
9. Assassin & spy (Duane)

The notorious assassin was lounging on top of the tree lazily. She was flipping her butterflies knife. She reminds me of that cat on their every lazy day. Mind you, I find them lazy for 365 days. Get it?

It's a well-known fact that spy and assassin faction doesn't mesh well. We're like dog and they are like cat. Not a good combination, which makes me question my master command of making us work together for one human female.

If she need to be killed, do he need to send one of his best assassin? She's just human. A snap on her neck will do the deed. And if she's in possession of important information,isn't it easier to scare the sh*t out of her and force the info out, rather than lurking in the shadow?

I heard some.. rumours and I'm beginning to dig it. When Latla jerk forward, she gave me a signal we both used our cloaking spell, which completely mask our presence from our surrounding.. the infamous arrogant and pain the butt, Freddo. Talk big, not that strong but he is fast. Really fast to run away, like a cockroach, which explain his survival until now.

But compare to human? He is abnormally fast. Not good. She'll die in no time. Just when I was about to make a move, a knife landed just few centimetre away from his neck.

"Master order was to watch over her. He specifically asked not to get involved with it unless her life is in danger"

"Isn't that a danger knocking her door?" I asked drily. Her eyebrow rose and she glance at the arrogant Freddo before looking back at me.

"No. I only see a walking and talking over-inflated ego spawn." That was what she said before leaning back on the tree, closing her eyes. Why does it seems she's way cooler than I am?

They were fighting and I was amazed that woman could stand up for herself. Most would run when faced with unknown. But her amber eyes was clear and bright, determination shines from both of her eyes.

It wasn't few minutes later, that I was trully dumbfounded. Two punches and they guy is dead? Wait, she have fire element power? Impossible!! The law of nature had already sealed all energy from here. No one should be able to practice magic anymore since this world had been depleted of its energy.

Some might call it Qi, some called it ki or prana. Its a life force energy that operates anything magical to form contract or to feed to contractee as a payment for it to do with your bidding. But long ago, to many wars had soiled the world here. Blood vengeance, hatred, and death that caused by the power, made the nature divide the world and pushed all the unnatural to the half-side while those powerless to the other half side. This realm needed to recuperate from the destruction and imbalance caused by it.

Thousand years had gone by. This place bear much richer and pure energy. Though the arts of all had lost and human nowadays couldn't do anything magical except for some eye tricks. Or was I wrong the entire time? She clearly knows nothing. She even tried to stop that fire by putting it inside the dirt.

I wanted to laugh badly. Now thats new. Her getting pissed off wont solve her problem at all. She stood there gazing at her hand that was still blanket with fire for couple of minutes before she ran inside her house, grab her car keys and drove.