
Ryo vs Shizue

Ryo and Shizue was dashing towards each other, but when Ryo was close enough he disappeared and reappeared behind her punching towards her. Shizue was not fast enough on turning around and got struck on the back and crashed into a tree.

"You're good Ryo, i didn't even see you move." Shizue felt pain, but her face was all smiles. This is the battle she wanted to go out with.

"You are not bad yourself. Not everyone could have survived that punch. Now, come! We still are not done, right Shizue!?" A smile plastered on his face as he spoke.

"Damn right!" Shizue picked up her sword that she dropped when she hit the tree.

They dashed towards each other again, and this time Ryo didn't flash away at impact. He took it head on. They reached each other. His fist and her sword touched and a strong wind broke out from the clash and rustled the trees in the surroundings.

The two kept holding their positions, testing each others strength. They finally separated and Shizue took a new sword stance.

"Let me show you the power sleeping deep inside me" Shizue's sword started getting red in color, and soon the whole sword was covered in a deep red colored flame.

"Good! This should be interesting!" Ryo spoke and glanced at his knuckle that had a small red mark, indicating that Shizue's sword did a small amount of damage to his outer layer of skin.

Shizue rushed forward and made a downward slash motion, releasing a flame wave that was aimed at Ryo.

Ryo clenched his right hand and punched the incoming flame wave and it exploded on impact with his hand. He dusted of his hand and dashed forward to meet Shizue in close quarter combat.

Ryo and Shizue clashed multiple times in only a few seconds. Her sword met his fists hundreds of times and they were both moving and attacking faster then the normal eye could track.

After hundreds of clashes, Shizue was having a hard time even breathing. She felt her life escaping with every swing. She was smiling though. She stood up despite her legs shaking badly.

"You are one hell of a woman, you know that. But this is over, so how about you let me take care of Ifrit now." Ryo lowered his arms and he returned to his calm exterior, and quiet but confident tone of voice.

"You don't have to tell me. I have no strength left in my body. I can feel Ifrit breaking down my defenses and spreading in my body. I can feel myself losing conciseness. Hope you can take care of Ifrit for me, Ryo." She removed her mask and looked straight at Ryo.

After just a few seconds, strong winds and flames assaulted the surroundings. Ryo of course was completely unaffected by those flames. He was standing there looking on as Ifrit was birthed into the world ones again.

Storm clouds gathered above as Shizue screamed in pain in the middle of all those flames. A small tornado made completely out of fire was engulfing Shizue. Her body, lifeless and still, floated up in mid air and stopped moving completely. Her eyes turned the same kind of red as the fire consuming her.

Ryo could see tears falling from her eyes and evaporating almost as soon as they appeared.

After a few seconds of mindless staring, there was a small explosion in the tornado and what hovered there now was not Shizue. In her place stood a huge being looking to be made completely out of fire. This was a being feared by many, but Those many did not include Ryo. As he stood there looking on as Shizue transformed into Ifrit he never changed his facial expression.

"So this is Ifrit. You may look impressive, but all i see in front of me is a slightly taller red colored human." Ryo knew that this being might be impressive in this worlds standards, but he had almost exceeded the strongest. He was not at all impressed. At most he was angry, thinking about Shizue having to lose her life so this piece of shit could be reborn instead.

"Frankly i am offended. You are floating there, releasing those pathetic little sparks you call flames. It is insulting to claim to be a being that rules over fire, in front of me. I will make sure to show you EXACTLY why these flames are a fucking insult to my name, and what i stand for." Ryo was getting agitated. He already had a hard time suppressing the dragon nature that told him to destroy.

His aura was spreading without concern. Thinking about Shizue only made him more angry. Ifrit stood tall and proud seconds ago, and now it was shaking from head to toe, feeling the ever rising killing intent released by a supreme dragon, carrying the bloodline of the divine dragon god. Ifrit was literally nothing in front of Ryo as of this moment.

"System, Is there a way to save Shizue? can i separate her from Ifrit? Tell me there is a way!" Feelings Ryo had not felt ones since coming here started to emerge. The respect he already had for Shizue devolved into pain and heartache when he thought about having to kill someone he respected and thought of as a friend.

[Answer! Only a divine being is able to make someones age completely irrelevant. Host would need at least half saint tier to keep her alive a little longer. This means that the host needs at least one more evolution. The woman named Shizue has lived far beyond what her body can handle so host can not save her from death.] The voice spoke with no emotion, but as Ryo heard what it said, his killing intent went through the roof. Trees around him and Ifrit exploded and the ground was full of cracks with black flames spreading in all direction with the point of origin being Ryo himself.

"I Understand...."

"Then i will send you on your way to the after life in the most respectful way i know, Shizue." Ryo's body started to morph into something much bigger then a human.

"I will send you away in my true form. I will show you Shizue, what no being has yet to lay their eyes upon." Ryo's voice had morphed as well. It became so dark and scary that even low level gods might run away from it.

As the voice disappeared, so did Ryo's humanoid form. What had taken it's place was the biggest, most frightening creature anyone in this forest had probably ever seen. It was around 350 meters in length and a little over 20 meters in height. It's eyes as big as Ifrit himself.

Ryo stared down Ifrit, and his eyes screamed death and destruction. When he transformed he temporarily let go of all emotions and embraced his true dragon nature. He looked at Ifrit who at this moment was on the ground trying it's hardest to get up from it's kneeling position.

"You took away the second most interesting person i have found in this world. You killed someone i held respect for. IFRIT! STAY STILL AND FACE DEATH HEAD ON!!" Ryo opened his mouth wide, which considering his size was a terrifying think to witness. Ryo breathed in and then after a few seconds.


A massive roar accompanied by insane amounts of killing intent escaped his mouth and traveled to Ifrit at lighting speed. It was a simple roar from Ryo but it successfully destroyed thousands of meters of land.

(A/N: Imagine Saitama's punch during his and Genos "training" in that mountain area.)

Ryo closed his mouth soon after his roar ended and transformed back to his human form with a little trouble. He had to give some extra effort to suppress his dragon nature, that was going out of control.

He had used just enough power to make sure that Ifrit survived, so that predator could absorb it. He turned and looked around to notice the destruction he had caused with just a powerful roar.

*sigh* "Calm down Ryo. It is over! Calm down!" Ryo felt the anger and frustration still circling inside his body. He knew Shizue for no more then maybe thirty minutes, but even though their talks were brief, and fight even shorter. It really felt like he lost a friend, or maybe he reacted like this because he thought of Shizue as an equal. He truly didn't know what exactly agitated him about her death.

"System, absorb Ifrit. Let's send both of them on their way to the underworld." What Ryo didn't know was that Shizue had one last request that she forgot to ask him in the end. He would now never know about it. Now Shizue's legacy would lay hidden again. who knows if it will ever be fulfilled.


[Absorption starting!]

[Ifrit, Flame Giant, successfully absorbed.]

[Host acquired new abilities.]

[Hosts already existing abilities have evolved further.]

[Would host like to open the status screen]

"yes, i suppose it is time to take a look on how much I've changed." Ryo had regained his usual demeanor already. almost looking like he forgot Shizue's death just moments ago.




Let me just say!

Abilities and such might be different in my fanfic. I might give different skills to different people if i feel like it. I also don't remember Shizue's character that well. So i made her how i saw her in my head.

It has been more the a year since i read the novel so i am mostly going on memory, and some help from the wiki.

Try and be civil and ask about anything that you don't understand.

wipcrcreators' thoughts