
Road to Hero: Jaune Arc (HIATUS)

Jaune Arc dreams of the day when he will become a hunter... a hero... just like us he has dreams. But what will he do when the universe is cruel? Will, he silently accept...or he will fight?... “[... Is this how my dream ends?... am I going to spend the rest of my life just watching other people follow their dreams while I just go on with my life in silence?...]” … … … “ I refuse”. Author notes: Hi, guys!!! I wrote this story just for fun anyway... I don't know if I'll continue without the feedback... honestly I don't have high hopes, after all, it's my first story I'll write. I was mostly inspired by the fan-fic: Reborn as Saitama in MHA, of the author: Suploly; and for a while, I watched RWBY and liked Jaune's character and his development... Notices: RWBY doesn't belong to me One Punch Man doesn't belong to me either Just like any kind of anime, comics, or whatever. The fan-fic: Reborn as Saitama in MHA belongs to the author Suploly. I apologize for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language... actually I haven't practiced for over eight years... so I'm really sorry.

Ghost_84 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 10

This will be the last chapter before Ep 1 of the RWBY series.

So enjoy the chapter!


Third-person POV.

For a few seconds, no one dared to move... until Jaune tried to open the door.

Qrow, who was closest to Jaune, soon moved forward to try and stop him by holding his arm, only to have Jaune react by grabbing his arm and throwing Qrow into the door, meanwhile Taiyang, who had shortened his distance as Jaune tried to open the door. , was met by a kick from Jaune, which pushed him into the wall at the end of the corridor.

As soon as Jaune threw Qrow at the door, the door gave way, Qrow was thrown out of the house rolling on the floor, until he drew Harbinger, in sword form, and stabbed the ground, which was able to stop Qrow.

Jaune soon left the house... But he didn't face Qrow, he ran towards the village.

Qrow, as soon as he noticed Jaune's escape, soon tried to follow Jaune on his run.

"You can't run forever boy! We're on a damn island!" yelled Qrow, running after Jaune.

But he soon realized that Jaune was distancing himself.

[... What the hell?!... He's faster!] thought Qrow.

Soon Qrow changed Harbinger into shotgun form and loaded it with stun ammunition, as soon as he loaded it he started firing.

Jaune, noticing that Qrow was firing, left the path that led to the island village, and into the forest.


Taiyang Pov

"Ugh…" I shuddered.

What the hell was that? Looks like I took a hit from an adult Beringel!

I started to get up.


I heard a voice... It was Yang coming down the stairs.

"What is happening?! Is it Grimm?!" asked Yang.

"…No…Stay at home, I'm going out for a moment" I said in a tone of finality.

"...Stay at home?... Are you going out?... Where are you going?" Yang asked, confused.

"…Let's say I'm going to pick up an aspiring runaway delinquent," I replied.

"Stay home and take care of your sister... I'll be back soon," I told Yang, before heading to the door.

I didn't even wait for her to answer, and started running, grabbed my scroll, and tried to call Qrow.


Third-person POV.

[The kid is faster... And with that strength he showed, throwing me from the house through the door... Shit, when this is over and I bring him back home, I'm going to demand a favor from Július... I'm not meant to be a babysitter!] mused Qrow as he ran.

Soon Qrow's scroll began to play.

Qrow took out his scroll and, when he saw it was Taiyang, he answered the call.

"{Where are you?!}" asked Taiyang.

"I'm off the village trail! When the boy saw that I had drawn Harbinger in the form of a shotgun he went towards the trees! I'm tracking him; we're heading towards the port! He's fast, so try to move your old ass and come help me!" replied Qrow.

"{Ok!... Old WHAT?!}" shouted Taiyang.

But Qrow didn't care and hung up.


Jaune Pov.

As I ran through the trees, I grabbed my scroll and called one of the quintuplets, who gave me the contact.

"{Jaune?... Is it time?}" said one of the sisters on the other line.

"Leone! Yes, it's the time! Tell your brothers and sister to be in their positions in 10 minutes! And ask Ricard to take his position on the path between the docks and the village! Remember the places I talked about!" I said quickly.

"{Right!... Are you still sure you want to do this?}" asked Leone one last time.

"... More than ever" I replied, and then I hung up and kept running without losing my pace.

I looked back to see that I had opened a great deal of distance between me and Qrow.

"I can't go too far…I have to keep Qrow on the trail of my tracks," I said in finality.


Third-person POV.


Jaune heard a growl in front of him and found himself face to face with a Ursa.

"I don't have time for this!" said Jaune, who then sped toward Ursa.

When the Ursa was on two legs, Jaune jumped up and punched Grimm in the head.

As soon as it hit Grimm, the Bear's head exploded.

Jaune didn't look at the damage and ran back toward the harbor as the rest of the Bear's body crumpled to the ground.


- Timeskip: 7 min / Location: Patch port.

Third-person POV.

On Patch Harbor docks a figure could be seen hiding in the shadows of the harbor, this figure wore a black colored hoodie and jeans, with a sword strapped to his back, the figure was Jaune hiding.

When Jaune noticed a boat that was about to leave, he ran towards it.

Until he was stopped by Qrow, who stopped him from falling further along the way.

"The game is over, kiddo," said Qrow.

