

After struggling to become the greatest person in history because he wanted to protect himself, Abercio was instead considered a threat and accused of doing many bad things. "Humans are terrible," according to Abercio. Humans are afraid of other humans who are much stronger so they want to eliminate that strong person. During his life for hundreds of years, Abercio has been used to being hunted by heroes who pretend to be good-natured as if they are protectors, even though they are jealous of the power that Abercio has. In the end, Abercio died from being poisoned and stabbed by the sword of the servant and the only student he had. Savio betrays him and teams up with the heroes to kill Abercio. That's all? Not. Abercio is reborn back to when he was young, in the days when he lived as a foolish outcast. This time, Abercio would not allow it again. He would torture those who made him like a loser in his past life. Including his own family. Then, Ravin the holy knight who slashed his head.

imyoursbabe · Fantasy
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19 Chs

That's Because His Mom

"Finally... I feel so relieved!" Abercio shouted while removing the bandage on his body quickly because he felt it made him uncomfortable.

'Even though I beat Altezza to shock him for a while, but I'm sure he will bounce back and become a great Marquess in Daddy's stead. His Mom and Dad will definitely keep trying to cheer him on,' Abercio thought.

Altezza couldn't be compared to the genius Abercio, but he was also quite talented, perhaps descended from Theodore, their father.

Abercio's feet which had been walking steadily since coming out of the Bronka castle gate finally arrived at a temple quite far from the city center, but it wasn't just any temple. Because this Temple that Abercio went to was a special cemetery for the Bronka family. From the Marquess to the Marchioness, to the sons, daughters, and daughters-in-law of the Bronka family, all are buried here.

"I think I should see my mother before leaving and not coming back here again," Abercio muttered as he stared at the temple in front of him. Abercio's tone, which had been flat and calms all this time, became a little lower and sounded sad.

Abercio stepped into the temple. The priests who ran the shrine raised their hands to greet him, slightly surprised by the Young Master's sudden arrival.

"Welcome, Young Master..?"

"I want to see my mother for a while, but before that, I want to ask for clean clothes. May I?" asked Abercio.

"I see. Please follow me, Young Master."

Abercio followed the Priest and changed into the clean clothes the temple Priest had given him. There's only a plain white shirt and black trousers here. Then he continued on his way to see his mother's grave.

A priest led Abercio to the interior of the temple, where tombstones filled the vast ground from end to end, and Priest led Abercio to one the tombstones. Among the many tombstones, the one for which Priest brought Abercio was the most recent one.

~Luna De Bronka~

The inscription on the tombstone states that the owner of the grave is the original owner of the Marchioness position who is a descendant of the Bronka family which is Abercio's biological mother.

For a moment, Abercio just stared at the tombstone. Abercio tried to recall thoughts about his mother. He didn't remember well because it happened a long time ago, but after trying harder, he started to recall the memories of his mother little by little. The thing he remembers most is his mother who often reads novels about heroes, villains, warriors, or even ordinary people. Luna is a humble and broad-minded person.

Since waking up in the body of his youth, Abercio doesn't think much about his mother because he has been busy with other things such as understanding the situation that is happening to him, understanding his relationship with the family, and thinking of ways to mess with Bronka as his revenge before he leaves this family.

Memories of his mother being pitifully pushed away by her husband and filled with worries about the only son she had. Luna's sincere love for Theodore turned out to be betrayed and only taken advantage of.

[You don't have to study that hard, Abercio. I'm sure you will grow up to be a great man and lead our Bronka. Even if you don't want to carry that heavy burden, that's fine. I just want you to live your life the way you like and be as comfortable as possible.]

All this time, Abercio only felt that his mother was a very kind person. Even now, Abercio doesn't seem to have come across as such a kind and gentle person—though maybe he's overdoing it. But Luna is very understanding and kind to everyone. So why did Theodore have the heart to betray Luna?

[You don't need to be so rigid with me, we're all family.] That's what Luna said to all the workers at Marquess Bronka's residence. Be it servants, knights, or even gardeners and coachmen.

Luna never differentiated between herself who was a Marchioness and the only daughter of Marquess Bronka who was a hero to the kingdom for protecting the borders. He treats everyone the same.

[You can ignore me, but please don't ignore Abercio. He's our son, is it wrong if you give him a little attention? He's still a kid, and needs a Father figure!]

Abercio now remembers when Luna begged Theodore for mercy to pay more attention to their child at that time. But Theodore's reply remained the same, leaving without answering anything. Luna's words were not answered at all, there was only cold treatment she received.

'Correctly. Mother was always that kind of person.'

The reason why everyone dumped Abercio, including the Marquess, was because of his mother. Technically, everyone who was treated well by Luna actually looked down on her. People think Luna is someone who is easily underestimated, has no power, and doesn't have the right to Bronka anymore because she entrusts all problems to her husband. Luna since marrying Theodore has become powerless at home and ends up being a pathetic wife

Compared to Luna De Bronka, the second wife—Vivian Bronka was basically a wife who was deeply loved by Theodore, the Marquess of the stake. Even though she was only a second wife, and had been the Marquess' mistress, the power that the Marquess had bestowed on her as Madam of the house was considerable. That was why everyone supported Vivian and Altezza, and ignored Abercio who was only the son of a deceased and powerless Marchioness.

"I'm sure a lot of people are relieved that my mother died so quickly that they could easily support Vivian and Altezza without feeling ashamed of my mother."