
Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story

Tyson's confusion is palpable when he wakes up disoriented in the back of a truck. But the real kicker? He's replaced the X-Men's signature hero, Rogue, and gained her superpower, a gift and curse combined. His touch becomes a danger to all, but holds near-limitless potential. Bonuses available for supporters - https://www.patreon.com/Steatoda

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55 Chs

Arc 2 - Ch 12: Rough Couple of Days

John and Illyana hurried down the dimly lit corridor. "So," John began, glancing at Illyana with a smirk, "got a plan on how we're gonna find Tyson? Or are we just winging it?"

Before she could respond, a group of figures began to emerge from a nearby t-juncture. The first figure's blue skin was unmistakable. It was Mystique. A step behind, at her shoulder, was Magneto, his powerful stance and iconic helmet immediately identifying him. But it was the sight behind them that made Illyana's heart drop. Tyson trailed, levitating above the ground with his arms and legs pinned together like a floating mummy.

Without thinking, Illyana yelled out, "Wait!" Her hand reached out instinctively toward the friend they had come to rescue.

Mystique and Magneto stopped in their tracks, turning to face the duo. Illyana closed the distance between herself and Tyson. He looked... different. His normally lively gaze was vacant, clouded over with rage. Even when she shouted out to them, he didn't respond, and she could see that he was struggling, but unable to move. 

"What did you do to him?!" Illyana demanded, her blue eyes narrowed into slits as she glared at Magneto and Mystique, feeling a burning anger rise within her.

Mystique tilted her head slightly, her voice dripping with casual malice, "Stryker concocted a special serum. Mind control. Tyson wasn't immune to its effects. Came right at us the moment he saw us."

John, trying to piece everything together, interjected, "So, that's what happened to Professor Summers too? He was unconscious with Professor Ororo, she didn't seem concerned, but remember he was there?."

Magneto nodded slowly. "Yes. And Stryker did more than just that. He replicated the process done to Logan on Tyson. His bones have been infused with adamantium. It has made him stronger, and more dangerous, especially now. But it's allowed me to restrain him, prevent him from harming himself and others."

Her hands clenched into fists. Illyana couldn't believe what she was hearing. The magnitude of what Stryker had done was sinking in, and she could only think of saving Tyson. Her voice wavered, the concern now mixed with her anger. "Where are you taking him?"

Magneto paused, his posture cold and dominating, as he replied, "We're leaving. Our business here is concluded."

Illyana's eyebrows furrowed, trying to discern his intentions. "And Professor Xavier? Where is he?"

Magneto smirked, "Xavier is perfectly fine, my dear. He's safely tucked away in Cerebro. Waiting for his beloved X-Men to rescue him."

Illyana's glare intensified as she took a challenging step closer, "So, you just leave the Professor and make off with Tyson? Have you finally snagged your prize and now you're running off with him before anyone can stop you?"

Mystique chuckled, her blue eyes shimmering with amusement, "My, aren't we the feisty one?"

Magneto, his tone icy and firm, interjected, "We have what we need. It's in your best interest to not interfere."

Mystique's yellow eyes gleamed, studying the pair before her. "You could come with us," she purred, "Both of you. We recognize strength when we see it. We invite you to be a part of the Brotherhood. A place where mutants are not just accepted but celebrated."

John looked at Illyana, searching her face for a hint of what she was thinking. After a beat, he cautiously voiced his thoughts, "It... it might not be that bad, Illyana. You'd be with Tyson. They're strong, and they're fighting for change, for our kind."

Illyana paused, her gaze flickering between Mystique, Magneto, and the still-struggling Tyson. She seemed to be considering the idea of joining the Brotherhood, even if just to stay close to Tyson. But as she looked at Tyson's trapped form, her face hardened with determination. Her eyes began to radiate a fiery white glow. 

John sighed, sensing her aggression. He stepped back, crossing his arms, waiting for her to make her decision.

Armor, reminiscent of a knight's plate, began to encase her arm. A shimmering, ethereal sword manifested in her hand. Her voice, laced with power and resolve, echoed through the corridor, "You will release him. Now."