Jaune didn't respond and started to back up his steps until he turned and faced Taiyang slowly walking towards him.

"You can come with us calmly or by force, Jaune... It's up to you," said Taiyang.

"…How about not," said Jaune, as he unsheathed Crocea Mors.

As soon as Jaune responded, Qrow leaped towards him with the Harbinger, Jaune raised Crocea Mors to block the attack, when blades met neither of them relented.

Jaune heard footsteps behind him, so he kneed Qrow's stomach and jumped to dodge Taiyang's punch, just as Taiyang walked past him, Jaune kicked him in the back.

This caused Taiyang to be pushed towards Qrow.

Jaune then threw Crocea Mors towards both hunters, who dodged to the side.

As soon as they both looked at Jaune, they saw that he was now throwing a small vial in their direction!

[That's... A dust capsule of light!] thought Taiyang as he looked at the white vial.

"Qrow!" Taiyang yelled.

"I got it!" said Qrow, rushing to Taiyang's side and lifting Harbinger in front of both faces to shield their eyes from what was to come.

Until they heard something...



And then something hit both of their stomachs, making them double over in pain and widening their eyes. As soon as they opened their eyes, they realized that the capsule was in front of them both.


Taiyang and Qrow heard the strange noise once more, but they didn't look for what made the noise, because the next thing that happened was that the light dust capsule exploded and blinded them with a strong white light.

"Argh!" shouted Qrow and Taiyang at the same time.

While Qrow and Taiyang were blind they only heard footsteps running away... A few seconds after the aura helped to heal their damaged vision, they opened their eyes and didn't see Jaune anymore; and then they went looking for him.

"There!" Taiyang shouted pointing to a path leading to the village.

As soon as they caught sight of a distant figure, covered in a black hood, running along the path, soon Qrow and Taiyang began running towards the figure.


Third-person POV. (- Location: Patch Port)

As soon as Qrow and Taiang left the harbor, three figures emerged from an alley.

Two of the figures shared some of the same features, it was a boy and girl faun with cat ears and blond hair and amber eyes; and the last figure was... Jaune.

"Do you think it worked?" asked the faun girl.

"Yes, everything went according to plan... But I have to hurry, I don't know if Ricard, Thalia, and Jaime can continue to buy a lot of time... Did you bring what I asked?" said Jaune as he walked towards Crocea Mors who was stabbed into a wall.

"Yep," said the faun girl, holding up a bag.

"I managed to do what you asked, you're lucky I know a little about programming, Jaune," said the faun boy with a smile as he held up a small chip.

"Luke, you are a genius!" said Jaune with a smile.

"Tell me something I don't know," said the faun boy, now named Luke.

"Don't be a too cocky little brother" said the faun girl.

"Don't call me little brother Leone… You're only older by two minutes," Luke said, as he handed Jaune the little chip.

"Um...So Luke, how mutch time do I have?" said Jaune, as he plugged the chip into his parchment.

"Well... Considering that I had to use all my resources... I'd say... 10 minutes a day, max," said Luke with finality after a moment's reflection.

"...Only 10 minutes?!" said Jaune in disbelief.

"Hey! The chip will already hide you from the Cross Continental Transmit System... You still wish I could hide your calls, I'm a genius, not a god... Be reasonable, I got it for you 10 minutes of cloaked call" said Luke, crossing his arms.

"Ah... Right, right... You're right... Thank you, and I'm sorry" said Jaune, thanking him embarrassed.

"Here," Leone said, handing over the bag. "We took everything we could from the places you said"

"Thank you" thanked Jaune.

Then the sound of a boat horn resounded in the harbor.

"Well... It's time, I... Thanks for everything guys" said Jaune with a small smile.

"No Jaune...Believe me, when you decided to help Jaime and Ricard buying our mother's birthday cake... You helped us more than you think, and I'm not referring to the money" said Leone with a smile.

"You better use at least 1 minute of your covert call to let us know if you're alright, Jaune... Or we'll go out to find our friend," Luke said with a smile.

"Hehe... I will see you next time... I promise to keep in touch!" said Jaune waving and starting to run towards the boat that was about to leave.

"You better do that!" said Leone, nodding.

And so the brother and sister watched Jaune jumps into the boat.

"...So...Are we still going to continue with the idea of ​​the five of us joining the White Fang?" Luke asked looking at the boat Jaune was on.

"... Nope... I changed my mind... I want to be a hunter... What about you?" said Leone.

"…You know…I think I've changed my mind too…I want to be a programmer…And I think Thalia, Jaime, and Ricard have also changed their minds…" Luke replied.

"Yeah... It's good to have a human who doesn't look at us differently, as a friend," Leone said with a smile.

"... Yes... Let's go, by this time those two hunters must have been surprised that 'Jaune' is 'teleporting' through the village and Ricard must have already started heading towards the Bullhead's airstrip" said Luke, walking towards the village.

"You're right... I hope Jaune will be all right..." said Leone, walking along with her brother Luke.

"…I'm pretty sure we'll see him again soon," Luke replied.

"... I think you're right... At least we can return the clothes he lent us to fool those two hunters" said Leone with a small smile.


That's it, folks... The next chapter will have 4 years of timeskip. The next story that will be updated:


That I'm going to start working on the chapter this afternoon, so I can update it as soon as possible.

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