Jin on it. And under the name was written a warning sign that says "Do not Enter". For some reason, my curiosity pushed me to want to open the door and check what my Fiance might hide inside. My body froze as I grabbed the handle. I know what I was doing is wrong, but my mind is telling me to check it.


The door opened and I pushed it gently to see what was inside. For some reason, my heart was beating rapidly.

"!!!!" When the door was opened, my eyes opened wide in shock. The room was filled with many R-eighteen things. Picture and wallpaper on the walls of ****. A pillow and a blanket with a picture of *****  on it. A bookshelf filled with books, magazines, manga about ******. DVDs and game discs of *****. And some weird shape Tools that looks like ******* which I think I know what they are.

My body was frozen, and my mind is in chaotic state, trying to figure out the meaning behind all of this.

Don't tell me this is the dark secret that Seok-Jin is hiding all along?

He is a PERWERT!?

"So, it's looks like you found out huh." A very cold deadly voice came behind me that send shiver through my body. I turn my head slowly, and my heart wass beating so fast.


I looked at the man who was looking down at me with a serious, dead, cold eyes.

"Didn't you read the warning sign? I guess you need some re-education for trespassing others people privacy, Mrs Shin." I shutter from his word.

"W-what are you going to do to me?" I asked, trying to act brave.

Seok-Jin then took out a small device with a button on it.




The moment he clicked the button, the door that's behind him shut down, and a metallic door was covering it. Even the windows got lock by metal doors.

With a cold eyes, he said "You need to be punished."

My eyes widen and my body shook from his words.

"N-no, please. I am sorry, I didn't know. I promise I will forget everything that I saw. I swear." I was pleading. This isn't like me pleading for forgiveness. but I knew that I was the one in the wrong. It's my fault for putting my nose in something I shouldn't. And now, I will be punished and humiliated by a scary way that I didn't want to know how, because of my Stupidity.


Or that what I thought.

I was sitting on the carpet like a little girl who is about to be scolded by her parents. Seok-Jin then brought a document and place it on the table.


"Read it." He told me with an unhappy expression.

I took the document and began reading it content. Minutes later, I looked at Seok-Jin with a suprise expression. I finally understand the meaning of this room. The room was borrowed for decoration by the SSS company for photography in his room, and use it as an advertisement for online trading.

"Have you understood it all."

I didn't say anything and just nodded my head.

"Good, I hope this clears the misunderstanding."

He click the small device and the door was unlocked. We both stood up and left the room. As I was walking behind him with my head down, he stop in his track and turn to look at me.

"Didn't you want to go to the bathroom?" He asked me with a normal expression, not using any smile like before.

"Ah-Yes!" I then left and went straight to the bathroom. My thoughts was rambling with many different things.

Back at the living room, I was having dinner with Seok-Jin. We didn't talk after I came back from the bathroom, and he already made dinner for us.

"Huh, listen Hwa-Young." He sighed.


"What just happened before, let's just forget about it, okay? I don't want our relationship to be awkward because of some misunderstanding."

"... I agree."

"Good, than I hope you keep it a secret. I don't want to get fired from my job if SSS company found out that I accidentally let my Fiance know about it." He gave me a small smile. Not a fake or a teasing smile, but a honest one. My cheeks blushed a little.

"...d-don't worry, yours secret is safe." I said with confidence.

"Thanks honey!" His honest smile grew wider.

I lowered my head to hide my face. This is the first time he shows me a true honest smile.
