

After struggling to become the greatest person in history because he wanted to protect himself, Abercio was instead considered a threat and accused of doing many bad things. "Humans are terrible," according to Abercio. Humans are afraid of other humans who are much stronger so they want to eliminate that strong person. During his life for hundreds of years, Abercio has been used to being hunted by heroes who pretend to be good-natured as if they are protectors, even though they are jealous of the power that Abercio has. In the end, Abercio died from being poisoned and stabbed by the sword of the servant and the only student he had. Savio betrays him and teams up with the heroes to kill Abercio. That's all? Not. Abercio is reborn back to when he was young, in the days when he lived as a foolish outcast. This time, Abercio would not allow it again. He would torture those who made him like a loser in his past life. Including his own family. Then, Ravin the holy knight who slashed his head.

imyoursbabe · Fantasy
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19 Chs

What Abercio can, but Altezza can't

Instantly the look on Marchioness's face darkened while Altezza's breathing got louder. But they didn't show any reaction beyond that because Philip was someone that even the Marchioness had a hard time dealing with due to having been with the Marquess since childhood.

"What do you think, Mr. Valdi?" Marchioness asked Valdi who must know more about swords.

There is no other choice, Valdi still has to explain, "I'm sure you know Mana Synchronization."

"From what I've heard, I know that Mana Synchronization is a skill where you can synchronize your entire body, sword, or anything around you with mana and move it as a very powerful weapon. Is that true?" said Philip.

His knowledge is indeed quite extensive, and very suitable as a butler for a respectable family.

"That is very correct. It's not something you can easily acquire as a skill, but it's also challenging to learn because you have to control your mana very finely. If one could master Mana Synchronization, it would naturally show that one was quite powerful. It's not something that someone in Vino's age can usually do," said Valdi.

"Is Sir Vino in his twenties?" asked Philip.

Altezza frowned, "he's twenty-three."

"Hohoho. It was a blessing for Bronka to have such a talented young man. But Mr. Valdi," Philip intended to boast a little Abercio. A faint smile spread on his lips.


Philip was about to start the action, "Young Master Abercio seems to be able to use that extraordinary skill. Is that true?"

No matter what, he was still Bronkas' butler, and Philip had enough sense to realize that Abercio was using the same skill called 'Mana Synchronization' that Vino used. Valdi glanced at the Marchioness quickly to observe her expression, but in the end, he nodded.

"That's right."

"And isn't Young Master Abercio, this nineteen years old? He was four years younger than Knight Vino. How many have mastered that skill at that age?

"…As far as I know, there is no one in our knight group," replied Valdi.

"Including Knight Morla?" Philip mentioned Zola Morla the greatest knight commander in the Bronka army.

"To my knowledge, the Commander learned that skill at almost the same time as Vino," said Valdi while remembering Zola's life journey.

"That was impressive," said Philip in admiration. He then rolled his eyes to Altezza who was sitting next to Vivian. A combination of anxiety, shame, jealousy, and low self-esteem appeared on Altezza's face all at once. His eyes blazed as he stared down at the battlefield as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing down there.

"Does that mean Young Master Altezza has ALSO not mastered that skill?" Philip asked while emphasizing the word ALSO in the hope that Altezza will see Abercio more properly. So that Altezza also knows, there are things he can't but Abercio can.

Altezza's face stiffened. Valdi nodded again while feeling Altezza's change in expression, "that's right," he answered.

Actually, Valdi didn't support Abercio. He was just like most people in the region, they thought Altezza was the rightful heir, and he only answered questions as an honest fellow fighter to Philip.

"E-Even if Altezza hasn't mastered this skill, he knows a lot of other good skills," Vivian said in a trembling voice. He couldn't possibly let Abercio outperform his son.

"The Marchioness's words are true. Like I said earlier, Mana Synchronization isn't the only skill a knight has to learn. This is definitely a great skill, but other skills are just as important." Valdi chimed in quickly, supporting the Marchioness.

"Of course. I know how amazing Young Master Altezza is. He is the pride of Bronka," Philip replied with a smile and followed the flow of the conversation of the people in front of him.

"I'm glad you found out," Vivian mumbled somewhat relieved.

Marchioness's expression finally loosened, but as if he did it on purpose, Philip provoked Marchioness again.

"As the family butler, my heart is filled with emotion now that the Bronka family has two people to be proud of." The one Philip meant was of course Abercio.

"T-that's right."

With her eyes almost tearing up, the Marchioness looked at Valdi. It was clear that he wanted Valdi to somehow prove that Altezza was better than Abercio. Unfortunately for the Marchioness, Valdi was a beast in battle but weak in politics so couldn't be of much help to Vivian. Valdi continued to stare at the battlefield with an awkward expression until his eyes widened.

"Look at that!" exclaimed the excited people.

Vino pulled his sword back and quickly threw it into the air.


There was an explosion, and the space in front of Vino warped in a strange shape.

Valdi spat, "It's a skill called 'Piercing Through the Air.' You have to concentrate mana into the tip of your sword to pierce the air and gather it to shoot air mixed with Mana like that arrow at your opponent. It is also a difficult skill to learn, but young master Altezza can also execute it."

"That's great, but Sir Valdi…"

Philip pointed at the battlefield with his hand, "Doesn't it seem like Young Master Abercio can use it too?"

Philip's finger pointed at Abercio who seemed to be skillfully dodging Vino's invisible 'Piercing Through the Air' move and instead responded with the same technique as well.

"Ah, I see..." Valdi nodded, "It seems young master Abercio has mastered that skill too."

Valdi covered his mouth after saying those words. He would only lose to Philip the butler if he carelessly opened his mouth again. He could feel the Marchioness's eyes, filled with hatred, prickling at his back. Unfortunately, he is involved in a political war between Vivian who wants to raise Altezza as heir to the title of Marquess Bronka, and Philip who thinks Abercio's better.

Down there, on the battlefield, Vino was in quite a state of confusion.

"What the hell?!"

He never thought something like this would happen, not once. His opponent was Abercio, a rookie who had just started playing with mana and had never learned swordsmanship at all.

But now, his opponents were showing off advanced skills one after another as he had learned the sword for a long time and put up a good fight. And, of course, the audience's interest is now in Abercio.

Vino's plan to massively and spectacularly defeat Abercio to restore his tarnished reputation is doomed. Anyone could tell that the main leader of this duel was not Vino but Abercio, it was clear from his attacks that Abercio could always retaliate.

'I have to win! I have to win! I can't let this go any further!'

Right now, Vino's head was only filled with the desire to win. The only thing left for him was to protect his honor by winning this duel.

'Fortunately, my skills don't look too clumsy. Because after all, I trained longer than Abercio.'