
Road to a boundless god

My name is Akihito Kisaragi. I was always what people called the nonchalant type or introverted. My life was fine as a collage student,but I suddenly died in the dumbest way possible while I was walking to a corner store. I then meant a goddess and got sent to another world. Read the whole synopsis I might do a romance, but I don’t know. I’m mainly doing this to satisfy my imagination, so any useless annoying bullshiters can just not read. I also don’t want to know if you leave so don’t even comment “I’m dropping” or anything just go. This is also my first FF so I’m just finding my style, before anything serious. I absolutely hate harem with a passion so don’t expect it. I’m just coming up with stuff as I write and watch the anime. All you LN readers might find a lot of stuff that’s messed up, but...so what. This will have concepts from different anime, movies, and other verses. My schedule is going to be messed up a bit, but I’ll post most days of the week, but the weekend is my off days I don’t own anything and I just saw the cover image on Pinterest. If you like the story then...thank you I guess. I don’t really know how to respond to those “thanks for the chapter” responses so yeah. Anyway enjoy the story or don’t.

God_Of_Hate · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

Training with Miyamoto-Sensei

"Well let's get started." He said and picked himself up from the floor.

"First clean the house, then come to the backyard." He said as he left the house through a back door. I sat there for a while just looking off blankly.

With a sigh I got up to start cleaning. The house itself was good, but the smell wasn't. The things that needed to be done weren't even much since he didn't have a lot of stuff messed up.

I just had to do the dishes, clean up food, destroy the trash, clean clothes, make up the bed, and I used the air to get all the dust from the house.

In total to get everything done it took about an hour and some minutes. I wanted to get things done right, so I did all of this with accuracy and efficiency.

I left the house and went into the backyard we're I saw a cherry blossom tree. Under it sat Miyamoto-Sensei and he had both of his swords sitting in front of him. He sat under the tree as the leaves fell around him.

Miyamoto Musashi was famously known as the most feared samurai. One because of his combat ability, two because of his strength and the last was because of his sword style.

It was called Hyōhō Niten Ichi-ryū. It means Two heavens as one or Two swords as one. It was called that because Miyamoto duel wielded two full length katanas.

Most samurai didn't do this, because the swings lacked strength with one handed swings. Miyamoto of course was different and had tremendous strength.

Most of Japan thought that he was blessed by the gods with his strength. It was a pity that he died to a type of cancer at the age of sixty-one. I walked closer to him and sat on my knees waiting silently.

'He seems like a totally different person from before. All of these mood swings with people today made me sigh.

As I'm looking at my sensei I suddenly lean my head back. I saw a metallic glint pass my eyes and his sword was being sheathed. The only reason I was able to dodge was because of instinct.

"That move is what I like to call [Super Sonic Drawing]." He said and opened his eyes. The tree behind him was cut cleanly in half and dozens of cherry blossoms were split in two.

"How am I going to be trained to do that, when I can't use a real sword right now?" I asked.

"You won't be only using a sword, I'll be teaching you hand to hand combat as well. You also don't need a metal sword to do this. I'll make you a mana absorbing bokken to fit your body. It'll grow with you basically." He said.

'That type of wood sounds really expensive." I thought. Well he was a hero, so having money was a given or it's some ability.

"Of course you need to learn the basics of a sword, so everyday you'll be doing 100 swings. You'll take a break at noon then start again at night."

"Won't that mess up a good sleeping schedule?"

"No, you should be sleeping during your noon break. We'll make adjustments as we go, since I don't really know your limits." He said.

"Sit tight while I make your bokken." Sensei said as he left.

I let my body bask in the sunlight and I could feel how the radiation was stored in every cell of my body. I never described this, but it was such an intoxicating feeling.

It felt like little currents of electricity flowing through my body, filling every organ, cell, and atom of my being. I closed my eyes as I enjoyed this feeling, but I bet it wasn't this crazy only because of the solar radiation.

It was also because my mana was also being absorbed into my body. It was like I had a permanent double XP multiplayer on.





I could hear him clearly, but I still have a name. I sat there in silence as he tapped my shoulder and kept repeating kid.

"Akihito!!" He said aggressively.

"Yes?" I said calmly looking at him. Tossed me the bokken and I inspected it for a moment.

"Pour some mana into it." He said. I put a bit in and the wooden sword started glowing a white light.

Quickly I raised the sword above my head to block a bigger bokken.

"What happened to practice swings?" I asked. He slowly applied pressure on me and spoke with irritation in his voice.

