
Road to Hero: Jaune Arc (HIATUS)

Jaune Arc dreams of the day when he will become a hunter... a hero... just like us he has dreams. But what will he do when the universe is cruel? Will, he silently accept...or he will fight?... “[... Is this how my dream ends?... am I going to spend the rest of my life just watching other people follow their dreams while I just go on with my life in silence?...]” … … … “ I refuse”. Author notes: Hi, guys!!! I wrote this story just for fun anyway... I don't know if I'll continue without the feedback... honestly I don't have high hopes, after all, it's my first story I'll write. I was mostly inspired by the fan-fic: Reborn as Saitama in MHA, of the author: Suploly; and for a while, I watched RWBY and liked Jaune's character and his development... Notices: RWBY doesn't belong to me One Punch Man doesn't belong to me either Just like any kind of anime, comics, or whatever. The fan-fic: Reborn as Saitama in MHA belongs to the author Suploly. I apologize for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language... actually I haven't practiced for over eight years... so I'm really sorry.

Ghost_84 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 11

Sorry for the delay

I had to watch the series again!

Enjoy the chapter!


- Timeskip: 4 years later.

Pov. Third-person.

In a forest at night, you can see a locomotive with its destination the capital of the kingdom of the Vale, where the famous school for hunters: Beacon was located.

Among the passengers was a young-looking boy, wearing simple armor over a black coat and jeans, that young man was Jaune Arc, and at the moment… He was nervous as fuck.

"Calm down Jaune, everything will be alright... Resorting to fake transcripts and hoping that the Beacon director himself doesn't notice is simple if the fakes are of the best quality... Right?..." whispered Jaune, hoping to convince To yourself.

Why was he saying that?... Well... It's been four years since the aspiring hero ran from two of the most competent hunters in the Valley, one of them being considered the #1 hunter, not that Jaune knows about that little detail.

Jaune's escape consisted of three stages:

1 – Make Qrow and Taiyang head towards Patch's harbor and distract them while Leone and Luke bring most of their stuff while the rest of the brothers position themselves at the agreed locations.

2 – When they reach the port they will do their best to make Jaune notice them, and Jaune's answer for when he notices them will be to throw Crocea Mors towards Qrow and Taiyang. This will be a signal for the faun brothers to protect their light-sensitive eyes and use the alley as protection, for when Jaune blows up the dust-filled capsule of light he bought in a village shop and hides right away.

3 – When the light dust capsule explode; Richard, wearing Jaune's clothes with the hood covering his face, who would be on the path that went from the port to the village, would start running towards the village as fast as possible. Because the hunters are faster, Thalia would help to hide Richard when he arrived at the village and warn his other brother Jaime, who would also be wearing Jaune's clothes, to start running, this process would be repeated for a few minutes until Richard would run towards the airstrip for Bullheads. While all this was going on, Jaune would pick up his things from Leone and Luke and board the next ship leaving the village.

Was it the perfect plan?... No. Was there any chance it wouldn't work?... Absolutely.

But for someone in Jaune's situation... It was all he could do... When everyone refused to give him a chance, he decided to create his opportunity.

And here he was, after four years working here and there, gathering as much Lien as possible for a single purpose... Paying the best forger in the Valley realm to forge his Beacon transcripts... Oddly enough, he had the nickname 'Junior'.

How did Jaune manage to get in touch with the criminal underworld?... Well... One of his old jobs was working as a bartender in a club in the capital of the kingdom of Vacuo... After working hard to control his strength not end up breaking anything.

A bartender might seem good at making drinks and cocktails... But they are also good 'listeners'... One night, Jaune ended up overhearing a conversation between two people who wanted to forge their identities... And so Jaune heard about Junior for the first time. The next night, Jaune met one of those two people from the night before at the bar again and asked how much Junior charges to fake a hunter ID... And so Jaune got Junior's contact number.

After Jaune called Junior and negotiated how much he would stay for the fake transcripts, Jaune should head towards the capital of the Vale Kingdom. As soon as he got his fake transcripts, he should send them directly to Beacon, as the application period had already started.

"…I still remember when Qrow commented that he falsified his transcripts…The Headmaster had noticed…But…Maybe I can? After all, there are dozens of new hunters every year... There's no way he's noticing... Right?... Argh, who do I want to kid... That's my worst idea..." said Jaune regretfully.

And so Jaune remained seated... until he got up abruptly and ran towards the bathroom.

- Timeskip: 5 minutes later.

"Ugh... Why do I have motion sickness..." said Jaune, after leaving the train toilet.

"Attention passengers, we are close to our destination, please return to your seats and wait for the locomotive to come to a complete stop, welcome to the kingdom of the Vale" the pilot's voice resounded through the train through the speakers.

"Ugh…Finally," Jaune said in relief.



When the train stopped at the station in the capital of the Vale kingdom, Jaune was one of the first passengers to get off.

He soon started asking for information about where 'Junior' worked, the club was called... Well... Junior's Club.

It wasn't very difficult to find him... What was difficult was to believe in the current state of the club... It was devastated.

"...What the hell happened here?..." asked Jaune confused, as he entered the club.

Then a voice yelled from inside the club, at the bar.

"Hey, boy!... Who are you and what do you want... Be quick, as you can see I'm pretty busy cleaning up this mess." said the voice.

Jaune turned and saw a man in a black vest over a white dress shirt, a red tie, black gloves, and black dress pants. He has gray eyes, short black hair, a beard, and a mustache to match.

"Ah... I'm Jaune, Jaune Arc... I'm looking for someone named Junior" replied Jaune.

"... Jaune Hmm... Yes, I remember you" said the man after reflecting.

"... Are you Junior??!" asked Jaune confused.

But what Jaune meant was simple.

[By the name 'Junior' I expected someone more... Young?] thought Jaune.

"Yes boy, now keep it down... We're doing business after all" said the man in a warning.

"Oh... Right, sorry..." replied Jaune embarrassed.

"Wait here," said the man, now identified as Junior.

Junior then headed into a room while Jaune waited at the bar. After a few minutes, he returned with a scroll and some papers.

"Here you go kid, your transcripts for Beacon... You have my word there's no visible discrepancy," Junior said, handing Jaune the papers.

Jaune then began reviewing the papers to be sure, after all a gang leader's word can be both honorable... and treacherous.

"Everything looks right…" said Jaune, who then took his scroll and transferred the combined amount of Lien to Junior's scroll.

"Nice doing business with you boy... Now get out, and remember... You were 'never' here boy..." Junior said narrowing his eyes at Jaune.

Jaune just nodded and quickly left the club.

As soon as Jaune left, he headed straight for a bookstore so he could take copies of the transcripts and send them to Beacon.




- Timeskip: three days.

Jaune Pov.

I've been in the capital of the Vale for three days... Right after I got my fake transcripts, I managed to make copies and send them to Beacon.

I then got a place to stay for a while. At the beginning of the third night, I went for a walk in the streets for a bit... And I got a reply from Beacon...

I was refused...

I knew fake transcripts don't always work... There was a good chance it wouldn't work... I spent Liens in vain.

I sat on a bench next to a dust shop.

And I started to rethink my decisions.

[...There's nothing else to do... The application period ended yesterday; and ironically... Today... My time is over...].

"…Happy birthday to me…" I sang… After all, today was my seventeenth birthday.


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