

East Blue, Lost in Sea

"I'm hungry…" Luffy complained for the hundredth time, much to Jere's annoyance.

"When will we reach land?" Zoro asked.

"Who knows…." Luffy said absentmindedly, "We go where the wind and sea takes us. Will we reach land?"

"Hmm" Zoro raised an eyebrow. "Don't you have navigation skills since you are going to be a Pirate King."

"Nope." Luffy responded quickly, "Jere do you?"

"Laughable, navigating means reading and reading means glasses." Jere said while filing his nails,

"Do you think my beautiful face can afford to wear glasses? Wait…..maybe I could pull it off."

Zoro's eyebrow twitched in annoyance towards his new narcissistic crew member. "I can't believe both of you don't know how to navigate."

"How about you Zoro, aren't you a pirate hunter of the sea?" Luffy asked.

"I don't recall ever being a pirate hunter." Zoro said, "I went out to sea looking for a man, but I got lost and couldn't return to my village. I had no choice but to hunt pirates for the reward."

"What, so you were just lost." Luffy said bluntly.

"DON'T SAY IT LIKE THAT!" Zoro exclaimed stomping his feet making the boat rock and messing up Jere's filing.

"OI! STOP IT YOU GREEN OGRE!" Jere shouted.

"HUH?" Zoro angrily questioned, "You wanna go PRETTY BOY?!"

"Psssh, Ogre's always looking for a fight." Jere said dismissively and went back to filing.

"Ughhh, I'm hungry…." Luffy complained again earning an agreement from Zoro, but Jere answered with a no.

"You aren't hungry? How?" Zoro asked.

"I always carry food on me." Jere said as if it was obvious, "Starvation is not good for the body, and the body is a temple for beauty. Although this is my last piece."

Zoro and Luffy were wide eyed looking at their crew mate who was eating the last piece of food on the boat. They both rushed over and tackled him to ground and started fighting for the food.





"Ughhh, I'm hungry…." Luffy complained after eating the last piece of meat, stolen from Jere.

"Damn ogres!" Jere said checking his face with a mirror.


They all looked up to see a bird flying above them.

"A bird…" Zoro said.

"Let's eat.. that bird!" Luffy suggested.

"How?" Jere asked.

"Leave it to me." Luffy said confidently. "GOMU GOMU NO ROCKET!" Launching up towards the bird

at amazing speed.

"Hmmm…Interesting use of a devil fruit." Jere said very interested about devil fruits. "But there should be a more beautiful way to use it."

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" Luffy shouted, with his head stuck inside the bird's mouth. "HELP MEE!"

"YOU DUMBASS!!" Zoro exclaimed rowing the boat as fast as he can. "OI Jere help me row!"

"HAHAHA….NO." Jere said turning his attention back to his hands. "You see my beautiful hands would be worn out from rowing."

Zoro was seething with anger at his crewmate but was distracted by 3 people calling for help from under them. With no time to waste Zoro told them to get on if they can, flying past them, the 3 people manage to board the boat and tried to steal it. Zoro already angry beat the 3 pirates into submission and made them start rowing.

"Damn I lost sight of Luffy." Zoro said disappointed.

"Wow, what an amazing First Mate you are." Jere sarcastically said admiring himself with his mirror.

Zoro knocked him on the head, making him unconscious. "Damn pretty boy."


Jere found himself in a dark room, hearing the crash of waves and the sound of metal jingling. Looking around he saw that his arms were chained to the never-ending darkness in the ceiling, his body naked and hanged on top of the ground. Jere looked in front of him for his eyes to widen in fear and anger, to see a large man with a bubble on his head.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Jere was screaming in anger and pain struggling to get free, while the large man kept whipping him. And then his vision was covered with the large man's branding iron coming

closer and closer to him.

Opening his eyes, Jere found himself on land inside a town with Zoro looking at him with worry, while the other 3 pirates were off to the side in fear clutching an empty bucket.