Magneto regarded Illyana with an arch of his brow and a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "You adorn yourself in armor and wield a sword against me?" He chuckled, the sound dripping with condescension. "What naive audacity drives you to such a foolish action?"

Illyana's response was swift. In a mere fraction of a second, she vanished from her position and reappeared adjacent to Magneto, her gleaming sword arcing through the air in a vicious swing towards him. Confident in his power over metal, Magneto instinctively reached out with his abilities to stop both Illyana and her weapon. But to his astonishment, the sword continued its trajectory unabated. It looked as if it was constructed from metal, but his power found no purchase, nothing to hold onto.

Mystique's eyes widened in realization. Demonstrating her superhuman agility, she lunged forward, tackling Magneto aside, narrowly avoiding Illyana's blade. The surprise on Magneto's face was evident, his usually impeccable composure momentarily shattered by the unexpected twist. He processed what had just happened. The arrogant expression on his face was replaced by one of surprise. 

The corridor's metallic structure groaned as Magneto recovered. He manipulated the steel beams and plates, ready to ensnare Illyana in a trap. But just as quickly as her first move, Illyana vanished again, teleporting with a flash. This time, she was directly behind the motionless Tyson. Illyana whispered something inaudible as she gently laid her hand on Tyson's back, and in an instant, both were enveloped by a swirling portal of light before vanishing from sight. The corridor which was quickly filling with the sounds of tearing of metal, now echoed with only the faint remnants of their departure.

Magneto's eyes blazed with anger and frustration. "Blast it!" he spat, glaring at the spot they'd just occupied. 

John, who had been a spectator to the tense stand-off, slowly lowered his hands. He took a hesitant step forward. "So... uh, about that offer. Is it still on the table?" he asked, trying to sound casual but betraying a hint of nervousness.

Magneto ignored the boy and continued down the hall. Mystique's lips curled into a sly smirk as she extended a hand towards John. "Welcome to the Brotherhood."

~~ Rogue Replacement ~~

Illyana did not like Magneto, and she certainly did not trust Magneto's motivations toward Tyson. But Illyana wasn't a fool. She would not dismiss what the man said about Tyson's state. When she appeared with him in Limbo, she instantly teleported herself away from him, giving him some distance. She studied Tyson from afar, his silhouette dark against the fiery, shifting backdrop of Limbo. The ever-present crimson skies above roared with occasional streaks of lightning. The environment seemed to echo the chaos and uncertainty that lurked within Tyson's mind.

"Tyson," she called out, her voice echoing in the desolate surroundings, "it's me, Illyana."

His gaze met hers, but it was as though he was staring through her, his eyes hollow and distant. There wasn't any sign of recognition, no warmth or familiarity. Instead, he looked around, his face displaying his confusion.

But that changed when Illyana took a step toward him. Seeing her movement, something in Tyson snapped. With a roar, he lunged towards her in a rapid advance. Illyana, taken aback, instantly teleported several feet away. He stood where she had moments before, with an aggressive posture.

She reappeared further away, her heart racing. She needed to find a way to get through to him, but how? The mind control serum's effect was far stronger than she had anticipated.

"Tyson! You need to fight this! Remember who you are!" she shouted. She knew that beneath the mind control, the real Tyson was somewhere, trapped, trying to break free.

But as Tyson growled, turning his attention back to her, she knew it wasn't going to be easy to bring him back. She prepared to teleport again, trying to figure out a way to get through to him without endangering herself in the process.

Each time Illyana appeared in his line of sight, a brief moment of stillness passed between them. But when she dared move closer, his demeanor instantly transformed into pure aggression. Illyana began another attempt, teleporting 30 meters to his left. Tyson's head whipped in her direction, his eyes fixing on her but not launching himself this time. Slowly, very slowly, Illyana took a step toward him, but as she took another step, Tyson roared and charged, the ground beneath him shaking from the force. Illyana had no choice but to teleport away to safety, her heart sinking as she realized a pattern.