"Let's add daily sparring as well." He said and kicked me in the stomach. I rolled back and stood up. We looked at each other for a moment before he got in an attacking stance.

Me not knowing any type of stance just copied his. I saw him stifle a laugh and we flashed towards each other.

"I advised you do this somewhere else." Came an old voice. Stopping in our tracks we both looked to the left and saw the old man.

"Why are you here?" Miyamoto-Sensei asked as he picked in his ear.

"I came back because I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kyotaki Hasumi. Nice to meet you.." He trailed off with a raised eyebrow.

"Right I didn't introduce myself either. My name is Kisaragi Akihito. Nice to meet you too, Hasumi-San." I said with a slight bow.

He smiled at me and then glared at Miyamoto-Sensei and clicked his tongue.

"Pack your shit and fight in the mountains." His voice was once again thuggish like he was some type of big boss. Their relationship actually baffled me.

"You old shit I told you to stay off my yard." Sensei said and stepped up to Hasumi-San. I just observed them as Kyotaki also stepped up and they had a stare down.

"Excuse me, but aren't we supposed to be training Miyamoto-Sensei?" I asked to break up the tension.

"Ah little Kisaragi, I forgot you were here. I'll get going now. Have fun you too." He said and walked off with a wave.

"Let's go, ki-Akihito." He said with his bokken on his shoulder. I followed behind him while taking small glances at him.

"If you have something to say, say it."

"What's the relationship between you and Kyotaki-San?" I asked curiously.

"Kid what the hell are you thinking?" He asked me scooting away a bit.

"Not like that dumbass." I said looking at him blankly.

"...I guess he's like that thing that you don't want to see, but can't stop looking at." He said with a sigh.

I looked at him weirdly. Why can't you stop looking at another man, unless

"Kid get your damn head out the fucking clouds!!!" He said aggressively. We went back to walking in the direction of the mountains while making small talk and messing with each other. It was a nice walk, but it liked the silence that was there sometimes.

I thought it would be awkward since it's THE Miyamoto Musashi. I say that he is and isn't how the stories depicted him.


<A while later>

(In an open plain)

Me and Sensei looked at each other from a distance. Instead of going to the mountains, we decided we'd just do it here.

"You ready?" He asked. I nodded and got into the same stance as before. Well if this can be called a proper stance. It was just the traditional Kendo stance, but I never like watching kendo in the first place.

"Alright. Go all out you hear me!!!" He said and got into the same stance. Breathing in I took a step forward and bolted towards him.

I wasn't going to go all out. I could in physical aspects, but I'm not using my abilities unless I have to. There won't be a point though if I relied on my powers to beat things.

This might also help develop me more as a Kryptonian, not to mention all the battle experience I could get.

His sword was coming down on me, so I blocked again. The ground around me cracked as I bent my knees so the energy of the hit would go to the ground.

I pushed the sword up and went for a strike to his sides, but he blocked and parried my attack then hit my elbow.

"Straighten your arms out." He said and tried to kick me in the stomach. I tilted my body to the right and let his leg pass me. While he was standing on one leg I swung my bokken to his torso only for it to be blocked.

I tilted my head to the right dodging a hit to the head from the handle of his bokken. I then jumped back to get us some distance. Once I landed on the ground I saw a sword swinging right at my neck.

Ducking, I sweeper his legs, so he was in a flipping position. I was about to swing at his head, but he used his free hand to flip back up and over my bokken.

Then he spinned and smashed his sword into my ribs. I was sent sliding to the left and I dug my feet into the ground to stop myself. By the time I got my balance back Musashi was already in front of me with his bokken at my neck.

Breathing out he lowered his weapon.

"You little freak, making me try and shit." He said scratching his head.

"Yet you still one." I said breathing out a sigh of relief. When his sword hit my ribs they fractured a bit, but they healed right after.

"I won because of experience, technique, and tactical attacks." He said as he put his sword on his shoulder.

'It seemed pretty one sided though.' I thought looking at him calmly.

"Now that I got a grasp on your physical abilities we can adjust your training. You'll be doing 1000 swings a day and you'll be on a meat diet. You definitely have strength, but you need actually experience and practice." He said.

He sounded like a real teacher, and he I could tell how much thought he put into this.

"Alright, I got everything planned out. For today we'll get you situated. Starting tomorrow you'll be on a one way ticket to hell and back so be ready." He said seriously, but had some excitement in his voice.

"As long as I can get back, I'm ready." I said with a small smile as we walked back to the town. It was sundown now, and I was actually hoping tomorrow would come fast.

If I can get stronger I want to do it as fast as possible, but with the bast results.