"Oi, Jere you ok?" Zoro asked gently, quietly sheathing one of his swords.

"What happened?" Jere said finding his whole body, clothes and hair soaked in, what he assumed was sweat.

"You were thrashing around pretty hard, and you started attacking before we threw that bucket of water. Then you woke up." Zoro informed him, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Jere said quickly getting up and fixing his image. "Where's Luffy?"


"There he is." Zoro said, "Let's go." Zoro and Jere ran to the origin of the explosion, with Zoro casting glances of Jere to make sure he doesn't have a panic attack. Arriving at the bombing site, they were greeted with the sight of a young and beautiful woman crying out in pain as she was trying to stop a cannon to fire. Zoro got right into action stopping the men that were about to attack the woman from behind, while Jere came to the woman's aid.

"ZORO, JERE!" Luffy shouted happily.

Jere ignored his captain who was tied up in a cage, and turned his attention to the beautiful woman in front of him. "Madame, your beauty shines so radiantly thawing the ice that has formed around my heart. May I request your beautiful name?" Jere requested while down on one knee and smiling ever so charmingly towards the woman.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!" Luffy laughed at Jere's antics while the rest were stunned at the pretty boy's obliviousness to the situation around him. "Yaaaa, thank goodness! You both were able to find this place. Hurry up and get me out of here."

Zoro ignored the pretty boy's comment as he was getting used to it and started to ask his captain about his short adventure, while the pirates around them were also stunned at hearing the infamous name of Zoro.

"So, you are the 'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro. Have you come for my head?" The pirate dressed as a clown asked him.

"Nope, not interested." Zoro replied. "I quit being a pirate hunter."

"But I'm interested." The clown smiled deviously, "If I kill you, I'll become even more famous."

"Don't do it, you'll die." Zoro warned him.

The clown didn't listen to Zoro's warning and charged at him holding knives in his hands. The outcome was decided almost instantly with Zoro cutting the clown in pieces, but unexpectantly Zoro got stabbed on his side with a floating hand holding a knife. Finding out that Buggy the Clown was a Splitting human from eating the Bara Bara no Mi. Having defeated Zoro, Buggy's crew started cheering his name, but was abruptly stopped at the sound of laughter.

"HAHAHHHAHA!" Jere, who stopped admiring the beautiful woman, was on the ground rolling with laughter, "Zoro! You got beat by a CLOWN! That idiot has a stupid BIG RED NOSE! HAHAHAHA!"

Zoro was downtrodden that an idiot was now laughing at him for the stupidest reason. Buggy however, was seething with anger at the mention of his nose, as he was about to speak, he saw the pretty boy lifting the cannon and turn it so that it would fire at the Buggy crew.

"OI STOP! DON'T FIRE!" Buggy said in fear, with wide eyes he saw the pretty boy smirk, light the fuse, and the cannon fired.

Clapping his hands of dust Jere looked at the ruins, "Well that's done let's get out of here." Zoro walked over to Luffy's cage and started to lift the cage.

"Oi, Zoro you're injured." Luffy said flatly.

Zoro ignored him and kept trying to lift the cage, with to no avail and blood seeping out of his wound.

"What is this guy thinking?" the orange haired lady said out loud.

"He is just an ogre." Jere came in and informed. "No need to worry about ogre's, Madame."

"Luffy, who is this?" Zoro took a breath and asked.

"Oh, she's our navigator, Nami." Luffy stated.

Zoro lifted the cage while his wound became worse and started to bleed even more. Jere saw that

Zoro was going to die if he kept his up, walked over to him and took Luffy's cage from him and started walking.

"Oi, you green idiot." Jere called out to Zoro, "When you're done holding us back start walking."

Zoro huffed and looked onwards with eyes of determination. Nami was looking at the actions of the 3 pirates thinking they were crazy but followed them anyway as she didn't want to be here with Buggy.