"Okay, Rasputin," she muttered to herself, "think." She watched Tyson from a distance, noting his heavy breathing and the way his eyes darted around, searching. "Something is triggering him when I approach. But why?"

She decided to test her theory. Teleporting back into his sight but staying stationary, she observed his reaction. He watched her but remained where he was, tension evident in his posture but not attacking.

"Okay, so he's not attacking when I'm just in sight," she mused. Then she started walking toward him. As expected, Tyson charged.

She teleported again to a safer distance. "It's my approach..." But how could she help him if she couldn't get close?

Illyana teleported to a spot, an outcropping of blackened stone where she felt a relative sense of safety. She positioned herself just far enough from Tyson, a distance she gauged would keep her out of his aggro radius. The skies above crackled with intermittent bolts of lighting, casting a spectral glow on everything below.

She took a deep breath, her armor gleaming in the sporadic light, and then she carefully sat down, her posture relaxed but alert. Crossing her legs and letting her sword lie horizontally in her lap, she began speaking in a calm, soothing tone. "Tyson," she began, trying to keep her voice steady despite the heavy emotion she felt, "I know you may not understand everything right now, but I want to tell you what happened after you... after we left the Institute."

He looked in her direction, the glowing red backdrop reflecting in his eyes. Although his stance remained tense and alert, he didn't attack. His eyes darted across Limbo's landscape, taking in the otherworldly sights but still seemingly aware of her presence.

"We were ambushed. Stryker had some sort of plan. The school was under attack. And..." she hesitated, taking a moment to steady herself, "and you stood up against them. You defended the mansion, defended us all when no one else could." A deep sigh escaped her lips, "Jean sensed when you fell... when they captured you... you were so brave and we left you. Magneto said they did something to you, made you stronger. And they used something on you, a serum. That's why you're like this now."

She paused, waiting for any sign of recognition or understanding in his eyes. But he just watched her, his gaze still distant but not overtly hostile. She took a deep breath as she began to relay their recent events to Tyson. "We made it to Bobby's house. I thought it'd be safe, at least for a while. But Bobby's little brother was an insufferable brat. He called the cops on us." She shook her head, a mix of disbelief and annoyance evident in her tone. "I couldn't believe it. After everything we've been through, he barely gave us a chance to explain our story." She paused, recalling the frantic rush of the events. "We ran. Had no choice. Luckily Jean had called Professor Ororo and she picked us up in the blackbird with Logan. They had someone new with them. A blue-skinned guy who could teleport, a lot like I do." Illyana's brow furrowed in contemplation, "The strange thing is, he looked eerily familiar. Kind of like Azazel. Remember him? Except like I said this guy is blue instead of red."

She shifted slightly, her armor clinking as she did. "Anyway, things went from bad to worse. The blackbird got shot down. But as luck would have it, Magneto was there. He saved us." Her voice grew colder, more solemn as she continued, "But things changed after that. Magneto had his plans. Somewhere during the infiltration of this base, he got a hold of you." Her grip tightened around her sword, the memory fresh and painful.

But then, her voice softened, a hint of pride and warmth returning to her tone, "But you know what, Tyson? This time, it was my turn. I saved you." She allowed herself a small, genuine smile, letting that moment of triumph wash over her. She had gotten him out, and now she was determined to bring him back fully. "Tyson, I brought you here to Limbo to keep you safe, to figure out a way to help you. I promise I won't give up on you. We're in this together."

The stillness of the moment hung heavy between them. Tyson's focus remained divided between the sights of Limbo and Illyana's words. Whether he fully comprehended it or not, she felt a small sense of hope that her words were reaching him, that the bond they shared was still intact, hidden beneath the effects of that sinister serum.

Hours passed as Illyana talked. She looked out into the fiery horizon, her gaze distant, lost in the memories of a time long past. Her voice was softer than its usual confident, sometimes brash, tone, "The first time I found myself in Limbo wasn't by choice." She took a deep breath, "I was just a kid. Terrified, alone. This place... it felt like a nightmare. The sky was ablaze, the ground constantly shifting beneath my feet." Her fingers unconsciously played with the hilt of her Soulsword. "I didn't understand it at first, but Limbo isn't just a place. It's alive. It senses your fears and your insecurities. Every shadow here echoes the darkness I felt inside. The pain, the isolation, the anger. Limbo was a reflection of my soul."

