

After struggling to become the greatest person in history because he wanted to protect himself, Abercio was instead considered a threat and accused of doing many bad things. "Humans are terrible," according to Abercio. Humans are afraid of other humans who are much stronger so they want to eliminate that strong person. During his life for hundreds of years, Abercio has been used to being hunted by heroes who pretend to be good-natured as if they are protectors, even though they are jealous of the power that Abercio has. In the end, Abercio died from being poisoned and stabbed by the sword of the servant and the only student he had. Savio betrays him and teams up with the heroes to kill Abercio. That's all? Not. Abercio is reborn back to when he was young, in the days when he lived as a foolish outcast. This time, Abercio would not allow it again. He would torture those who made him like a loser in his past life. Including his own family. Then, Ravin the holy knight who slashed his head.

imyoursbabe · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Take What's Mine

"Young Master, wait a moment!" said an old Priest who seemed to have been a priest in this temple for quite some time.

Abercio turned and looked at the old Priest, "what is it, Priest?"

"Your mother left this recording magic stone for you, but the condition is that I can only give this recording magic stone when you are about to leave Bronka or separate from your family," said the Priest.

Abercio's eyebrows shot up, why was his mother's requirement to leave the magic stone so strange? Did his mother really want him to leave this family immediately?

The sizable recording magic stone, about the size of a handful, was emerald green in color. Now it has arrived in the hands of Abercio.

The Old Priest cleared his throat, "We will vacate the tomb area. You can watch the magic stone from your mother here. We'll take care of you outside," he said with a warm smile.

"The spell to unseal the magic stone is 'Se agapó gie mou' and only works if you say it," continued the Priest.

*Meaning: I love you, my son.

For a moment, Abercio was stunned by the Greek spell. The meaning of the spell was enough to take Abercio by surprise.

"Thank you, Priest."

All the priests left, and the door leading to the tomb area was closed until only Abercio was left—who stood stiffly in front of his mother's tombstone clutching the magic stone containing the record.

"Okay… Let's see," Abercio muttered as he sat himself down on the cold floor, near his mother's grave.

"Se agapó gie mou." Abercio cast the spell that the old Priest had told him earlier to unseal the magic stone of his mother's legacy.

The magic stone shone brightly and then displayed its mother in the form of a transparent shadow.

"How are you, my son?"

Abercio's chest was pounding, the soft, familiar voice greeted his ears. The voice of Luna, Abercio's mother who filled his childhood.

"I don't know if you will one day make the wise decision to leave Bronka or not, but I just wanted to leave you a little message. And.. if you see this recording, then it's definitely... you left Bronka, right?" Luna throws.

"I'm so happy for you because you finally released yourself from the family's shadows." Luna smiled sadly, "sorry that you have to accept all that humiliation and suffering because you were born from a weak mother, Abercio."

Abercio gritted his teeth, there was a strange bit of pain in his chest cavity at the sight of his mother's sad smile.

'Unexpectedly... I thought I had forgotten everything..' thought Abercio.

Since his mother's death and his exit from Bronka castle, Abercio has forgotten everything. And after hundreds of years pass, he no longer remembers his family because there are more bad and painful memories after Luna's death.

"Sorry, my son. There's nothing I can leave for you other than bad memories," Luna whispered.

"Having you is the most beautiful gift in my life, Mother, Abercio. Thank you for being in my mother's life. And please..don't hate your father too much. I was the one who forced him to marry me."

Luna continued to tell some things, and Abercio listened well.

"I wish you happiness wherever you are, Abercio. I love you, son."

And the tape ends. Abercio sighed, his chest felt a little tight because there was no longer a shadow of Luna that he could see.

"I love you too, Mom," Abercio said sadly.

Time to go now. Abercio stared into the distance, his sense of sight was quite good. In the distance, the tall Bronka family castle was visible.


Abercio scratched his head and thought in his mind what no one in Bronka could hear.

'If anything happens in the future to this family, I will help.'

He thought that it wouldn't be bad to lend a helping hand to the family he was once a part of. Moreover, Luna also advised, don't hate Theodore too much.

Then, Abercio intends to take his personal property. Even if Abercio was basically an abandoned child who was ostracized in the Bronka house, that didn't change the fact that he was the first son of the Bronka family as well as the only legitimate son of the family. He had many savings and inheritances that belonged to him, as well as his mother's special inheritance for Abercio.

So, he stepped back towards Bronka. And his presence there invited people's astonished gazes.

"Why did you come back again? Were what you said earlier about giving up your title and getting out of this house just bullshit?" said Altezza who immediately approached Abercio after receiving news from the knights on guard that Abercio had returned home.

Abercio chuckled as he patted his stepsister's shoulder, "You don't have to worry about that, Altezza. I will not take back what I gave you."

"I'm only here to take what's mine," he continued.

"Yours?" Altezza repeated Abercio's words.

Abercio ignored Altezza and continued to walk to his bedroom. And Abercio's sharp gaze made Altezza not dare to follow him again. After entering his room, Abercio immediately locked the door.

The people who met him in the corridor did not even dare to comment. They had seen Abercio's abilities, so no one dared to underestimate him anymore.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Abercio keeps a lot of gems and valuables in his room. Luna also gave him enough treasure. Finished with all the valuables that he would bring, Abercio came out of the Bronka family mansion. This time, he really wasn't going to set foot again, ever.

The first thing he did after leaving the castle was to go to a jewelry shop and sell some of the gems he had. He made money from selling the gems, and with the money in his pocket, he headed to the armory shop.

'As expected of an armament shop in the Bronka region, the scale is enormous.'

A wooden plate with the image of a sword and shield was seen in front of the weapon shop. Abercio opened the shop door and entered. Many weapons and shields hung on the walls, and weapons filled the storefront from front to back.