
Romance During Zombie Apocalypse (GL)

lovehotpot · LGBT+
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61 Chs

Chapter 19: who should I miss?

Hiori took three pairs of clothes, she went to her older sister's room first and put the first pair at the bed, she walked to the door hearing water splashing Hiori coughed then she knocked. "Meimei, I put the clean clothes at the bed. I'll lock the door after I left."

Mumei was standing still inside, not daring to move. When she heard the clicking sound from the outside she then took a deep breath then she quickly washed herself clean.

It's not that she's uncomfortable around Hiori, she was actually thinking of other things... her ears blushed, she took the shower head and placed it on her head, after a few breaths she took a went to the bathtub and stayed their for a while.

Hiori's cheeks blushed red she was thinking of opening the door and just managed not to, she quickly left the room and went downstairs and going to her parents room, she knocked first hearing no answer she opened the door thinking that Inoue was already inside the bathroom, but she actually saw Inoue butt naked... "S-senpai!!!"

Hiori threw the clean clothes she's holding when she saw it "SORRY!!" she said quickly as she bolted out the room. Hiori's eye widened... her heart stopped for a bit then she took deep breathe...she calmed down.

Hearing a click sound from the door Hiori looked at it then she saw Inoue's head as it popped out at the small gap, her face red, eyes a bit misty but it was clear. she looked around then she looked straight at Hiori's eyes "Senpai....it's okay. it was my fault" she said shying out she closed the door after.

Mumei went down wearing Hiori's clothes which looked somewhat baggy on her, still on the staircase she saw Hiori leaning on the wall, face red. 'hmmp. she actually dared to peeked at someone else.'

she stare icily at Hiori, she didn't talked to Hiori the entire day.

meanwhile at the kitchen...

Rui and Xingyi was the only left at the kitchen

Rui opened the refrigerator, she saw a few leafy vegetables that can still be salvaged, and there are also a lot of onions, garlic, and ginger. she also looked at the freezer and there are a meats and a frozen whole packet nuggets and frozen hotdog.

She could make a curry with this, meat stew even! she also saw a lot of condiments.

... ...

at the front of the store three people with disheveled hair, tattered clothes there are a few scratch wounds on there arm.

they breathe in deeply, sweats dripping as they swung their weapon unto the zombies, who knows how long they've been at it but all they think about is to survive.

their arms and legs felt numb. but their eyes are very clear, almost one's reflection can be seen if stared into.

Ashley heard a loud snarling, if she could hear it from the staff room just how bad is it outside?

She grabbed her phone and set it's volume to its highest then she out went through the backdoor, she played a a random music available on her phone she set it on loop. she positioned herself well she held her phone as if it was a baseball, then she threw it away giving her all strength. it flew far far away, at the opposite side where Matsuri, Kei and Saki are. the zombies surrounding the three lessened as they heard a loud music.

Ashley then quickly went inside and locked the backdoor once again. She went to take a look at the situation outside she heave a sigh of relief, seeing the three people outside actually have a smile on their faces. They finished off the zombies who decided to stay behind to eat them but alas they fell on to the ground without taking a single bite!

they grabbed the chance to get inside, they closed it and locked it once again. their legs gave out as soon as they relax making a loud thud as they fell on their bum. Ashley let out a chuckle. they also laughed at themselves. That was really close, one wrong move and they would be having a meeting with the king of hell!

"I told you it's dangerous." Saki said as she gasps for air

Matsuri laughed "I'm sorry, I thought we could make it." she sighed as she leaned her back at one of the stand.

"aii, young miss not need to apologise, it's our duty to protect you." Kei said gasping

"Mm...If I just had father's katana with me then cutting them would be easy like cutting tofu~"

the three of them laughed

though Ashley was a bit surprise, she thought that Matsuri is the daughter of a wealthy person... not a Yakuza..?

Matsuri noticed her she smiled "ayoo, my father is not a yakuza~~ we're a family of samurai. apparently my father's father and his father's father is one of the four noble blood from the past. But I took my mother's family name to hide my identity, not that it matters now anyway. hehehe~"

Ashley gaped... "are you sure you should be saying that?" she looked at Saki and Kei also gaping

"it's fine~~" >.<

"young miss... how come we just... just came to know about it?" Kei said stuttering

"father didn't tell you?" she asked then she looked at Saki

Saki shook her head

"for real?" her voice went high pitched

... ...

at the dining table, seven cup noodles and a phone on the table, the phone counting down.

'Sensei... it's alright don't mind it... I can't cook as well" Hiori said as she plays with her chopsticks

Xingyi held in her laugh

they looked at the sink, pot full of unidentified 'being' as the smell of burnt... floating about.

Rui's face fully turned red, she hid her face with her two hands "I didn't mean to burn it!! I can cook well!!!"

Inoue then teasing said "yes, yes. My sister usually cooked better than this... at least it didn't make an entirely unknown being~"



they laughed at Rui's cooking.

the sound of lively chatter along with laughs are traveling through the Sakamoto household.

after three whole minutes the phone buzzed, Rin turned it off.

everyone started moving their chopsticks simultaneously. The sound of noodles being slurp is the only noise can be heard within.

the night came, the seventh night.

Hiori arranged where the others could sleep. she and Mumei would be sleeping on her room, Rui and Inoue at her older sister's room, Rin and Xingyi at her parents room, and lastly Kaede and Haru at the living room. Hiori gave them two blankets, two pillows and one spare comforter from her parent's room. She leave the decision to them on who's gonna sleep at where.

when Hiori and Mumei got inside the room, Mumei was quiet, she didn't say a word to Hiori.

Hiori thought that she's probably tired so she let her be but when they lied in bed, a huge gap was made at the middle, and Mumei was actually turning her back on her.

Hiori thought about what she did today, and she find that she didn't anything wrong, other than accidentally seeing Inoue without her clothes... there's nothing she did to offend her?

She didn't think too deeply about it, she reposition herself, facing Mumei's back. She slowed her breathing..

Mumei on the other hand was getting nervous, she can feel every move Hiori made. So she turned away to at least calm herself.

Mumei actually forgot about what she was mad about earlier, she was not in the place to get mad at either.

hearing a shallow breathing at her back, she slowly turned around facing Hiori. they're just three inches away from each other!

the two met each other's eyes, Hiori face turned red. Mumei's eye's widened she didn't think that Hiori would be awake, this sudden move made her heart beat faster... it felt as if it would actually pop out of her own.

Hiori was no different, she could barely get herself together! then she remembered that Mumei is in relationship.

Hiori stared at Mumei "are you missing him?" she said almost choking

Mumei sat up when she heard this "what?"

Hiori also got up and sat on her shins, she said once again "are you missing him?" but this time a tear drop fell from her eyes

Mumei reached for Hiori's cheeks her palm gently landing on it as she wiped away her tears "who should I be missing?" she asked her back with a warm smile.

Hiori grabbed her hand as she said "your boyfriend?"

she acted as if she just remembered "ah! my boyfriend?" Mumei watched carefully at what Hiori's reaction is

Hiori felt a pang at her chest area, she looked away "Mm..."

Mumei smiled, making her eyes looked like a half moon "idiot~" she said teasingly

then she followed "who should I be missing?"

Hiori turned her head facing Mumei again "HUH?!"