
Way To Airport

So the day was very exhausting. Now i had to book a cab to head to airport. But wait the city was shut down. How was I going to book a cab. So again there was an another trouble. My friends and i was thinking of many ways to reach airport at any cost as our flights had already been booked a few hours before. We had to vacate the hostel or we were going to be kicked out 😂. After many tries and makeshifts one of my friend somehow was able to book two cabs with the help of her uncle. It was 10 o'clock by then. One hour left to vacate. Now even in these hardships we girls never forget to dress up nicely and do some make ups on our so-called beautiful faces😂.

Now it's already time to leave. Two cabs were waiting outside. There's a rule set up by my mom and daddy that whenever and wherever i go for a long journey i have to keep them updated for every single step yes EVERY SINGLE STEP. This is somewhat irritating to me. So firstly i had to click a picture of the car's number plate and send it to either mom or daddy or both of them. I might be rebellious but sometimes i have to kneel down to my mom and daddy. I did that. By 12:30 am we reached Fangzu International Airport. From here we had to go to seperate terminals as our airline,time and destination weren't same. My flight was at 8:30am. So we decided to stay together for the night and in the early morning we'll head to our own terminals. We all stayed at Terminal 5. To spend the whole night I took a novel to read because obviously i wasn't going to sleep on trolleys😅and also i didn't want to spoil my first adventurous night.

At 6 o'clock in the morning i headed to Terminal 2 by bus. It was a few kilometers far form Terminal 5. When i was heading to do check-in i saw a large crowd standing there.(I hate crowds). Thank God I had my mask and gloves on my face and hands or I was about to die in the hands of Liubang virus. Somehow i did check-in and sat down on chair while waiting for my flight . I was upset because i didn't get a window seat. It felt like i was defeated in a battleground. I was going to die of boredom. But the luck was on my side. When I took my seat in the aircraft I saw my front seats were unoccupied. So i took the window seat and enjoyed the scenery. Soon after settling down, i took a nap. For the first 20 minutes the flight was flying smoothly but then there was an announcement by the pilot.