
10. Seeking help

Most of the time, i am proud with my brain. But right now, its seems like I managed to fried my brain cells to crisp that I couldn't think straight at all.

I know. I'm being hard on myself. But it feels like I couldn't control my emotion well right now. Anger occupy my mind and I couldn't think calmly like usual. Which was weird. I am anything but emotional. I learned early on not to dwelled too much on emotion, since it will always bring out disastrous outcome.

Like my aunt Lina. She stabbed my uncle who had been cheating on her for six years. She's now behind the bar. Like little Jack, being rebellious.. he drove the car when he ran from home and had an accident. Now he's on wheel chair. Don't start with my cousin, Polina. She's gone coo-coo, and for unclear reason. My aunt Melly told me that she was hoping of something too much and it drove her to that state when she didn't get it.

So, no. I'm not adding my name into that List of misfortune of being too emotional. Then I remembered the old lady that offer to help if I need anything. I don't know if she's the real deal but I'm out of option.

God knows how hard it is to drive with my one hand occupied. Especially when the other hand is currently still on fire. It didnt hurt but it freak me out nevertheless. My current turbulence emotion also made me super worried. I feel like I'm on the brink of panicking.

And I never panic in my entire life.

'There's always a first time' console my consciousness. Not helping at all. I reach witches brew shop and knock the back door of it. Not wanting to attract attention and making ruckus in front of the shop. You don't want to get caught with your hands on fire. Before I even get to be a lab rat on some crazy scientist, I'll be barbecued on the stake, maybe. Who knows? They believe in superstition here but I'm not taking any risk.

My heart sank when I thought that maybe she live another place.. but, she was the earliest one to open her shop...

Then the door open up, the old lady look at me with furrowed brows.

"Oh its you."

"Hi, I'm shaskia.. I'm sorry to disturb you this late, but can you help me with this?" Taking my chances, I showed her my hand that's on fire.

One look at it,she ushered me quickly through her backdoor. She signalled me to sit and went about doing something. I heard her muttered something but I didn't quite get it. It was too low for me to hear. Five minutes later, she slowly sat in-front of me. Glancing at my hand she look at my face and shook her head.

It feels like i did something bad and had been called to the principal office. I was always a good student, low-key most of the time. So, This is how it feels huh?

I fidget and chew my lips.

"So can you help me?"

"Little girl, how much do you know about energy and its law?"

"zero" I said drily.

Another sigh from the old woman.

"Nothing can stop that except you. Or if someone kill you. So listen up, I'm going to tell you something so you understand how it works and can reign that power."

I nodded.

It was as if every words of hers was laced with power itself, It was as if I was in trance.

"There are five basic elements and from these birth factions more. Air, water, fire, earth and spirits. And another two secret elements which is light and darkness.that comes from the power to be and impossible to have. Five elements that exists requires our Energy force. Know that there are two types of force. Life force and energy force. Life force is what intertwined with your soul if you ran out of that, then you can say good bye to your life. Energy force is closely intertwined with your mental state and will. But that alone is not enough to summon the elements. You need to have a big storage of energy in you which only if you are born with it."

"You mean like supernatural beings?"

"Exactly. Elves, siren, shape-shifter- they are all natural borne unnatural beings. We called them unnatural since for us having magic is unnatural. But to be honest, they are more normal than human are since it was a normal thing to have magic a long, long time ago."

The old woman had this dazed, far away look on her.

"Human was the descendant of those who broken the law of nature.they were stripped off from their ability to use magic, borne without a special reservoir in them. Now, you have to know.the sizes of it important as much as the strength of your core."

"Core? What core?" I asked.

The old lady draw a raw sketch of human body. Circling around in the middle of it and writing 'soul'.

"Our body have core which is inside our soul. This core can produce energy non-stop but to utilised it without affecting your life span, you need to have a reservoir or storage. The storage act as a regulator for the energy to be processed and stored safely in you or used by you. Sure you can use it the moment it came out from the core of your soul, but it will be super taxing and cause a strain which in the end affect your life span. Every time you do that, you are getting near of dying. Like those story of psychics, telekinesis and so on, thats a raw energy used, using it too many time caused their cell in-the body undergoes fast-aging process and they die"

"For real?!" I was mind boggled by that fact and I didn't know where to start.

"But! There are also a case that, this one have small storage but covet to use bigger energy.. this energy that leaked out become a strain too and eventually,they also die earlier than they were supposed to."

"Energy are fuel by two things. Our mental or from the contract of nature. Those using mental energy are rare, so mostly they used contract of nature. You feed your energy to nature and the spirits of elements will come and let you borrow their power. You my dear, are capable to do both. And right now you are using mental energy. How long had been going like this?"

"Uhm about hour or two? I don't know.."

"Stronger mental ability and bigger storage, quite a catch. Do you feel irritated? Annoyed? Angry?"

"Oddly, yes. Even though I have nothing to be angry about"

"Mental are closely related to our emotion.when we let our emotion become the master of us, then this is what happen. You emotion will overflow,your power will be activated non-stop."

"But I swear I never had power before!"

"But you were always meant to have some" smiled the old woman softly. I didn't get it, not really but I choose to store that for the future reference.