
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Do you copy?


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




"Hello Robert." was displayed on the screen. Astonishment and unanswered questions grappled with the man's heart. What was happening? How was it possible? Who is responsible for this? However, it wasn't time for questions. He had to do something. Reaching with his right hand he tapped the screen only to suddenly feel as if a current of electricity passed right through him. If he didn't lose his conscious he would have seen the newly displayed messages.

Soul link established. System ready to reboot. Rebooting. Loading memory module. Saving all information found in memory bank. Crypting all information. Preparing back up function. Back up successfully finalized. System ready.

The screen finally after what seems hours switched off. Silence filled the room. Through the window lights could be seen lighting up. Nightfall encompassed the little town with its darkness. One by one street lights began filling the black velvet. Giving Hogsmeade its second breath of life. More and more people started to show up on the streets. Some popped in, other's left the vicinity of their houses. Everybody started congregating towards their place of choice. Cafe's, pubs, fancy diners, even the shadier parts of town were brimming with life. One room however stayed silent. No one the wiser to what had happened to the young man in it. As the hours went by the streets started to empty and the quiet of night embraced Hogsmeade. Humming of cicadas could be heard. Fireflies flew out as if trying to compete with the stars to decide which of them shines the brightest. The local cats came out of their comfy hiding spots to hunt. It seems no matter if its light or dark, life never stops. It just continues on and with its all mighty reach taking everyone with it. You just have to be careful or it might overwhelm you.

Sunshine breached the windowsill of room number seven. Light sounds of breathing could be heard. Robert exhausted by the eventful day and unexpected electric shock slept peacefully on the bed. However, as the call of the local rooster the young man began waking up. He began stretching and rocking in bed. Finally he opened his eyes and yawned. With a wiping motion he cleaned his eyes from the mess his tears made yesterday. He sat up and tried to make sense of what happened. He looked to his left and there he saw the one responsible for his woes. A shiny black phone with fluid cobalt blue embellishments. The blue color was twisting and turning mesmerizing everyone who looked at it. Robert reached towards a broom that was for some reason beside his bed and tapped the phone with it. Seeing as nothing happened he grabbed the phone and looked it over. On the back of the phone you could sometimes see the blue streams form a letter H. What could it mean? A mystery for the future, perhaps. Turning it back Robert tapped the screen which then brighted up. The phone started booting up. After a couple of seconds finally he could see the interface. It seemed very bare. A couple of grayed out tabs with question marks. However on the top one was lighten up. It had Scan written on it. Scan? What would it be able to copy even? Robert chose this option and the camera view opened. A square with the text Scanning appeared in the center. It seems it was looking for something. Finaly without finding what it seeked the phone turned off.

"Just what are you able to scan?" Robert muttered. Certainly not objects. Neither information nor prompt showed up when the phone was directed towards the chair. Could it be broken? Or maybe he wasn't using it the right way. Robert stood up and walked towards the desk. The Daily Prophet from a week ago could be found on top of it. After directing the camera towards it a prompt popped up if he wanted to save. He chose yes. A loading bar appeared and within a couple of seconds it was done. The menu was showned once again and another option became viable, Read. After clicking a checklist appeared. Currently there was only one thing listed, the newspaper. Robert stood silently trying to grasp just what was going on with his life. First he was ripped from his world without warning. Then he was forced by circumstances to take a bad bargain. Finally he was almost fried to death by his what now seems to be a photocopier. How riveting. What will be the next function? Recording the bloody sound? Wait a moment, scratch that. That's actually quite good. Maybe he should think this more through. If anything, maybe he'll be able to cut costs of buying books and wasting paper. But it still doesn't actually affect the bigger picture. It's a fine gadget of course. But nothing too world breaking. At least for now.

Anyway, since he woke up completely it was time to eat something. Hopefully madam Rosemerta is awake. When he tried to put his the phone into his pocket it suddenly vanished. Distressed he tried looking all over the floor and furniture searching for his one way ticket out of this madness. After the fruitless search he sat down but tears didn't come out. He was too broken for that. He wanted to just lay down and hope nobody will see him. After taking off his jacket he froze. On his right hand just beneath the wrist a flashing in and out tattoo of an key was there. After a couple of moments the flashing stopped and the key seamlessly vanished. Confused, Robert touched his wrist. But nothing happened. Seeing that staring at it didn't do anything he tried to will the phone into existence. That seemed to do the trick. The phone blinked into reality and laid comfortably in his right hand. All in all this was a great function. But why did it have to try and scare the living crap out of him. Robert glanced towards the phone with vengeance in his eyes.

"Did I just hallucinate? Robert whispered after he thought the front camera winked at him. Robert stood up after getting on his shoes and jacket and headed towards the door muttering something about being too old for this.

Hello, ShinX here. For those that crave action, don't worry. Soon it'll be time to rumble..ekhem. For those worried that this will be another system fanfic then I ensure you it isn't. Just treat it as a gadget that will bring the main character up to speed. After all he has places to be, gags to do. And also try to save the world, maybe? Who knows, continue reading to find out.

Until we meet again.

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