Illyana's eyes, a sharp, piercing blue, held Tyson's gaze. "But you know what's the most twisted part? The longer I was here, the more I became a part of it. It was as if Limbo and I... we were connected, intertwined. I could shape it, control it. And it, in turn, gave me power, and strength. My Soulsword," she lifted the gleaming blade, "forged from my very soul, became my weapon, my protector." Her lips turned upward in a smirk, a semblance of her usual defiant spirit returning. "I realized that this place, as hellish as it is, is also my sanctuary. A place where I can be me, without judgment, without fear. It's where I found my strength." She paused, a shadow crossing her face. "And then the demons came."

"Azazel," she spat the name with disgust, "He and his horde brought darkness to Limbo, a taint that seeped into every crevice, every corner. It was as if a cloud of malevolence had enveloped the place, turning everything it touched vile and wicked." Illyana's grip tightened on her Soulsword, "And the worst part?" her voice cracked slightly, "A piece of that darkness latched onto me. It felt like a parasite, feeding off my fears, and my anger. I felt myself slipping, being drawn into that abyss, becoming a vessel for the corruption."

She looked at Tyson, her blue eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "But then you stood beside me, battled alongside me. Every demon, every devil, we faced them together. You helped me work to reclaim my sanctuary, purge the taint that threatened to consume me." A soft smile played on her lips, "I don't think you realize, Tyson, how much that means to me. In a world where I've often felt alone, you were my anchor, my beacon. You reminded me of who I am, and for that, I'll always be grateful."

She took a step closer, her gaze intense, "And maybe, just maybe, I can do the same for you."

Tyson's form, which had been a tempest of confusion and anger earlier, now looked broken and defeated. His strong shoulders slouched in resignation. His eyes, which usually sparkled with mischief and determination, were downcast, staring at the ground beneath his feet.

Hesitating for just a moment, Illyana took another step, the hope was audible in her voice as she asked, "Tyson?"

To her surprise, Tyson slowly lifted his head, his gaze meeting hers. The depth of pain and confusion in his eyes sent a pang of sympathy through her. His voice, when he finally spoke, was rough, as if he'd been through a battle and come out the other side barely intact, "It's been a rough couple of days."

Illyana, hearing the raw emotion in his voice, took another step, this time with more confidence, "I know. But we're in this together."

Tyson's eyes seemed distant as if he was lost in memories. His voice was thick with emotion, each word carrying the weight of the experiences he went through. "I remember everything, Illyana," he began, pausing to swallow hard, his face etched with pain. "Every single thing."

"It was different than the battle with Magneto. That was unimaginable pain… Then everything went dark. I thought I was dying, but I survived, unconscious." He clenched his fist, knuckles white, emphasizing the agony of his words. "This was different. Having adamantium cover each bone, seeping through my body, felt like being burned alive from the inside. Every single moment, every heartbeat... was pain. But this time, the darkness never came. I felt it all, every moment of agony."

"Then there was the serum. It invaded my mind, coiling around my thoughts, taking control. Stryker whispered commands, and I... I had to obey. It was like being trapped in a cage, watching myself do things I didn't want to, but I was powerless to stop it. My mind screamed, but my body didn't listen."

Drawing a shuddering breath, he continued, "And then Magneto found me again. With these bones, I couldn't escape his grip. I lost control completely. I thought everything was lost. Stryker had control of my mind, and Magneto had control of my body."

His voice trailed off, leaving an oppressive silence in its wake. Then, to Illyana's surprise, a soft chuckle escaped his lips. He looked up, his eyes finally finding hers, a spark of hope igniting in their depths. With a smile that seemed to light up the dim dimension, he whispered.

"But then... you saved me."

And with that, we're through the darkest part of this story.

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Only two more chapters in this Arc.

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