

Year 1990-The year of deadly virus, political imbalances, economic crisis, disasters and explosion. The most cruel thing in that year was the virus-Liubang virus. It started from a very small city named Binglut in the country Handia. It started spreading rapidly covering over Europe, Asia, Northern Africa, northern part of South America and North America. The origin of the virus was unknown for a year even after the research hold by many extraordinary universities all over the world. The world was longing for a vaccine, a cure of this deadly virus. It affected more than 250M people globally. The population of the world has been reduced by 1/4th. For the first time the world had seen such a dramatic reduction in population. Even the new borns were born with disabilities. 1/10th were born with twisted lips, legs and hands. In 5 cases it was seen that babies were born with no eyes at all. And in the above case it was analysed that the mother or father was infected with the virus. Even if they survived, the virus remained in their body and affected their chromosomes.

Governments of almost every country imposed lockdowns for 6 months. This led to an economic crisis. The ratio of people dying of hunger were more than that of Liubang virus. Even after the intervention of International Body 'MUTUAL COOPERATION' the govts were not able to feed their citizens. MNCs broke down. Prices of food and daily necessities rose to sky. Wages were reduced. Workers were fired from jobs. The world economy was crashed.

Hi! I am Jing Doxie, a student at Fangzu Central University. I came from Zurebia city to chase my dream. I belong to an Orthodox wealthy family where girls are not allowed to go to colleges for higher studies and in their mid teens they were forced to marry into another orthodox wealthy family and give an heir to their husbands. In my family, girls are not supposed to dream big. Oh sorry they are not even supposed to dream.In this Orthodox family my momma gave birth to a ambitious girl. I was born with my dreams and wings. Wings to fly high and freely. This was the dream of every girl in my family. So i do inherited. But all of them buried their dreams inside their pillows and cut their wings with tears. But i can't be like them. I don't want to be like them. I want to chase my dream. To live my dream. I want to unfold my wings to let them take me to the heaven. You must be amazed if everyone buried their dreams how am i able to persist. My beloved momma. Yes she keeps encouraging me every single night. She tells me to dream big. Once she told me that she couldn't fulfill her dreams due to these so called restrictions that's why she wants me to fulfill her dream. To study in a Central University. She's my backbone. My life. She was overjoyed when i told her that i was selected for the Fangzu Central University. She later mention this to my grandpa and daddy. But they were apathetic. Later grandpa told daddy to find a suitable man for me. I was furious at that moment. The next day momma came in my room with a envelope in her hand. The envelope contained an air ticket. She told me to ran away tonight with my maternal uncle and he'll drop me at the airport and then to fly to the Fangzu. The city of Scholars. My dream city. Although i never wanted to leave momma neither Zurebia. My beautiful city. But it is said if you want to achieve something you have to sacrifice. And i did.

It's a fictional story don't think i have been passing through this phase... yeah there's are thing which are similar

Amarahcreators' thoughts