

I stayed whole night at the Fangzu International Airport with some of my hostel mates and their friends. We were 7. In our twenties we experienced such an adventurous night, although it was not for others but for me it really was. Believe me it was a wonderful night. It was the time when Liubang virus outbreak.The hostel authority issued an immediate notice a day before to vacate hostel within 2 days. Everyone was in panic what to do, where to go, and yeah packing up our stuffs-the most difficult and irritating work. Most of us vacated the hostel the same night. As our caretaker was exaggerating the matter and forcing everyone to leave immediately. However some of my batch mates and i stayed for 1 day. On 22 of August around 11:30 pm we vacated the hostel. The whole day was very exhausting as for the first time after the outbreak of virus govt ordered 1 day lockdown after 11 in the morning. I went from shops to shops buying necessary items.

After this there was an another announcement by govt that all transportations would be shut down. My flight was the very next morning. "Oh my god what I'm supposed to do now." In the evening we got news regarding the transportation and started calling Yashna Airlne. After many tries we got an answer that tomorrow's flights will be as scheduled. My friends and I started packing up our things as we were about to leave the hostel in the mid of the night. Here's not the end. Another difficulty is waiting for me on the very next door.