

Somewhere on the Grand Line

Screams could be heard from a massive warship, with five dots connected to each other painted on the sails. Inside the brig you could see two figures chained from the ceiling with both figures being naked, one was a stunningly beautiful woman while the other was an equally beautiful boy but was marred from bruises and cuts all over his face.

There was another man standing tall looking over theses chained figures with equal fascination and disgust like one would looking at an animal at the zoo. In this man's hand was a branding iron with the brand shaped with a circle in the middle and three points on the top and one on the bottom. Branding the woman on the small on her back, the large man watched with a smile on his face while the woman screamed.

"YOU FAT BASTARD!!" the young child screamed in fury, "I'LL KILL YOU!!"


The young child was slapped with the back of the large man's hand and a cut opened on his lips. "Be quiet you peasant. I am a god, you cannot kill a god." The large man declared.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" the young child laughed hysterically and glared at the large man with his violent storm grey eyes, "There is no god that cannot be killed."


The young child spat his blood on the large man's bubble over his head. The large man trembled in fury as he slapped the boy's face and body over and over with the branding iron. Then he grabbed hold of the boy and branded him on his left chest. The young child screamed in pain as the large man with a feral smile at the screaming boy until he passed out. The large man dropped the branding iron and walked out towards the door.

"Saint Judas!" the two marines stationed at the door greeted the large man.

"Leave the woman. Kill the child and toss his body into the sea. Prepare me a meal I am hungry."

Saint Judas ordered as he walked past the two as he sighed sadly, "Now I have to acquire a new present for my little niece."

The two marines hurriedly nodded at the orders and quickly got to work as if their lives depended on it, but upon entering the room of the woman and child they both grimaced at the sight in front of them. They walked slowly towards the bloodied figure of the boy but froze when the woman spoke.

"Please…please save my child." The woman said with a hoarse voice.

"I'm sorry ma'am I cannot go against the orders of a World Noble." Marine one apologized.

"Please I beg of you save my child." The woman begged with tears flowing out of her eyes.

"Look lady orders are orders, we can't do anything for your kid." Marine two said.

The woman looked down and started to cry while the marines started to unlock the chains on the boy. Marine one was at a crossroads with his morality, he joined the marines so that he could uphold justice and now they were killing innocent children. They dragged the child out of the room so that at least the mother won't have to watch her child die in front of her. They stopped at an empty storage room with the unconscious child laying at their feet contemplating on their options.

"So…do you wanna do it?" Marine one asked.

"No, I do not want to kill an innocent child. But orders are orders....so you do it." Marine two said stiffly

"C'mon Echo, I asked you because I don't want to kill the kid." Marine one said.

"And you think I do Cross?!" Marine Echo exclaimed. "These damn nobles doing whatever they want.

Once we get back to HQ I'm done."

Cross sighed and rubbed his tired face as he contemplated his friend's decision. "Well if we are quitting then we at least gotta save the kid." Looking around, Cross noticed several barrels and suddenly got an idea.

"And how are we gonna do that? Drag the kid into the medbay and say-" Echo was interrupted when Cross put a hand on is mouth.

"Shut up. I got an idea." Cross said pointing at the several barrels around the room.

Echo looked over at the barrels and thought about it, "Alright let's do it". On the deck of the warship two marines could be seen carrying a barrel and tossing it overboard.

Sometime later….

A young naked child with black hair with grey highlights could be seen on a beach with wood splinters all around his bruised and battered body.